Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
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4 AMONG OUR MEMS Paul Freehafer Middle name Robinson, 21 yr old fan, started to read stf in '32 Apr Ast, collect in '36. His file of the Big 3 is practically complete; has few bks, but most every Blue Bk back to '32 & Arg for past 12 yrs. Toss up between AmS & Ast as to which he likes the better; but TWS is out of the rocket race & the prefers stf to weird. FAVORITE Theme, the Interplanetary; Fiction, "SKYLARK, Rebirth. Old Faithful"; Author, Keller. Merritt well-liked. No likee Fearn & Repp. Selects THINGS TO COME as best scientifilm. Pacifist. Mild Socialist. Mildly religious. Introvert. Likes simple simplified spelling. Esperanto sympathizer. Has been corresponding since '36. In '34 Aug, SFL member #294; otherwise Paul Freehafer, at that time residing in Payette/Idaho; wrote 1st Class Active-Honorary #1, Executive Director FJAckerman, San Francisco/Cal: "I am making a collection of the autographs of famous science fiction authors and fans, and I would like very much to gt yours." Knowing him today, one would scarcely suspect him of ever having exhibited such a revolting abnormality of indiscriminative taste. However, it is not our desire to scandalize further our friend Freehafer, & so we shall hush up the "incident" quickly as we can: Perhaps the indiscretion could be condoned, considering it attributable to his extreme youth at that age... FIRST FEMININE MEMBER OF THE LASFL [[handwritten signature]] Frances[[?]] Fairchild Irish & Pacifist! Blondy began to read stf in '27 while in hi school, Seattle/Wash. Has kept quite a collection; of bks, featuring entire set 1st edit. Haggard! Agrees with Yerke: "Ast has deteriorated." Rather likes Weird, Jirel of Joiry being her favorite. Stf choices: MOON POOL, Ray Cummings' White Invaders. Best-liked fantascience fictionists: Kuttner & Moore. Pet Peeve: Constitution of LASFL. Also, "Agin Ackermanese." Most enjoyed scientifilm THINGS TO COME, Just Imagine close 2d. Politics? None in particular. Believes in Women's Rights "--& plenty of 'em!" Professing very few illusions, is "very muchly a Materialist." Trained nurse studying to be a Doc, Fran's ambition is "to be the greatest bacteriologist in the country, a nice nasty new disease named after me!"
4 AMONG OUR MEMS Paul Freehafer Middle name Robinson, 21 yr old fan, started to read stf in '32 Apr Ast, collect in '36. His file of the Big 3 is practically complete; has few bks, but most every Blue Bk back to '32 & Arg for past 12 yrs. Toss up between AmS & Ast as to which he likes the better; but TWS is out of the rocket race & the prefers stf to weird. FAVORITE Theme, the Interplanetary; Fiction, "SKYLARK, Rebirth. Old Faithful"; Author, Keller. Merritt well-liked. No likee Fearn & Repp. Selects THINGS TO COME as best scientifilm. Pacifist. Mild Socialist. Mildly religious. Introvert. Likes simple simplified spelling. Esperanto sympathizer. Has been corresponding since '36. In '34 Aug, SFL member #294; otherwise Paul Freehafer, at that time residing in Payette/Idaho; wrote 1st Class Active-Honorary #1, Executive Director FJAckerman, San Francisco/Cal: "I am making a collection of the autographs of famous science fiction authors and fans, and I would like very much to gt yours." Knowing him today, one would scarcely suspect him of ever having exhibited such a revolting abnormality of indiscriminative taste. However, it is not our desire to scandalize further our friend Freehafer, & so we shall hush up the "incident" quickly as we can: Perhaps the indiscretion could be condoned, considering it attributable to his extreme youth at that age... FIRST FEMININE MEMBER OF THE LASFL [[handwritten signature]] Frances[[?]] Fairchild Irish & Pacifist! Blondy began to read stf in '27 while in hi school, Seattle/Wash. Has kept quite a collection; of bks, featuring entire set 1st edit. Haggard! Agrees with Yerke: "Ast has deteriorated." Rather likes Weird, Jirel of Joiry being her favorite. Stf choices: MOON POOL, Ray Cummings' White Invaders. Best-liked fantascience fictionists: Kuttner & Moore. Pet Peeve: Constitution of LASFL. Also, "Agin Ackermanese." Most enjoyed scientifilm THINGS TO COME, Just Imagine close 2d. Politics? None in particular. Believes in Women's Rights "--& plenty of 'em!" Professing very few illusions, is "very muchly a Materialist." Trained nurse studying to be a Doc, Fran's ambition is "to be the greatest bacteriologist in the country, a nice nasty new disease named after me!"
Hevelin Fanzines