El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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Dear Students: A few words to thank you for the support you offered during my brief tenure as Assistant Director for Chicano and Indian Affairs. Without your help it is doubtful we would have reached any of our goals. Together we reignited a sagging recruitment program, reaffirmed our existence and needs on campus, increased student participation in our activities, and produced cultural programs which can best be described as professional.. We have built a spirit of unity which must continue to grow with each year. The cooperative atmosphere you have created over the past ye3ar will be a great asset to the new Assistant Director, Ray Leal. He is bringing many ideas with him and will need your help if they are to become realities. As many of you know, I will be returning to full-time graduate work. I will be devoting most of my energies to that effort but will not completely fade away. I will continue to work with Special Support Services as a Research Assistant and will retain an active membership with the CIASU. Again, Thank you. I wish each of you success in your academic Endeavors [handwriting] Rusty [2 photos] Above: la casa famosa at 308 Melrose Ave., I.C. at right: This mural of Xiuhtecutli or Ixcoazanqui, god of fire, is one of three completed in the house over the summer months. Gracias a Nufe y Sylvia por su contribuciones de la arta bella 5
Dear Students: A few words to thank you for the support you offered during my brief tenure as Assistant Director for Chicano and Indian Affairs. Without your help it is doubtful we would have reached any of our goals. Together we reignited a sagging recruitment program, reaffirmed our existence and needs on campus, increased student participation in our activities, and produced cultural programs which can best be described as professional.. We have built a spirit of unity which must continue to grow with each year. The cooperative atmosphere you have created over the past ye3ar will be a great asset to the new Assistant Director, Ray Leal. He is bringing many ideas with him and will need your help if they are to become realities. As many of you know, I will be returning to full-time graduate work. I will be devoting most of my energies to that effort but will not completely fade away. I will continue to work with Special Support Services as a Research Assistant and will retain an active membership with the CIASU. Again, Thank you. I wish each of you success in your academic Endeavors [handwriting] Rusty [2 photos] Above: la casa famosa at 308 Melrose Ave., I.C. at right: This mural of Xiuhtecutli or Ixcoazanqui, god of fire, is one of three completed in the house over the summer months. Gracias a Nufe y Sylvia por su contribuciones de la arta bella 5
Social Justice