Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
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WOW by Hodgepodgelkins Dead ahead the exciting sign over the hiway's center proclaimed TARZANA--our destination. "Now where do we go from here?" The service station attendant informed us we'd passed the object of our quest a quarter mile back.We [something] east... "Think that's it?" "Doesn't look much like an office to me" from Morojo, & to that we all agreed. The bldg was a low, rambling Spanish structure resembling a home or Calif. realestate office. Once inside, however, no was the heart of Tarzana--the office of Edgar Bico Burroughs! In-troducing ourselves as reprosentatives of the LA Leag & IMAGINATION! (Morojo, Forry, Frod Shroyer & your humble scribe) to our host Mr CRRothmund, we explained the purpose of our visit. Mr Burroughs' sec'y was most cordial during our 2 or 3 hr stay, answering our numerous questions & giving us free run of the remarkable place. Luckily we made the trip on Washington's Birthday. The regular office force was absent. Tho, unfortunately, so also was ERB. Aside from that disappointment the day was a decided success. Imagine yourself in a long low-ceilinged FD, a great open fireplace in the corner, spread before it an enormous polar bear robe, head, claws & all. On the walls are the original illustrations of many the memorable scenes from the Tarzan & Martian storys, & at both ends the rm built-in bk-shelves filld to over flowing. Great many those are reference wrks & representative vols. of every type literature. & l.b.n.l. are the bks of BURROUGHS himself. The sight fairly made my hands itch to get hold of them--& I did, as many as time allowd. If I'd tried to examine all I'd be there yet. Not only were there first editions the American printings but the English also. & that was at only one end the rm; at the other were copys all the foreign versions--& when you realize Burroughs' works have been publisht in 58 different languages & dialects (plus Braille for the blind)...well you have really got something there! Burroughs' bks number 48; besides many short storys have apeard by him in mags & newspapers. The mystery of "Norman Bean" was cleared up; Sec'y Rothmund explained "NB" was used as a pseudonym for the first story ERB ever wrote, "Under the Moons of Mars", releast in bk form 1917 as "A Princess of Mars"--for unique news on which see Erdstelulov's Esperanticolumn, pg 5. The disapearance of Korak the Killer from the scene of Tarzan's activitys is accounted for thusly: After writing the first 3 Tarzan talos Mr B. decided to introduce a new character in the belief the reading public had onuf of the ape-man. However tho clamor for more "White Skin" was so great that Tarzan was again sent swinging thru the trees, & with the passing of time his popularity has increast to the extent that Korak is well nigh forgotten... The correct pronunciation is Tar' zn. All too soon the time came for us to leave, & as a parting gesture we were pleasantly surprised (to put it mildly) by being presented several 1st edits. of Burroughs bks. Again, Mr Rothmund, many thanks! Die to the unwanted presenceof Jupe Pluvius (who is this Pluvius persn U'r alltime talking about lately? Do I kno him? I'll bet it's just anothr sudonym) our 3 Mar meeting turnout was only 17 moms, 2 guests. One the latter, Wil's Mother, Mrs Stimson, related a case of a mysterious disappearance at which a friend was present. This started the ball rolling, the better part of the evening being given over to the recital of such storys & suggestions of possible solutions aside from the ghost angle. First-hand info should be available at our special 5th Thurs Mar meeting (no dues!) when as Guest Speaker we have skeded LBDilbeck, carrying the title of Special Investigator for the Fortean (Lo!) Society. Last nite (as I write) Art Barnes was back with a tale of terror & isolation in Tujunga Canyon during the flood. HanKuttner's "9 Planets Films Inc" has been changed by TWS to "Doom World". Chas Gurnett spoke on Perpertual Motion. Spontaneous applause followd the reading of a communication from Chas D Horning, organizer of the SFL & Hon Mom our Chapt, forecasting his arrival in LA on Good Friday. At our St Pat meeting Fred Shroyer introudce a welcome new member into our midst, young man of Doepko...
