Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
Page 14
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14 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' "LAD & THE LION", Reviewd by Myrtle Douglas: Mr Burroughs' latest bk spins the exciting yarn of a young prince who loses his memory when fleeing his native land after the assassination of his grandfather, the king. He is found & cared for, after a fashion, by a mental defective aboard a derelict. The derelict is also the home of a lion cub which was abandond on the ship with the old man when fire broke out nr explosive cargo. Boy & beast become very chummy due to the attention bestowd on them by their shipmate. Several yrs pass during which cub & kid grow up. One day the derelict drifts to land & they disembark, previously having disposed of their affectionate companion in a way which one must read the story to understand. In the meantime things have been happening in the homeland of the prince. His cousin, whose father became king upon the death of the grandfather, is not the kind of person whose place he took in the palace. He is as thoroly hated as his cousin was loved. He is arrogant & extravagant. Boy meets desert princess & wins her after many thrilling adventures in which the lion (& his mate) take part. The story of political intrigue, love & assassination at home is very cleverly interwoven with the African adventures of the lad to create the suspense necessary to make the narrative gripping in the extreme. A boating administerd by a gang of lawless Arabs restores the young man's memory but he is content with the spot in the sun which his own worth has wrested for him & merely sends sympathy to the military dictator of the country, who has ousted the terrorists & set up a constitutional government. First publisht in 1914 in ASCavalier tho ms evidently has been modernized since then as its atmosfere is quite uptodate. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ The Imagi-nation Asks PHANTASTIQUESTIONS & We Imagi-natives Give ANSRS: Only one customer for our query dept this time, & we don't hapn to have the dope yet on your first one, Larry (Farsaci); but about the other: Our Q&A service was announced in 1st Madge tho nothing actualy apeard. To R. Baker: Several alert readers (Swisher & Kuslan) recently have calld to our attn that "Maurius" also had "Vandals from the Moon", in AmS 28 Jul. ----------------------------------- SURPISE! More of the comiCoburn mythicaletters, concluded from pg 11: Dear Weisbell: Your check bounced! ??? E. Awther. Dear Mr. Awther: We regret to inform you that Aweful Stories no longer is being publisht. The co. is at present attempting to meet its debts promptly as possible & you may expect your check to be made good within 7 yrs at most. Sincerely, Warner van Wollheimlich -- Atty at Haw! Mr Roosevelt: How can I get in the WPA?!
14 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' "LAD & THE LION", Reviewd by Myrtle Douglas: Mr Burroughs' latest bk spins the exciting yarn of a young prince who loses his memory when fleeing his native land after the assassination of his grandfather, the king. He is found & cared for, after a fashion, by a mental defective aboard a derelict. The derelict is also the home of a lion cub which was abandond on the ship with the old man when fire broke out nr explosive cargo. Boy & beast become very chummy due to the attention bestowd on them by their shipmate. Several yrs pass during which cub & kid grow up. One day the derelict drifts to land & they disembark, previously having disposed of their affectionate companion in a way which one must read the story to understand. In the meantime things have been happening in the homeland of the prince. His cousin, whose father became king upon the death of the grandfather, is not the kind of person whose place he took in the palace. He is as thoroly hated as his cousin was loved. He is arrogant & extravagant. Boy meets desert princess & wins her after many thrilling adventures in which the lion (& his mate) take part. The story of political intrigue, love & assassination at home is very cleverly interwoven with the African adventures of the lad to create the suspense necessary to make the narrative gripping in the extreme. A boating administerd by a gang of lawless Arabs restores the young man's memory but he is content with the spot in the sun which his own worth has wrested for him & merely sends sympathy to the military dictator of the country, who has ousted the terrorists & set up a constitutional government. First publisht in 1914 in ASCavalier tho ms evidently has been modernized since then as its atmosfere is quite uptodate. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ The Imagi-nation Asks PHANTASTIQUESTIONS & We Imagi-natives Give ANSRS: Only one customer for our query dept this time, & we don't hapn to have the dope yet on your first one, Larry (Farsaci); but about the other: Our Q&A service was announced in 1st Madge tho nothing actualy apeard. To R. Baker: Several alert readers (Swisher & Kuslan) recently have calld to our attn that "Maurius" also had "Vandals from the Moon", in AmS 28 Jul. ----------------------------------- SURPISE! More of the comiCoburn mythicaletters, concluded from pg 11: Dear Weisbell: Your check bounced! ??? E. Awther. Dear Mr. Awther: We regret to inform you that Aweful Stories no longer is being publisht. The co. is at present attempting to meet its debts promptly as possible & you may expect your check to be made good within 7 yrs at most. Sincerely, Warner van Wollheimlich -- Atty at Haw! Mr Roosevelt: How can I get in the WPA?!
Hevelin Fanzines