El Laberinto, 1971-1987
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PRIMERO A LO PRIMERO There is a list of schools that Eddie Ildefonso, Coordinator of the Spanish Speaking Peoples office, has visited in his recruitment efforts. Anyone who wishes to review these may ask one of the staff persons at the cultural center for this information. Anyone interested in attending the Second Annual Midwest Latinos and Higher Education Conference at Norther Illinois U. on February 22&23, 1980 should contact the center. We will attempt to make travel arrangements for as many as possible. Mary Martinez is seeking "on call" Spanish interpreters for the UI Hospital and Clinics. Applications can be picked up at the center or by contacting Linda Liedtke at 356-2207. The Second Annual High School Visitation Program is under way. Anyone interested in helping to encourage Chicano, Indiana and Latino high school students to further their education by attending the UI should contact Celiuna Espinoza or the center. PARA TODOS..... FOR EVERYONE The student union will hold a meeting on February 11, at 7:30 PM. Nominations for new officers will be taken at this time and the agenda for the second semester will be discussed. Everyone is encouraged to attend since the student union represents the interests of all Chicano, Indian, and Latino students on campus. Los Bailadores Zapatista or "chanclas animadas" are recruiting nre members to participate in the dance troupe this year. Los Bailadores have represented the UI in various festivals throughout the U.S. of A., and Mexico. Anyone interested should call Celina Espinoza at the cultural center. "CAFE CHICANO" Will continue to present university faculty and staff, community leaders, organizers, interesting people, to hold informal discussions on issues that effect us and the world around us. The Chicano-Indian American Cultural Center along with Latin American Studies Program plan to sponsor as many films as possible this semester. These will be announced at a later date. For more information call Nick Hill at 353-5949 or David Mercan at 353-4753 JUST TO MAKE THIS PAGE LOOK GOOD ....although its old news The renown Chicano poet, Alurista, from Califaztlan, visited the UI last April and gave a poetry reading. For those os us who got the chance to talk with him and listen to his thoughts on Literature, politics, and life, it was a rare and beautiful experience. Now owuld be a good time to invite him back, no? Orale! TAMBIEN Our long lost librarian, Ms. Elsa Giron Navo - a UI graduate and now paralegal for MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) - returned to Iowa last April and gave a speech on Chicana Rights. (Tapes of the aforementioned poetry reading and speech are available at the CIACC for your listening pleasure) The Cultural Center is seeking work study students to fill staff positions now available. These positions will give students an opportunity to work towards greater Chicano and Indian representation here on Campus. Positions now open include: Assistant Manager, Newsletter Editor, Activities Coordinator, and Historian. For more information contact David Merchan at 353-4753 or stop by the CIACCD at 308 Melrose Avenue. 9
PRIMERO A LO PRIMERO There is a list of schools that Eddie Ildefonso, Coordinator of the Spanish Speaking Peoples office, has visited in his recruitment efforts. Anyone who wishes to review these may ask one of the staff persons at the cultural center for this information. Anyone interested in attending the Second Annual Midwest Latinos and Higher Education Conference at Norther Illinois U. on February 22&23, 1980 should contact the center. We will attempt to make travel arrangements for as many as possible. Mary Martinez is seeking "on call" Spanish interpreters for the UI Hospital and Clinics. Applications can be picked up at the center or by contacting Linda Liedtke at 356-2207. The Second Annual High School Visitation Program is under way. Anyone interested in helping to encourage Chicano, Indiana and Latino high school students to further their education by attending the UI should contact Celiuna Espinoza or the center. PARA TODOS..... FOR EVERYONE The student union will hold a meeting on February 11, at 7:30 PM. Nominations for new officers will be taken at this time and the agenda for the second semester will be discussed. Everyone is encouraged to attend since the student union represents the interests of all Chicano, Indian, and Latino students on campus. Los Bailadores Zapatista or "chanclas animadas" are recruiting nre members to participate in the dance troupe this year. Los Bailadores have represented the UI in various festivals throughout the U.S. of A., and Mexico. Anyone interested should call Celina Espinoza at the cultural center. "CAFE CHICANO" Will continue to present university faculty and staff, community leaders, organizers, interesting people, to hold informal discussions on issues that effect us and the world around us. The Chicano-Indian American Cultural Center along with Latin American Studies Program plan to sponsor as many films as possible this semester. These will be announced at a later date. For more information call Nick Hill at 353-5949 or David Mercan at 353-4753 JUST TO MAKE THIS PAGE LOOK GOOD ....although its old news The renown Chicano poet, Alurista, from Califaztlan, visited the UI last April and gave a poetry reading. For those os us who got the chance to talk with him and listen to his thoughts on Literature, politics, and life, it was a rare and beautiful experience. Now owuld be a good time to invite him back, no? Orale! TAMBIEN Our long lost librarian, Ms. Elsa Giron Navo - a UI graduate and now paralegal for MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) - returned to Iowa last April and gave a speech on Chicana Rights. (Tapes of the aforementioned poetry reading and speech are available at the CIACC for your listening pleasure) The Cultural Center is seeking work study students to fill staff positions now available. These positions will give students an opportunity to work towards greater Chicano and Indian representation here on Campus. Positions now open include: Assistant Manager, Newsletter Editor, Activities Coordinator, and Historian. For more information contact David Merchan at 353-4753 or stop by the CIACCD at 308 Melrose Avenue. 9
Campus Culture