Tale of the 'Evans, v. 4, issue 1, January, 1946
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the power to reach the stars." Yes, I was proud of Fandom that day. Now, I dunno! It was so terribly apparent last night that Fandom is in a blue funk! They are actually AFRAID to let themselves think seriously and deeply about the very thing of which they have been reading and talking for twenty years .Wise-cracks take the place of serious consideration of the underlying problems. I have heard that one of our finest authors, who has been well known for his predictions that fans would best survive any coming change, because they had thus been reading and studying about such changes, has now become almost neurotic with fear; and feels that mankind cannot survive another 5 or 10 years. I have talked with those who have been fans from the very beginning of Fandom, and they are afraid to plan ahead for the next few years, because they cannot make themselves believe that man is able to solve the problems that now confront him. One of them is seriously considering it if it is worth while for him to continue his habit of saving and trying to make provision for the future. All this astounds me with the vast underlying implications, that are apparent in the talk one now hears from our supposedly far-seeing, far-thinking Fandom. I have been accused of being an incurable optimist; a Pollyanna. I gladly, proudly, plead guilty to the accusation. I AM AN OPTIMIST ABOUT MANKIND! I feel positive, as sure as I ever have been of anything in my life, that man will solves these tremendous problems he now faces. Not correctly in every single detail right away no! There will be costly mistakes; there will be set-backs; there will be those whose over-weening selfishness will cause them to work for their own glory (?!) rather than for the good of all mankind. But there is a greater majority of clear-thinking and well-wisheing men and women who will continue to work for the greater good, and THEY WILL PREVAIL! It is so apparent even today, if we will examine more than casually the news of the days, and not just take the croaking of some columnists who must view-with-alarm each day in order to keep people reading their columns. Fine, great men from every country are meeting constantly to iron out the problems that face the entire world. Of course they have different ideas from each other at first, and these are given lots of space and headlines in the papers. A few days later when they reach an accord that is ofr the great good, the news is usually relegated to a few lines in teh inside pages. But the good work does go on; man IS achieving peace; man WILL grow! Tand the Atomic Tomorrow will be a certain thin; and it will be a GOOD tomorrow, albeit most certainly different from the world that we have known heretofore.
the power to reach the stars." Yes, I was proud of Fandom that day. Now, I dunno! It was so terribly apparent last night that Fandom is in a blue funk! They are actually AFRAID to let themselves think seriously and deeply about the very thing of which they have been reading and talking for twenty years .Wise-cracks take the place of serious consideration of the underlying problems. I have heard that one of our finest authors, who has been well known for his predictions that fans would best survive any coming change, because they had thus been reading and studying about such changes, has now become almost neurotic with fear; and feels that mankind cannot survive another 5 or 10 years. I have talked with those who have been fans from the very beginning of Fandom, and they are afraid to plan ahead for the next few years, because they cannot make themselves believe that man is able to solve the problems that now confront him. One of them is seriously considering it if it is worth while for him to continue his habit of saving and trying to make provision for the future. All this astounds me with the vast underlying implications, that are apparent in the talk one now hears from our supposedly far-seeing, far-thinking Fandom. I have been accused of being an incurable optimist; a Pollyanna. I gladly, proudly, plead guilty to the accusation. I AM AN OPTIMIST ABOUT MANKIND! I feel positive, as sure as I ever have been of anything in my life, that man will solves these tremendous problems he now faces. Not correctly in every single detail right away no! There will be costly mistakes; there will be set-backs; there will be those whose over-weening selfishness will cause them to work for their own glory (?!) rather than for the good of all mankind. But there is a greater majority of clear-thinking and well-wisheing men and women who will continue to work for the greater good, and THEY WILL PREVAIL! It is so apparent even today, if we will examine more than casually the news of the days, and not just take the croaking of some columnists who must view-with-alarm each day in order to keep people reading their columns. Fine, great men from every country are meeting constantly to iron out the problems that face the entire world. Of course they have different ideas from each other at first, and these are given lots of space and headlines in the papers. A few days later when they reach an accord that is ofr the great good, the news is usually relegated to a few lines in teh inside pages. But the good work does go on; man IS achieving peace; man WILL grow! Tand the Atomic Tomorrow will be a certain thin; and it will be a GOOD tomorrow, albeit most certainly different from the world that we have known heretofore.
Hevelin Fanzines