El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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4 MITO....CHICAGO AND INDIANA... continue Teatros Chicanos such as Trucha are developing themes that are creative and yet contain all the elements of a progressive and sensitive|Teatro so that the people can perceive themselves as trabajadores and people that can do things that can change their lives. Primarely, that the the Teatros today are in the stage that must proceed to the next stage and create the necessary forms of expression to allow for a more and greater humanistic view of La Raza. We, here in Iowa, can only say that it was a shame that we could not have attended the event for there many things that we could have learned from this historic event. We hope that in the future we can attend a similar and significant event. El Teatro Chicano es el espejo del pueblo. Nosotros debemos de persistir y de no dejar de conocer los metodos de expresar nuestros pensamientos y formas de luchar contra el salvajismo de la opresion yanqui aqui en los barrios y en todo Latinoamerica. La union es la fuerza. rz. *** *** *** **** UNITED FARM WORKERS SUPPORT COMMITTEE. The UFWSC here at the University of Iowa has began a new stage of strategy, namely that they are organizing a picket line against local bars that refuse to take the Gallo and other brands of wines that are currently being boycotted by the United Farm Workers Union. The committee has decided to focus their attention Joe's Place bar since this bar was the most hostile and anti Campesino. All the students and other people are being asked to boycott this place since the owner has such a bad attitude toward farms workers and working class people. BOYCOTT JOE'S PLACE... Si Se Puede.... TEACHER CORPS........ The local Teacher Corps is almost ready to start their business of educating Chicanos to be Bilingual teachers. Some Chicano Students were enterview recently as potential students for this project. We are glad that the Chicano students are getting involved in this task: Educating Chicano Children. This is one of the major areas of concern that needs all the energies of all conscious Chicanos if we are to ensure that the future is made for the better and not to repeat the mistake of letting Anglos educate our children in which often or most of the time result in the detrement to the little Chicanito. The young Chicano suffers from miseducation and a total dispersonalization as far as his background and cultural patterns are concerned. This ends up with a erroneous picture of his person of his people. However, we believe that Teacher Corps still has some major weakenesses such as who are going to be the team leaders and what is their background as it relates to the Chicano interns. Also,that the philosophy of some of the administrators as to how they approach Chicano education is not very clear to us since their background has been only with mental deficient children or what is called Special Education. We would like to state that this approach will not be compatible with Chicano education since Chicanitos suffer not from mental deficiencies but from miseducation from the Anglo teachers and some times from educators that do not know what is that they are doing since they do not know the cultural and behavioral values of the little Chicano, much less of their community. To the educator, all he wants to do is make the young Chicano a Anglo since he sees nothing or knows nothing that could tell him otherwise. This approach is erroneous to say the least. This could and is lack of sensitivity from the administrators. This weakness must be corrected by supplementing the education of the team leaders as to the value of the Chicano and how his culture and heritage make him a person that requires a Chicano approach to a Chicano education. We hope that Teacher Corps can come up with people, Chicanos from other parts of the country, that can teach Chicano methods of education to the team leaders and administrators. Pongan atencion que es muy importante.
4 MITO....CHICAGO AND INDIANA... continue Teatros Chicanos such as Trucha are developing themes that are creative and yet contain all the elements of a progressive and sensitive|Teatro so that the people can perceive themselves as trabajadores and people that can do things that can change their lives. Primarely, that the the Teatros today are in the stage that must proceed to the next stage and create the necessary forms of expression to allow for a more and greater humanistic view of La Raza. We, here in Iowa, can only say that it was a shame that we could not have attended the event for there many things that we could have learned from this historic event. We hope that in the future we can attend a similar and significant event. El Teatro Chicano es el espejo del pueblo. Nosotros debemos de persistir y de no dejar de conocer los metodos de expresar nuestros pensamientos y formas de luchar contra el salvajismo de la opresion yanqui aqui en los barrios y en todo Latinoamerica. La union es la fuerza. rz. *** *** *** **** UNITED FARM WORKERS SUPPORT COMMITTEE. The UFWSC here at the University of Iowa has began a new stage of strategy, namely that they are organizing a picket line against local bars that refuse to take the Gallo and other brands of wines that are currently being boycotted by the United Farm Workers Union. The committee has decided to focus their attention Joe's Place bar since this bar was the most hostile and anti Campesino. All the students and other people are being asked to boycott this place since the owner has such a bad attitude toward farms workers and working class people. BOYCOTT JOE'S PLACE... Si Se Puede.... TEACHER CORPS........ The local Teacher Corps is almost ready to start their business of educating Chicanos to be Bilingual teachers. Some Chicano Students were enterview recently as potential students for this project. We are glad that the Chicano students are getting involved in this task: Educating Chicano Children. This is one of the major areas of concern that needs all the energies of all conscious Chicanos if we are to ensure that the future is made for the better and not to repeat the mistake of letting Anglos educate our children in which often or most of the time result in the detrement to the little Chicanito. The young Chicano suffers from miseducation and a total dispersonalization as far as his background and cultural patterns are concerned. This ends up with a erroneous picture of his person of his people. However, we believe that Teacher Corps still has some major weakenesses such as who are going to be the team leaders and what is their background as it relates to the Chicano interns. Also,that the philosophy of some of the administrators as to how they approach Chicano education is not very clear to us since their background has been only with mental deficient children or what is called Special Education. We would like to state that this approach will not be compatible with Chicano education since Chicanitos suffer not from mental deficiencies but from miseducation from the Anglo teachers and some times from educators that do not know what is that they are doing since they do not know the cultural and behavioral values of the little Chicano, much less of their community. To the educator, all he wants to do is make the young Chicano a Anglo since he sees nothing or knows nothing that could tell him otherwise. This approach is erroneous to say the least. This could and is lack of sensitivity from the administrators. This weakness must be corrected by supplementing the education of the team leaders as to the value of the Chicano and how his culture and heritage make him a person that requires a Chicano approach to a Chicano education. We hope that Teacher Corps can come up with people, Chicanos from other parts of the country, that can teach Chicano methods of education to the team leaders and administrators. Pongan atencion que es muy importante.
Campus Culture