Sun Spots, v. 2, issue 2, May 24, 1940
Page 2
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_____________________________ May 24 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 3 _____________________________ ***************************************** SUN SPOTS SUN SPOTS is published by the SOLAROID CLUB of Westwood N.J., tri-weekly. Any letters, articales for criticism o f the paper are welcome and will printed if possible. SUN SPOTS prints all the news of the SOLAROID CLUB. In view of the fact that we plan to print SUN SPOTS, the rates for advertising will be as follows: 2”x 2” space-----------------------$.35. 2”x4” space------------------------$.55. 2”x8” space------------------------$1.00. If you desire space in our first printed issue, please contact us immediately. ***************************************** EDITORS.. __________ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Roy Plotkin. Gereaux de la Ree Jr. Roderick Gaetz. **************************************** EDITORIAL BY RODERICK GAETZ. ___________________________ As we hope the next issue of SUN SPOTS will be printed, tho se who have been kind enough to send in subscriptions will get their money’s worth at the new rate of 5¢ per issue. I guess most of you know that the cost of getting a mag. printed is terrific, as we don’t own a press, so I hope you will bear with us and help put it over. Thus far we have been very lucky in securing five patrons, (three of them are the Editors). If you want a subscription or an ad. please tell us right away. Have you any friends? But yes. Well, if they are real friends you will tell them about SUN SPOTS and get them to send in their subscriptions too, as we sure need the money. Now I will tell you something about the proposed paper. It will be four pages, each measuring six inches by nine, of newsprint. It will cost five cents per issu e and come out monthly. We believe that this price is very nominal, as you are all aware of the cost of printing. I will thank you in advance, (I am no pessimist), for your subscription. *************************************** WHAT MAKES A FAN MAGAZINE????? As far as I can see, all that it takes is a name, a pile of paper, a little imagination and a method of printing. No w that we have the stuff, how about the style? There are several types of fan mag s. 1. The dry-as-a-bone or pile-of-facts type. Getting through this kind is like shoveling across the Atlantic. 2. The middle or mixing-business and-pleasure type. This type is for the most part very good, if well put out for it gets you to read the facts and amuses you at the same time. 3. And last, but not least, the side-splitter or no T-one-bit of-sense-in-the-whole-issue type. This type is just packed full of nothingness from cover to cover. I myself get a big kick out of reading the mag. of this type. After you read this Editorial, and this issue, I hope you get a favorable impression of our little mag. for my co-editors and myself try to give you what you want. If you like our mag., o r even dislike it, we would like to hear from you at once. We try to make this mag. your mag. (only we do the work). **************************************** READ THESE MAGAZINES! _____________________ AMAZING : ASTOUNDING : THRILLING WONDER : STARTLING : FANTASTIC ADVENTURES : CAPTAIN FUTURE : FANTASTIC NOVELS ( a new one).
_____________________________ May 24 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 3 _____________________________ ***************************************** SUN SPOTS SUN SPOTS is published by the SOLAROID CLUB of Westwood N.J., tri-weekly. Any letters, articales for criticism o f the paper are welcome and will printed if possible. SUN SPOTS prints all the news of the SOLAROID CLUB. In view of the fact that we plan to print SUN SPOTS, the rates for advertising will be as follows: 2”x 2” space-----------------------$.35. 2”x4” space------------------------$.55. 2”x8” space------------------------$1.00. If you desire space in our first printed issue, please contact us immediately. ***************************************** EDITORS.. __________ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Roy Plotkin. Gereaux de la Ree Jr. Roderick Gaetz. **************************************** EDITORIAL BY RODERICK GAETZ. ___________________________ As we hope the next issue of SUN SPOTS will be printed, tho se who have been kind enough to send in subscriptions will get their money’s worth at the new rate of 5¢ per issue. I guess most of you know that the cost of getting a mag. printed is terrific, as we don’t own a press, so I hope you will bear with us and help put it over. Thus far we have been very lucky in securing five patrons, (three of them are the Editors). If you want a subscription or an ad. please tell us right away. Have you any friends? But yes. Well, if they are real friends you will tell them about SUN SPOTS and get them to send in their subscriptions too, as we sure need the money. Now I will tell you something about the proposed paper. It will be four pages, each measuring six inches by nine, of newsprint. It will cost five cents per issu e and come out monthly. We believe that this price is very nominal, as you are all aware of the cost of printing. I will thank you in advance, (I am no pessimist), for your subscription. *************************************** WHAT MAKES A FAN MAGAZINE????? As far as I can see, all that it takes is a name, a pile of paper, a little imagination and a method of printing. No w that we have the stuff, how about the style? There are several types of fan mag s. 1. The dry-as-a-bone or pile-of-facts type. Getting through this kind is like shoveling across the Atlantic. 2. The middle or mixing-business and-pleasure type. This type is for the most part very good, if well put out for it gets you to read the facts and amuses you at the same time. 3. And last, but not least, the side-splitter or no T-one-bit of-sense-in-the-whole-issue type. This type is just packed full of nothingness from cover to cover. I myself get a big kick out of reading the mag. of this type. After you read this Editorial, and this issue, I hope you get a favorable impression of our little mag. for my co-editors and myself try to give you what you want. If you like our mag., o r even dislike it, we would like to hear from you at once. We try to make this mag. your mag. (only we do the work). **************************************** READ THESE MAGAZINES! _____________________ AMAZING : ASTOUNDING : THRILLING WONDER : STARTLING : FANTASTIC ADVENTURES : CAPTAIN FUTURE : FANTASTIC NOVELS ( a new one).
Hevelin Fanzines