El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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WOUNDED KNEE '75 [emblem] the trial "We will blow out the candles of the bi-centennial if the unjust prosecutions continue at Lincoln, Sioux Falls, and Cedar Rapids." -Clyde Bellecourt National AIM Director Like the U.S. role in the Vietnam war, which continued despite five changes in the presidency, so the government prosecution of the Wounded Knee defendants continues despite changes in the office of attorney general. A lot of U.S. attorney generals have flowed under the bridge in two years since Wounded knee took place; six to be exact: Mitchell, Kleindeinst, Richardson, Borke, Saxbe and Levi. And two of them have been convicted on criminal charges arising out of the Watergate scandal. Yet despite these changes, the prosecution of the Wounded Knee and associated defendants is continuing as intensely as ever in Council Bluffs, in Sioux Falls,. in Custer and in Cedar Rapids where Leonard Crowdog, Stan Holder, and Carter Camp have been brought to trial. The very intensity of these prosecutions stands in stark contrast not only to the superficial treatment given Mitchell and Kleindeinst af-they were convicted but more importantly to the failure of the government to take steps to rectify the conditions that led up to Wounded Knee, the wholesale violation of the treaty rights of the Sioux people under the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, a treaty which guaranteed their soverign independence, The failure of the U.S. government to live up to the treaty has resulted in the massiveexploitation of Indial land by white ranchers in South Dakota. It also forced the Lakota people to become economically dependent on the United States, making possible the introduction of an alien form of government. The violence perpetrated by the U.S.-imposed tribal government was, in part, a cause of Wounded Knee. Tribal president Dick Wilson still remains in power, presiding over a corrupt and exploitative bureaucracy that has murdered those who resist its policies. Wilson was recently indicted for assaulting six Wounded Knee legal workers but he still remains in power. Attorney General Levi has assigned increasing numbers of federal agents to police the reservation that Wilson rules yet Wilson's "goons" are still assaluting the people. White ranchers still exploit the land. The governmant has lost 120 of its cases so far, yet its prosecutions continue. The dismissal of charges against Dennis Banks and Russell Means on the grounds of government misconduct has been upheld, yet Indian people are being forced to costly and time consuming defenses in cases where the exact same acts of government misconduct pertain as they did in the Means-Banks case. The defendants in the case tried in Cedar Rapids have been designated as leaders in the take-over. They have been charged and convicted of interfering with "postal inspectors" and armed robbery of U.S. government property (several pistols) from these "inspectors".
WOUNDED KNEE '75 [emblem] the trial "We will blow out the candles of the bi-centennial if the unjust prosecutions continue at Lincoln, Sioux Falls, and Cedar Rapids." -Clyde Bellecourt National AIM Director Like the U.S. role in the Vietnam war, which continued despite five changes in the presidency, so the government prosecution of the Wounded Knee defendants continues despite changes in the office of attorney general. A lot of U.S. attorney generals have flowed under the bridge in two years since Wounded knee took place; six to be exact: Mitchell, Kleindeinst, Richardson, Borke, Saxbe and Levi. And two of them have been convicted on criminal charges arising out of the Watergate scandal. Yet despite these changes, the prosecution of the Wounded Knee and associated defendants is continuing as intensely as ever in Council Bluffs, in Sioux Falls,. in Custer and in Cedar Rapids where Leonard Crowdog, Stan Holder, and Carter Camp have been brought to trial. The very intensity of these prosecutions stands in stark contrast not only to the superficial treatment given Mitchell and Kleindeinst af-they were convicted but more importantly to the failure of the government to take steps to rectify the conditions that led up to Wounded Knee, the wholesale violation of the treaty rights of the Sioux people under the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, a treaty which guaranteed their soverign independence, The failure of the U.S. government to live up to the treaty has resulted in the massiveexploitation of Indial land by white ranchers in South Dakota. It also forced the Lakota people to become economically dependent on the United States, making possible the introduction of an alien form of government. The violence perpetrated by the U.S.-imposed tribal government was, in part, a cause of Wounded Knee. Tribal president Dick Wilson still remains in power, presiding over a corrupt and exploitative bureaucracy that has murdered those who resist its policies. Wilson was recently indicted for assaulting six Wounded Knee legal workers but he still remains in power. Attorney General Levi has assigned increasing numbers of federal agents to police the reservation that Wilson rules yet Wilson's "goons" are still assaluting the people. White ranchers still exploit the land. The governmant has lost 120 of its cases so far, yet its prosecutions continue. The dismissal of charges against Dennis Banks and Russell Means on the grounds of government misconduct has been upheld, yet Indian people are being forced to costly and time consuming defenses in cases where the exact same acts of government misconduct pertain as they did in the Means-Banks case. The defendants in the case tried in Cedar Rapids have been designated as leaders in the take-over. They have been charged and convicted of interfering with "postal inspectors" and armed robbery of U.S. government property (several pistols) from these "inspectors".
Campus Culture