Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
Page 15
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IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 15 RESURRECTION: "Messiah of the Cylinder" by Victor Rosseau Boy, Pennell; Girl, Esther; Dastard, Sanson nee Lazaroff. [Signed Frederick Skesyer] Flung into the far future by jilted scientist-suitor are Esther & successful swain Arnold Pennell. Trickt into entering the huge freezing cylinders of the spurnd Lazaroff they are frozen therein & the teller of the tale wakes 100 yrs later. As he leaves the ruins wherein his cylinder has rested for a century he is spotted by passing airmen & taken to a London--a London whose only similarity to the city of yester-yr is the name. Metropolis is a typical futuristiconception: Towers, many levels, airports on skyscrapers, &c. There he learns all England's a vast Michelistic state which, paradoxicly, is dictated by man named Sanson & his neophyte, the sensuous Boss Lembken who is the "people's friend" & devotes most of his time to adding willing--& unwilling--wenches to his harem. He also likes to sit on scented cushions & think dirty thots. Pennell is amazed to discover the Dictator realy Lazaroff who via his glorifyd ice-box thawd his own way into the future, having set his time-switch for a period of 66 yrs stead 100 & thus molting into normality 35 yrs before Pennell. In those previous yrs, taking advantage of chaotic conditions he had gaind control of England. Pennell decides that despite opportunitys to live the life of a voluptuary he will throw his lot in with a band of rebels who wish to restore England to--Honest!--the Church! Seems the whole fault for the corrupt state of affairs lies in the fact that the people have departed from the Glory Path of the Good Sheepherder. Pennell is regarded by these people as a sort of Messiah sent by God to lead them against the antichristic Sanson & Lembken. Pennell discovers Esther is still icicling in her Frigidaire, not due to wake up & live til a wk or so in the future. Seems as tho old Nasty Sanson has his peepers on the maid himself. It's trouble brewing-- Pennell is captured. Pennell escapes. Pennell is captured. Pennell escapes. Pennell has a hell of a time. Finaly the time to strike draws nr. It's breathtaking. The rebels pass time while waiting for The Moment by holding prayer meetings in their Secret Hideout. Flashback: America is Mormon. Can Pennell & the rebels expect help from them in their revolution? No! But look--there's Russia...behold the communistcountry in the yr of our Lord 2017: Russia is the great Christianation! Situation, then: America being all Mormon has joind forces with the Mohammedans in support of Sanson & Lembken. Opposed to those are the rebels who might possibly expect support from the Land of the Church. Looks bad. Sanson has been fooling around in his lab & found the means of immortality. Desperate as he sees the People gradualy merging with the rebels he offers them life everlasting if they will be loyal to him. Will they take the offer of this latter-day Belial? No! "Give us the Church!" they cry. In the meantime Esther has been taken out of coldstorage & Pennell rescues her by swinging on ropes & dodging poorly aimd rayguns. Lembken in a fit of rage slings one his harem honeys out the upper story window. The doll breaks on the pavement below &-- COME THE REVOLUTION! Ray guns flash, there is the scent of seard flesh in the air. Huge planes zoom & crash while the screams of 1000-1000 frenzyd mobsters sear hideously to the heavens. The Rebels are being beaten--God'll help the poor wording gir--oops!--working class! Here come Volga Boatmen in their battleships of the air. Cheer, boys, cheer--strike up the band...the World is safe for Christianity! Boy gets girl--dastard gets Death
IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 15 RESURRECTION: "Messiah of the Cylinder" by Victor Rosseau Boy, Pennell; Girl, Esther; Dastard, Sanson nee Lazaroff. [Signed Frederick Skesyer] Flung into the far future by jilted scientist-suitor are Esther & successful swain Arnold Pennell. Trickt into entering the huge freezing cylinders of the spurnd Lazaroff they are frozen therein & the teller of the tale wakes 100 yrs later. As he leaves the ruins wherein his cylinder has rested for a century he is spotted by passing airmen & taken to a London--a London whose only similarity to the city of yester-yr is the name. Metropolis is a typical futuristiconception: Towers, many levels, airports on skyscrapers, &c. There he learns all England's a vast Michelistic state which, paradoxicly, is dictated by man named Sanson & his neophyte, the sensuous Boss Lembken who is the "people's friend" & devotes most of his time to adding willing--& unwilling--wenches to his harem. He also likes to sit on scented cushions & think dirty thots. Pennell is amazed to discover the Dictator realy Lazaroff who via his glorifyd ice-box thawd his own way into the future, having set his time-switch for a period of 66 yrs stead 100 & thus molting into normality 35 yrs before Pennell. In those previous yrs, taking advantage of chaotic conditions he had gaind control of England. Pennell decides that despite opportunitys to live the life of a voluptuary he will throw his lot in with a band of rebels who wish to restore England to--Honest!--the Church! Seems the whole fault for the corrupt state of affairs lies in the fact that the people have departed from the Glory Path of the Good Sheepherder. Pennell is regarded by these people as a sort of Messiah sent by God to lead them against the antichristic Sanson & Lembken. Pennell discovers Esther is still icicling in her Frigidaire, not due to wake up & live til a wk or so in the future. Seems as tho old Nasty Sanson has his peepers on the maid himself. It's trouble brewing-- Pennell is captured. Pennell escapes. Pennell is captured. Pennell escapes. Pennell has a hell of a time. Finaly the time to strike draws nr. It's breathtaking. The rebels pass time while waiting for The Moment by holding prayer meetings in their Secret Hideout. Flashback: America is Mormon. Can Pennell & the rebels expect help from them in their revolution? No! But look--there's Russia...behold the communistcountry in the yr of our Lord 2017: Russia is the great Christianation! Situation, then: America being all Mormon has joind forces with the Mohammedans in support of Sanson & Lembken. Opposed to those are the rebels who might possibly expect support from the Land of the Church. Looks bad. Sanson has been fooling around in his lab & found the means of immortality. Desperate as he sees the People gradualy merging with the rebels he offers them life everlasting if they will be loyal to him. Will they take the offer of this latter-day Belial? No! "Give us the Church!" they cry. In the meantime Esther has been taken out of coldstorage & Pennell rescues her by swinging on ropes & dodging poorly aimd rayguns. Lembken in a fit of rage slings one his harem honeys out the upper story window. The doll breaks on the pavement below &-- COME THE REVOLUTION! Ray guns flash, there is the scent of seard flesh in the air. Huge planes zoom & crash while the screams of 1000-1000 frenzyd mobsters sear hideously to the heavens. The Rebels are being beaten--God'll help the poor wording gir--oops!--working class! Here come Volga Boatmen in their battleships of the air. Cheer, boys, cheer--strike up the band...the World is safe for Christianity! Boy gets girl--dastard gets Death
Hevelin Fanzines