El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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7 de iMpoRTANCiA pARA LA COMUNidAd [emblem] After criticizing M.E.Ch.A., I hope some people will accept that criticism, but most of all I feel it is only fair to offer some suggestions on how to improve or redirect the organization. I think that we as students should consider education as our first priority. If we look at the present educational systems I think we can conclude that nothing much has changed since 1968, and if anything, conditions are now worse. I think that if we are to carry on an effective struggle against the racist educational systems, or expect to carry on revolutionary change it must be done through education. One facility available to us is the Chicano Studies Center. The ME.Ch.A. leaderchip should be responsible for creating or making use of facilities to create a cultural and political awareness among Chicanos. M.E.Ch.A. should also concern itself with "producing leaders" from the Jr. and Sr. high schools. This could be done by creating touring programs or arranging for speaking engagements which would hopefully create an interest in school. All in all, everything would revolve around education because whatever direction M.E.Ch.A. (Chicanos) takes, education would play a vital role. [photo] Teatro Campesino-- EL DIABLO= LA ENJENACION =EL SISTEMA OPRESOR [photo] "CONCIENTE" Vato Loco
7 de iMpoRTANCiA pARA LA COMUNidAd [emblem] After criticizing M.E.Ch.A., I hope some people will accept that criticism, but most of all I feel it is only fair to offer some suggestions on how to improve or redirect the organization. I think that we as students should consider education as our first priority. If we look at the present educational systems I think we can conclude that nothing much has changed since 1968, and if anything, conditions are now worse. I think that if we are to carry on an effective struggle against the racist educational systems, or expect to carry on revolutionary change it must be done through education. One facility available to us is the Chicano Studies Center. The ME.Ch.A. leaderchip should be responsible for creating or making use of facilities to create a cultural and political awareness among Chicanos. M.E.Ch.A. should also concern itself with "producing leaders" from the Jr. and Sr. high schools. This could be done by creating touring programs or arranging for speaking engagements which would hopefully create an interest in school. All in all, everything would revolve around education because whatever direction M.E.Ch.A. (Chicanos) takes, education would play a vital role. [photo] Teatro Campesino-- EL DIABLO= LA ENJENACION =EL SISTEMA OPRESOR [photo] "CONCIENTE" Vato Loco
Campus Culture