Sun Spots, v. 2, issue 2, May 24, 1940
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SUN SPOTS ____________________________ Vol.2 N o.2 May 24,1940 Price 2c. ____________________________ **************************************** WAR WEAPONS! ____ _________ ................................................ "NERVE GAS" CREDITED WITH CAPTURE OF BELGIAN FORT!! ********************************** Neutral military experts claim to know the mystery of the fall of Fort Eben Emael, in the Albert Canal line of fortifications, in Belgium, by superior NAZI forces, two weeks ago. These experts claim that Acetyl Choline, a gas which attacks the nerve centers of the human body, was used to subdue the garrison of this seemingly impregnable fort. The American Chemical Society of Rochester N.Y. claimed two years ago that such a gas existed, but that it had to enter through a break in the skin. It is quite possible, however, that the Germans may have developed a modified form which does not necessitate he break in the skin to have its effects. The gas works in the following manner: The victim inhales the gas, which, by the way smells like geraniums, and in a short time loses control over his muscles. He then staggers and falls, only to wake up a short time later with nothing worse than a hangover. The gas has no injurious effects other than these, and is definitely, NOT POISONOUS. If such a gas has been developed, it will, of course, revolutionize modern warfare, that is, if the gas can be developed to operate in an open expanse of terrain. A gas similar to this was used by none other than H. G. WELLS in his story, “THINGS TO COME”. In this however, it was called the “gas of peace”, and it left the victims with nothing but a pacifist attitude! And so once again Stf. has seemingly come true!!. *****************************************NEW DEADLY EXPLOSIVE INVENTED BY LESTER BARLOWE. ***************************** A new liquid oxygen explosive has been invented by one Lester Barlowe, and recently underwent Tests for the U.S. Army. He is offering this explosive to the Army if they will take it. (Continued on page 3.
SUN SPOTS ____________________________ Vol.2 N o.2 May 24,1940 Price 2c. ____________________________ **************************************** WAR WEAPONS! ____ _________ ................................................ "NERVE GAS" CREDITED WITH CAPTURE OF BELGIAN FORT!! ********************************** Neutral military experts claim to know the mystery of the fall of Fort Eben Emael, in the Albert Canal line of fortifications, in Belgium, by superior NAZI forces, two weeks ago. These experts claim that Acetyl Choline, a gas which attacks the nerve centers of the human body, was used to subdue the garrison of this seemingly impregnable fort. The American Chemical Society of Rochester N.Y. claimed two years ago that such a gas existed, but that it had to enter through a break in the skin. It is quite possible, however, that the Germans may have developed a modified form which does not necessitate he break in the skin to have its effects. The gas works in the following manner: The victim inhales the gas, which, by the way smells like geraniums, and in a short time loses control over his muscles. He then staggers and falls, only to wake up a short time later with nothing worse than a hangover. The gas has no injurious effects other than these, and is definitely, NOT POISONOUS. If such a gas has been developed, it will, of course, revolutionize modern warfare, that is, if the gas can be developed to operate in an open expanse of terrain. A gas similar to this was used by none other than H. G. WELLS in his story, “THINGS TO COME”. In this however, it was called the “gas of peace”, and it left the victims with nothing but a pacifist attitude! And so once again Stf. has seemingly come true!!. *****************************************NEW DEADLY EXPLOSIVE INVENTED BY LESTER BARLOWE. ***************************** A new liquid oxygen explosive has been invented by one Lester Barlowe, and recently underwent Tests for the U.S. Army. He is offering this explosive to the Army if they will take it. (Continued on page 3.
Hevelin Fanzines