El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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4 UNITED FARM WORKERS AFL-CIO [emblem] VIVA LA REVOLUCION Dear Friends: As many of you know, the union has shifted the emphasis from the strikes in the table grapes and lettuce to the boycott in the cities. As a result, over 500 farm workers have come to work with us on the boycott. Last Wednesday, we welcomed the strikers to Chicago with a rally where over 1,000 people joined us. The next day, the farm workers led a 300 person picketline at a jewel store here in the city. Cesar and the union would like to send more strikers out to join the boycott. However, the union is broke. So, Cesar has asked me to help him on fund raising out in California. Marcos Munoz, a veteran boycotter from Delano, will be taking my place as Chicago and Illinois Boycott Coordinator. I know that you will feel free to work as closely with him as you have with me. our immediate needs are for money and food. Our priority continues to be on the Jewel and Eisner stores. Don Perkins and other members of the Jewel Companies' management stubbornly refuse to change their strikebreaking policies in spite of a loss of over $100,000.00 in the last two months. We base this figure on 25,000 people turned away at an estimate of $4.00 a person. I will miss Chicago and the Midwest very much. however, I am looking forward to my new work and our victory. [emblem to left and right] Si Se Puede Chester UNITED FARMWORKERS STUDENT SUPPORT COMMITTEE The United Farmworkers Support Committee has reorganized here in Iowa City this year. our two very efficient coordinators of last year have left us, Antonio Zavala (Coke") and Helen Duffy. To them we say Buenas Piscas. We of the UFW Committee believe very strongly in our Raza. We see Chicanos in the fields as well as in the cities being exploited by the gringo system and even though our people in the cities make up for most of us (95%) we can't forget our brothers in the fields. We are one. The Campesino has formed a Union under the leadership of Cesar Chavez and want to be recognized as human beings with human rights but they have had to fight great odds like the asesinos Teamsters, el racismo, los malditos growers and the Nixon's administration. With the help our Raza will triumph. As we've stated before we recognized our people's struggle against the situation of being oppressed. We also ask you not to buy FARAH Clothing Products, support the 3,000 Chicanos in a fight for their survival. Whomever that is not conscious of the oppression that we Chicanos live in, iether lives in some far out planet or is a conscious supporter of the criminal state we live in..which side are you ON???? ********* EL DIA DE LA RAZA OCTUBRE 12, de 12:30 - 1:30 pm AT THE PENTACREST The Anglos call it columbus day, the day our ancestors were "discovered". However, so happens that our people had been in the Continente for centuries. This rally will be sponsored by the UFWSC in order to raise funds and get the Anglo conscious of History. We will also be having a dance and a couple of dinners which will also be to raise funds. We will also work in taking our scab lettuce and grapes from the U. Cafeterias. DONT EAT GRAPES AND LETTUCE VIVA LA HUELGA
4 UNITED FARM WORKERS AFL-CIO [emblem] VIVA LA REVOLUCION Dear Friends: As many of you know, the union has shifted the emphasis from the strikes in the table grapes and lettuce to the boycott in the cities. As a result, over 500 farm workers have come to work with us on the boycott. Last Wednesday, we welcomed the strikers to Chicago with a rally where over 1,000 people joined us. The next day, the farm workers led a 300 person picketline at a jewel store here in the city. Cesar and the union would like to send more strikers out to join the boycott. However, the union is broke. So, Cesar has asked me to help him on fund raising out in California. Marcos Munoz, a veteran boycotter from Delano, will be taking my place as Chicago and Illinois Boycott Coordinator. I know that you will feel free to work as closely with him as you have with me. our immediate needs are for money and food. Our priority continues to be on the Jewel and Eisner stores. Don Perkins and other members of the Jewel Companies' management stubbornly refuse to change their strikebreaking policies in spite of a loss of over $100,000.00 in the last two months. We base this figure on 25,000 people turned away at an estimate of $4.00 a person. I will miss Chicago and the Midwest very much. however, I am looking forward to my new work and our victory. [emblem to left and right] Si Se Puede Chester UNITED FARMWORKERS STUDENT SUPPORT COMMITTEE The United Farmworkers Support Committee has reorganized here in Iowa City this year. our two very efficient coordinators of last year have left us, Antonio Zavala (Coke") and Helen Duffy. To them we say Buenas Piscas. We of the UFW Committee believe very strongly in our Raza. We see Chicanos in the fields as well as in the cities being exploited by the gringo system and even though our people in the cities make up for most of us (95%) we can't forget our brothers in the fields. We are one. The Campesino has formed a Union under the leadership of Cesar Chavez and want to be recognized as human beings with human rights but they have had to fight great odds like the asesinos Teamsters, el racismo, los malditos growers and the Nixon's administration. With the help our Raza will triumph. As we've stated before we recognized our people's struggle against the situation of being oppressed. We also ask you not to buy FARAH Clothing Products, support the 3,000 Chicanos in a fight for their survival. Whomever that is not conscious of the oppression that we Chicanos live in, iether lives in some far out planet or is a conscious supporter of the criminal state we live in..which side are you ON???? ********* EL DIA DE LA RAZA OCTUBRE 12, de 12:30 - 1:30 pm AT THE PENTACREST The Anglos call it columbus day, the day our ancestors were "discovered". However, so happens that our people had been in the Continente for centuries. This rally will be sponsored by the UFWSC in order to raise funds and get the Anglo conscious of History. We will also be having a dance and a couple of dinners which will also be to raise funds. We will also work in taking our scab lettuce and grapes from the U. Cafeterias. DONT EAT GRAPES AND LETTUCE VIVA LA HUELGA
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