Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 3, whole no. 15, February 1941
Page 28
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Feburary, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 28 [[underline]]WHY MAKE AN ISSUE OUT OF IT?[[end underline]] By Roderick Gaetz yeah, it's me again! Surprised? I supposed you would all like to know what I'm doing here, when my real editorial is on page 26. Well, in a recent airmail letter to Plotkin, I asked him to send us his editorial pronto, and he obliged us with a 3,500 word story. He requested us to use the last half of lastmonths ed., but since that is not at hand, i think he will understand, if I take this page. The story, incidentely will appear in next months issue, since this issue is all about ready full to capacity. Now to the cover problem. Our hectoed covers, for which we have been waiting a week, arrived yesterday. Most of the front covers were clear, and some of the back ones turned out pretty well. de la Ree and I hurried up to my room, blazeing a trail through mountains of paper and other stuff like ladders, men and so on. You see, the walls of several rooms, the hall, and the stair way are being pepered. Well, we finally reached my room, and to the mimeo machine. Wow, it must have been about 20[[degree symbol]] below zero in there. If there was any heat in the house, it wasn't in my room. it just happens that our machine doesn't give off the best results in clod atmosphere, and so when we ran a few of the poorer covers through as practice sheets, they stuck to the drum, and were wrecked. Well, we turned on the heat, and after wrecking several dozen more practice sheets, left for de la Ree's house to type some stencils. We came back in an hour, and found little change in the tempreature, but after a little persuading, we got some heat. While I was in the bathroom washing my hands in some water, or was it paint (the bathrooms being painted too) de la Ree finally got them running through slowly but surely. When about 15 were done we turned one over, and found to our astonishment that the contents page, which we were mimeoing on the opposite side of the cover, had come through, and the picture was no longer visable. I pulled some of my flaming red tresses, de la Ree banged his head on the wall, and went home for supper. After a hasty repast we decided rather than to have the front cover one big mess, to do another. While delly drew some stuff on a stencil, I got some more pages run off, and soon after our new cover was done. We decided to leave the mangled back cover stay, i know not why. It turned out like the front had, but not quite as bad. There's the tale, and don't cry in your beer boys. You of course noticed that the ish is divided into two sections. The only reason for this is because de la Ree(who tend s the stencil) drew a cover with anniversary issue on it. The rest of the editors flatly informed him that the cover was to be hectoed, and that the guy he had drawn was a mess. So not as to waste a stencil, we have two "front" covers this issue. Incidently, when the stencil was run off, no hair turned out on the guy's head, so de la Ree spent the entire time, scratching the goon's head with a stylus, inbetween each few copies run off, so as the poor baldy would have a little hair. At this point(that's one way to say I can't think of anything more), we the editors of SUN SPOTS wish to thank all of those people who contributed in any way, no matter how small, so as to make this issue a success. Thanks for the ads, subscriptions and the finematerial.
Feburary, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 28 [[underline]]WHY MAKE AN ISSUE OUT OF IT?[[end underline]] By Roderick Gaetz yeah, it's me again! Surprised? I supposed you would all like to know what I'm doing here, when my real editorial is on page 26. Well, in a recent airmail letter to Plotkin, I asked him to send us his editorial pronto, and he obliged us with a 3,500 word story. He requested us to use the last half of lastmonths ed., but since that is not at hand, i think he will understand, if I take this page. The story, incidentely will appear in next months issue, since this issue is all about ready full to capacity. Now to the cover problem. Our hectoed covers, for which we have been waiting a week, arrived yesterday. Most of the front covers were clear, and some of the back ones turned out pretty well. de la Ree and I hurried up to my room, blazeing a trail through mountains of paper and other stuff like ladders, men and so on. You see, the walls of several rooms, the hall, and the stair way are being pepered. Well, we finally reached my room, and to the mimeo machine. Wow, it must have been about 20[[degree symbol]] below zero in there. If there was any heat in the house, it wasn't in my room. it just happens that our machine doesn't give off the best results in clod atmosphere, and so when we ran a few of the poorer covers through as practice sheets, they stuck to the drum, and were wrecked. Well, we turned on the heat, and after wrecking several dozen more practice sheets, left for de la Ree's house to type some stencils. We came back in an hour, and found little change in the tempreature, but after a little persuading, we got some heat. While I was in the bathroom washing my hands in some water, or was it paint (the bathrooms being painted too) de la Ree finally got them running through slowly but surely. When about 15 were done we turned one over, and found to our astonishment that the contents page, which we were mimeoing on the opposite side of the cover, had come through, and the picture was no longer visable. I pulled some of my flaming red tresses, de la Ree banged his head on the wall, and went home for supper. After a hasty repast we decided rather than to have the front cover one big mess, to do another. While delly drew some stuff on a stencil, I got some more pages run off, and soon after our new cover was done. We decided to leave the mangled back cover stay, i know not why. It turned out like the front had, but not quite as bad. There's the tale, and don't cry in your beer boys. You of course noticed that the ish is divided into two sections. The only reason for this is because de la Ree(who tend s the stencil) drew a cover with anniversary issue on it. The rest of the editors flatly informed him that the cover was to be hectoed, and that the guy he had drawn was a mess. So not as to waste a stencil, we have two "front" covers this issue. Incidently, when the stencil was run off, no hair turned out on the guy's head, so de la Ree spent the entire time, scratching the goon's head with a stylus, inbetween each few copies run off, so as the poor baldy would have a little hair. At this point(that's one way to say I can't think of anything more), we the editors of SUN SPOTS wish to thank all of those people who contributed in any way, no matter how small, so as to make this issue a success. Thanks for the ads, subscriptions and the finematerial.
Hevelin Fanzines