The Alchemist, v.1, issue 3, Summer 1940
Page 60
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Page 60 ----- THE ALCHEMIST ----- Stf* Gets In Your Eyes by [4e?] They askt me "Do you think We are on the brink Of Stf's Golden Age?" I, the wise old sage, I said "Be your age! "U noe aswel as I Stf has hit a hi. Recently, me deems Ansrd are our dreams --Gosh, wow, my-o-my!" But they douted & they even shouted That they were sure I'se nuts. So I told 'em --Without Ifs or Buts. BUT--will the craze soon pass? Gold turn into brass? "All that glitters" Now gives me jitters --& how! SPOSING STF SHOUD CRASH! *Pronounced "stef"
Page 60 ----- THE ALCHEMIST ----- Stf* Gets In Your Eyes by [4e?] They askt me "Do you think We are on the brink Of Stf's Golden Age?" I, the wise old sage, I said "Be your age! "U noe aswel as I Stf has hit a hi. Recently, me deems Ansrd are our dreams --Gosh, wow, my-o-my!" But they douted & they even shouted That they were sure I'se nuts. So I told 'em --Without Ifs or Buts. BUT--will the craze soon pass? Gold turn into brass? "All that glitters" Now gives me jitters --& how! SPOSING STF SHOUD CRASH! *Pronounced "stef"
Hevelin Fanzines