WOW by Hodgepodgelkins Dead ahead the exciting sign over the hiway's center proclaimed TARZANA--our destination. "Now where do we go from here?" The service station attendant informed us we'd passed the object of our quest a quarter mile back.We [something] east... "Think that's it?" "Doesn't look much like an office to me" from Morojo, & to that we all agreed. The bldg was a low, rambling Spanish structure resembling a home or Calif. realestate office. Once inside, however, no was the heart of Tarzana--the office of Edgar Bico Burroughs! In-troducing ourselves as reprosentatives of the LA Leag & IMAGINATION! (Morojo, Forry, Frod Shroyer & your humble scribe) to our host Mr CRRothmund, we explained the purpose of our visit. Mr Burroughs' sec'y was most cordial during our 2 or 3 hr stay, answering our numerous questions & giving us free run of the remarkable place. Luckily we made the trip on Washington's Birthday. The regular office force was absent. Tho, unfortunately, so also was ERB. Aside from that disappointment the day was a decided success. Imagine yourself in a long low-ceilinged FD, a great open fireplace in the corner, spread before it an enormous polar bear robe, head, claws & all. On the walls are the original illustrations of many the memorable scenes from the Tarzan & Martian storys, & at both ends the rm built-in bk-shelves filld to over flowing. Great many those are reference wrks & representative vols. of every type literature. & l.b.n.l. are the bks of BURROUGHS himself. The sight fairly made my hands itch to get hold of them--& I did, as many as time allowd. If I'd tried to examine all I'd be there yet. Not only were there first editions the American printings but the English also. & that was at only one end the rm; at the other were copys all the foreign versions--& when you realize Burroughs' works have been publisht in 58 different languages & dialects (plus Braille for the blind)...well you have really got something there! Burroughs' bks number 48; besides many short storys have apeard by him in mags & newspapers. The mystery of "Norman Bean" was cleared up; Sec'y Rothmund explained "NB" was used as a pseudonym for the first story ERB ever wrote, "Under the Moons of Mars", releast in bk form 1917 as "A Princess of Mars"--for unique news on which see Erdstelulov's Esperanticolumn, pg 5. The disapearance of Korak the Killer from the scene of Tarzan's activitys is accounted for thusly: After writing the first 3 Tarzan talos Mr B. decided to introduce a new character in the belief the reading public had onuf of the ape-man. However tho clamor for more "White Skin" was so great that Tarzan was again sent swinging thru the trees, & with the passing of time his popularity has increast to the extent that Korak is well nigh forgotten... The correct pronunciation is Tar' zn. All too soon the time came for us to leave, & as a parting gesture we were pleasantly surprised (to put it mildly) by being presented several 1st edits. of Burroughs bks. Again, Mr Rothmund, many thanks! Die to the unwanted presenceof Jupe Pluvius (who is this Pluvius persn U'r alltime talking about lately? Do I kno him? I'll bet it's just anothr sudonym) our 3 Mar meeting turnout was only 17 moms, 2 guests. One the latter, Wil's Mother, Mrs Stimson, related a case of a mysterious disappearance at which a friend was present. This started the ball rolling, the better part of the evening being given over to the recital of such storys & suggestions of possible solutions aside from the ghost angle. First-hand info should be available at our special 5th Thurs Mar meeting (no dues!) when as Guest Speaker we have skeded LBDilbeck, carrying the title of Special Investigator for the Fortean (Lo!) Society. Last nite (as I write) Art Barnes was back with a tale of terror & isolation in Tujunga Canyon during the flood. HanKuttner's "9 Planets Films Inc" has been changed by TWS to "Doom World". Chas Gurnett spoke on Perpertual Motion. Spontaneous applause followd the reading of a communication from Chas D Horning, organizer of the SFL & Hon Mom our Chapt, forecasting his arrival in LA on Good Friday. At our St Pat meeting Fred Shroyer introudce a welcome new member into our midst, young man of Doepko...
Hevelin Fanzines