Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
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IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 5 FANTASCIENCE FILM-SPART By Alec. A word from th customary conductr of this colum, Foo-rest J (Joker) Ackerman. Wile I'm elsewher in this ish ritng th King's English I shal atempt to persuade my altr ego Weaver Wright to remain here & iritate U with th Clown's. Tho that won't b so easy as it maybe sounds (getng my sudonym to stay--not th anoyance): Obviously anywher on Tero I go...egos! Get it? Want it HLO! U luky peopl! This is Weaver Wrightng. HumoRuss Hodgkins' WOW has got out of hand, this (h) issue, th ERB acct consumng most all th space; so he's askt me if I'd alow WOW to overflo into my kinematicolum & I sayd "All X Ace as I didnt hav anything redy to report othrwise & this way coud save my face (not that it's worth saving, as party of th month was a dozn of us at DRACULA. Th stage-play. Perry Lewis came from Glendale, Paul Freehafer all the way from Pasadena. Brady from Bev'y Hills. & othrs included MayBelle Anshutz, Morojo, Sophia van Doorne, Frances Fairchild, Wil Stimson. Then lo & bhold! at th end one th acts Fran spyd Leonard Adland 4 rows ahed us in th 1st. He hadnt been presnt th previous meeting, won th party was mae up
IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 5 FANTASCIENCE FILM-SPART By Alec. A word from th customary conductr of this colum, Foo-rest J (Joker) Ackerman. Wile I'm elsewher in this ish ritng th King's English I shal atempt to persuade my altr ego Weaver Wright to remain here & iritate U with th Clown's. Tho that won't b so easy as it maybe sounds (getng my sudonym to stay--not th anoyance): Obviously anywher on Tero I go...egos! Get it? Want it HLO! U luky peopl! This is Weaver Wrightng. HumoRuss Hodgkins' WOW has got out of hand, this (h) issue, th ERB acct consumng most all th space; so he's askt me if I'd alow WOW to overflo into my kinematicolum & I sayd "All X Ace as I didnt hav anything redy to report othrwise & this way coud save my face (not that it's worth saving, as party of th month was a dozn of us at DRACULA. Th stage-play. Perry Lewis came from Glendale, Paul Freehafer all the way from Pasadena. Brady from Bev'y Hills. & othrs included MayBelle Anshutz, Morojo, Sophia van Doorne, Frances Fairchild, Wil Stimson. Then lo & bhold! at th end one th acts Fran spyd Leonard Adland 4 rows ahed us in th 1st. He hadnt been presnt th previous meeting, won th party was mae up
Hevelin Fanzines