Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 3, whole no. 15, February 1941
Page 26
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February, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 26. either abandoning SSp or getting another way of publishing it faced us. School was to close next month. In preperation for a proposed printed issues, we dropped to 6 pages on the sixth issue. Yes, we planned to do a thing done by very few fans, have a fan mag [[underline]]printed[[end underline. We found that it would cost approxim ly $8.00 for the printing alone, on a 4 paged paper. We sent out 20 postals to fan mag editors, requesting ads for this proposed print issue, of which we guarenteed a circulation of at least 100 copies. What did we get from our fellow editors? One or two return postals from a few of the more thoughtful,say-either definatly no, or perhaps. Only three maybes to be exact. Three, why we had sent out 20. What about the rest? Yes, what about them. We are still wondering. This poor showing made us abandon our plans. Did we, however, and leave our subscribers, even though they weren't any more than you could count on your fingers and toes, in the lurch? No we didn't. We purchased a mimeo machine on the instalment plan, which has kept us paying out money up till last month. Our first mimeoed ish was very very amateurish; we painted the ink of the outside of the drum; wrinkled the stencils, typed the pages too far over, had a cover that was ridiculed by all, etc. So what? The fans said it stunk, but new subs came in. The next issue, number eight remained at 10 pages, but with no cover. Our mimeoing was improving---we painted the ink on the inside now. Issue number nine was pepped up by a front page article by M.W. Wellman, who we had just found had moved to town. This issue was 11 pages. Number 10 appeared with a colored paper cover, and a contest. Ah yes, that contest. And again our friends and the fans, showed there feelings, by sending in the grand total of one story, this from Old Faithful, D .B.Thompson. It got first prize, and second went to a local author, Charles Beling, who is now an editor of SSp. Number 11 then came along, and suprized our readers with a 10 page increase, with the same price as before. Material in this issue, except for the cover, was fairly good. Next came number 12 with 24 pages, and it received a shower of letters telling Gaetz his story stunk. Number 13 appeared with front and back covers, and I got the same treatment as Gaetz, for I had written 'the story of the month'this time. Back and front covers got same responce. Our last issue, number 14, as yet has not given us nearly as much trouble as its forerunners, and we are hoping that it pleased our freinds, and Mr. Gilbert too. Yes, up till the last issue, we had probably received a larger per cent of letters, and less material than any other fan mag in the good ol' USA. People love to tell you how rotten you are, but when it comes to doing something better, don't ever look to them! Well, Mr. Gilbert, if you are still reading this, I wish to agree with you,Sun Spots is the most consistently sloppy fan mag of the year; and asides from our spelling, we know who's to blame! ---And I guess perhaps,--deep down in your heart, ---you do to! - - - - - - - - - - - [[underline]]SOLAR-STUFF[[end underline]] A [[underline]]Brief[[end underline]] editorial by rod Gaetz Upon coming home from Sundayschool, de la Ree and I, knowing that there was nothing to talk of at the Solaroid meeting that afternoon, decided that we would drag out the old discarded constitution, rehash it, and put it into effect, thus making us some more money. (Us--the club.) For the informing of these people who have been asking about the Solaroids, the whole thing will be printed next month.--End!
February, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 26. either abandoning SSp or getting another way of publishing it faced us. School was to close next month. In preperation for a proposed printed issues, we dropped to 6 pages on the sixth issue. Yes, we planned to do a thing done by very few fans, have a fan mag [[underline]]printed[[end underline. We found that it would cost approxim ly $8.00 for the printing alone, on a 4 paged paper. We sent out 20 postals to fan mag editors, requesting ads for this proposed print issue, of which we guarenteed a circulation of at least 100 copies. What did we get from our fellow editors? One or two return postals from a few of the more thoughtful,say-either definatly no, or perhaps. Only three maybes to be exact. Three, why we had sent out 20. What about the rest? Yes, what about them. We are still wondering. This poor showing made us abandon our plans. Did we, however, and leave our subscribers, even though they weren't any more than you could count on your fingers and toes, in the lurch? No we didn't. We purchased a mimeo machine on the instalment plan, which has kept us paying out money up till last month. Our first mimeoed ish was very very amateurish; we painted the ink of the outside of the drum; wrinkled the stencils, typed the pages too far over, had a cover that was ridiculed by all, etc. So what? The fans said it stunk, but new subs came in. The next issue, number eight remained at 10 pages, but with no cover. Our mimeoing was improving---we painted the ink on the inside now. Issue number nine was pepped up by a front page article by M.W. Wellman, who we had just found had moved to town. This issue was 11 pages. Number 10 appeared with a colored paper cover, and a contest. Ah yes, that contest. And again our friends and the fans, showed there feelings, by sending in the grand total of one story, this from Old Faithful, D .B.Thompson. It got first prize, and second went to a local author, Charles Beling, who is now an editor of SSp. Number 11 then came along, and suprized our readers with a 10 page increase, with the same price as before. Material in this issue, except for the cover, was fairly good. Next came number 12 with 24 pages, and it received a shower of letters telling Gaetz his story stunk. Number 13 appeared with front and back covers, and I got the same treatment as Gaetz, for I had written 'the story of the month'this time. Back and front covers got same responce. Our last issue, number 14, as yet has not given us nearly as much trouble as its forerunners, and we are hoping that it pleased our freinds, and Mr. Gilbert too. Yes, up till the last issue, we had probably received a larger per cent of letters, and less material than any other fan mag in the good ol' USA. People love to tell you how rotten you are, but when it comes to doing something better, don't ever look to them! Well, Mr. Gilbert, if you are still reading this, I wish to agree with you,Sun Spots is the most consistently sloppy fan mag of the year; and asides from our spelling, we know who's to blame! ---And I guess perhaps,--deep down in your heart, ---you do to! - - - - - - - - - - - [[underline]]SOLAR-STUFF[[end underline]] A [[underline]]Brief[[end underline]] editorial by rod Gaetz Upon coming home from Sundayschool, de la Ree and I, knowing that there was nothing to talk of at the Solaroid meeting that afternoon, decided that we would drag out the old discarded constitution, rehash it, and put it into effect, thus making us some more money. (Us--the club.) For the informing of these people who have been asking about the Solaroids, the whole thing will be printed next month.--End!
Hevelin Fanzines