El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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7 [2 photos] LOS "RASQUACHIS" EL TEATRO CAMPESINO EXPLOTACION The father dies and only the strong faith that the mother has for her children, seems to hold the family together. The sons take different roles, as in life and different ways and ends of achievement. All this, with the opposition that they found. Some do not reach their goals, while others el diablo se los lleva. Las hijas tienen la misma suerte. Casadas y dejadas. The faith of the mother is represented by la Virgen de Guadalupe's appearance in the moments when the brothers are killing each other or when in a fight with the compadre. Cesar Chavez in also incorporated with the non violence of the movimiento. Where some of the sons are into the movimiento, some advocate some not so non-violent means to achieve the goals. All this has been narrated, as mentioned before, through songs and corridos de la Raza. The members singing them. The end? El final? El Acto termina en la forma de presentarse, with the coming of Quetzalcoatl- bringing harmony, as it was before his people were destroy by vice and the Espanoles. SI YO TE AGO DANO A TI YO ME AGO DANO A MI This simple words are the words spoken in Nahualt and the tambien son cantados. This is the story of our people and our relationship to ourselves with the universo. El acto could not have ended any other way for El Teatro Campesino does understand the relationship of the people. Somos uno : la mujer y el hombre. Si yo te ago dano a ti yo me ago dano a mi. el ciclo a llegado. [photo]
7 [2 photos] LOS "RASQUACHIS" EL TEATRO CAMPESINO EXPLOTACION The father dies and only the strong faith that the mother has for her children, seems to hold the family together. The sons take different roles, as in life and different ways and ends of achievement. All this, with the opposition that they found. Some do not reach their goals, while others el diablo se los lleva. Las hijas tienen la misma suerte. Casadas y dejadas. The faith of the mother is represented by la Virgen de Guadalupe's appearance in the moments when the brothers are killing each other or when in a fight with the compadre. Cesar Chavez in also incorporated with the non violence of the movimiento. Where some of the sons are into the movimiento, some advocate some not so non-violent means to achieve the goals. All this has been narrated, as mentioned before, through songs and corridos de la Raza. The members singing them. The end? El final? El Acto termina en la forma de presentarse, with the coming of Quetzalcoatl- bringing harmony, as it was before his people were destroy by vice and the Espanoles. SI YO TE AGO DANO A TI YO ME AGO DANO A MI This simple words are the words spoken in Nahualt and the tambien son cantados. This is the story of our people and our relationship to ourselves with the universo. El acto could not have ended any other way for El Teatro Campesino does understand the relationship of the people. Somos uno : la mujer y el hombre. Si yo te ago dano a ti yo me ago dano a mi. el ciclo a llegado. [photo]
Campus Culture