Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 3, whole no. 15, February 1941
Page 19
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February, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 19. "Ugg," grunted Stien, popping his head in through the roof,"We are here!" "Your telling me," said Goone[?], jumping to the floor--that he soon found wasn't there any more! Stien hurried down and picked Daniel off the ground. "I meant to tell you, we landed on top of a building!"Frank licked his fangs with his tongue--the one in the right shoe, and hurried up to the front door of the building and began to knock. A second later, the door colapsed, and both men stepped inward. "Must you be so violent?" Complained Goone to Stien,"Breaking down the door was all right, but you really didn't have to make so much noise.---and don't drag your fangs---look at the ruts they're making in this nice polished floor---whoops my mistake, we're walking on the cealing. Darn it all I knew we should have taken these gravity suction cups offin our feet before we, er---shall we say landed?" "have it your way," answered Stien, bending his head back so as to save the woodwork, "But I still say we cracked up!" Passing through a door, the two came upon Davy Rockette and Prof. Potson. Rockette was curled up in an easy chair, a pipe jammed in his mouth---sideways--and the novel of the month,'Oliver Inkewll', in his hand. "Gee, this is a swell book," said rockette to Potson, not seeing Goones entrance, "I can hardly wait till that next lesson comes, and then I can read it!" "Amazing My Dear Rockette," exclaimed the Pudgy little man. "Oh, elimentry my dear Potson," bragged Rockette. "What's amazing, and what's elimentry?" yelped Goone rushing up in front of Rockette, slipping on a scatter rug, and sliding under Davy's chair. He lept to his feet, but still being under the chair received quite a surprise and a bump too. So did Mr. Rockette---but in a different place. Crawling out, Goone muttered some words, and they weren't Shakespere, either! Shaking his finger under Rockette's nose, he said: "Hello!", and fainted dead away. "Now what the devil happened to him?" Quizzed Stien. "I'd say he fainted," exclaimed Rockette. "Amazing my Dear Rockette!" Exclaimed the pudgy little Potson. "Oh, elimentry my dear Potson," bragged Rockette. * * * * * * * * Since this might go on forever, we'll have to wait till next issue to find out what happens. What has happened to Daniel Goone? Can Frank N. Stien hold his fangs off the floor all month? Will Potson ever say anything except:"Amazing?" Is Rockette crazy? Are we crazy. (Let Groveman tell yah!) Wait till next month, and then you'll know for sure. DENVER
February, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 19. "Ugg," grunted Stien, popping his head in through the roof,"We are here!" "Your telling me," said Goone[?], jumping to the floor--that he soon found wasn't there any more! Stien hurried down and picked Daniel off the ground. "I meant to tell you, we landed on top of a building!"Frank licked his fangs with his tongue--the one in the right shoe, and hurried up to the front door of the building and began to knock. A second later, the door colapsed, and both men stepped inward. "Must you be so violent?" Complained Goone to Stien,"Breaking down the door was all right, but you really didn't have to make so much noise.---and don't drag your fangs---look at the ruts they're making in this nice polished floor---whoops my mistake, we're walking on the cealing. Darn it all I knew we should have taken these gravity suction cups offin our feet before we, er---shall we say landed?" "have it your way," answered Stien, bending his head back so as to save the woodwork, "But I still say we cracked up!" Passing through a door, the two came upon Davy Rockette and Prof. Potson. Rockette was curled up in an easy chair, a pipe jammed in his mouth---sideways--and the novel of the month,'Oliver Inkewll', in his hand. "Gee, this is a swell book," said rockette to Potson, not seeing Goones entrance, "I can hardly wait till that next lesson comes, and then I can read it!" "Amazing My Dear Rockette," exclaimed the Pudgy little man. "Oh, elimentry my dear Potson," bragged Rockette. "What's amazing, and what's elimentry?" yelped Goone rushing up in front of Rockette, slipping on a scatter rug, and sliding under Davy's chair. He lept to his feet, but still being under the chair received quite a surprise and a bump too. So did Mr. Rockette---but in a different place. Crawling out, Goone muttered some words, and they weren't Shakespere, either! Shaking his finger under Rockette's nose, he said: "Hello!", and fainted dead away. "Now what the devil happened to him?" Quizzed Stien. "I'd say he fainted," exclaimed Rockette. "Amazing my Dear Rockette!" Exclaimed the pudgy little Potson. "Oh, elimentry my dear Potson," bragged Rockette. * * * * * * * * Since this might go on forever, we'll have to wait till next issue to find out what happens. What has happened to Daniel Goone? Can Frank N. Stien hold his fangs off the floor all month? Will Potson ever say anything except:"Amazing?" Is Rockette crazy? Are we crazy. (Let Groveman tell yah!) Wait till next month, and then you'll know for sure. DENVER
Hevelin Fanzines