Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
Page 17
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IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 17 ry to bak a bad pony like me on such a bet as that, where my once absntminddly mployng an Ack-scruciatng usage woud cost th Rostr a prity peny; but I'l persaly pay for that yr sub for U, Jack! if U find anything to atAck in "The Living Lie." & I'l let Perry Lewis dcide validity of any claim. --FJA) Hope you publish Ted's reply to Michelism in the April Foo issue--and I hope he's handled the subject well. -- The March cover isn't as good as usual. Make 'em simple! -- WoW calls to mind the headlines of the morning paper. It seems that Los A had 4 1/2 inches of dow in twelve hours. -- The biography of Tod indicates a kindred soul. 'Ray for benevolent dictatorships! -- Bloch's biography passably good (passably! you groan)--but shows in its worst form your space-wasting method of indentation. -- Advice to Amateur Magicians ditto. -- 2001 fair. -- If you must revive old books--why not pick better ones that 'MS Found in a Copper Cylinder'? -- I second Moskowitz' advice to 'organize your pages'. -- Richard W may be right in saying the neo-typewriter prints the letters too far apart, but it's still more pleasing than the old kind. -- Shame on Louis Kuslan--speculating in the price of fan pubs! -- No Erdestelulov this time! Penance for last issue's running will or-- permanent? -- I have striven to interpret the Esperanto seal on the last two Madges, and gather that it cusses out modern English and praises Esperanto--but I don't think it's written in Esp. Check? (The Mexican soal, in Espanola and Esperanto, fitos for foneticism, against "the false orthography".) -- Oh, yes, isn't my subscription about expired? (June). [Signed Robert D. Swisher] 15 Ledyard Rd, Winchester/Mass: "Money order enclosed for 6 issues of I! including Keller's Television Detective. -- Using the native names of countries is a good idea (being one of my own) and should be encouraged." [Signed Walter E. Marconette] Editor of Scienti-Snaps, 2120 Pershing Blvd: Daytong, O: "After seeing four copies of your publication I am sure you are here to stay. Well and good, but for heavens' sake get rid of Ackermanese! Now I have no doubt that Forrest is a very nice fellow, but his spelling is very, very bad. No, I don't even think it's clever. Futuristic? Maybe, but some of it looks a great deal like the haphazard language of the 16th Century. -- I really enjoyed that bit of so called humor by Bob Bloch; let's have more like it! Also, FJA's column is much better this time. It seems more like the movie columns of the dead, but not forgotten, FANTASY. -- I hope none of you LA League members was hurt in the California dewluge. (If I don't watch out I'll be as bad as Acky!) -- I am enclosing...for THE TELEVISION DETECTIVE by Dr. Keller." [Signed Richard Wilson Jr.] Editor of The Science Fiction News Letter, 86-10 117 St; Richmond Hill/NY, airmails: "People, I note happily that Eristolulov and its Esperantics are missing from Madge for March. Hope it isn't an over-sight. -- Bloch wasn't up to his usual form in 'A Charming' (why the italicization?) 'Interview'. Ryner the Great's 'Advice to Amateur Magicians' was very good. He writes, in a way, as Bloch used to. -- How about an interview with Karloff next? -- 'Resurrection', tho not a new idea, is a good one. -- You do go a bit to extremes in reproducing all your letter-writers' typographical and grammatical errors. Next you'll be transcribing strikeovers. (Perhaps. Realizing we are illiterates, we should not have the audacity to dare to attempt to correct a commentator, the presumptuousness to postulate that certain of our complaining patronizers might be other than paragons of perfection in the processes of spelling, punctuation, etc.) -- Jack Speer bawls you out for only printing part of my News Letter comment re IMAGINATION! You say that nothing in it was complimentary, underscoring the comp, etc. That is true. But what I said happened to be both the truth, and, if the truth isn't complimentary, the fault lies with you and not with me. -- Being a subscriber, I am inclosing 10c and two 1 1/2c stamps for two copies of David H. Keller (M.D.)'s 'The Television Detective.' -- I hear the dew has been a bit heavier out there of late." (Dew tell. It was dewtorium!)
IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 17 ry to bak a bad pony like me on such a bet as that, where my once absntminddly mployng an Ack-scruciatng usage woud cost th Rostr a prity peny; but I'l persaly pay for that yr sub for U, Jack! if U find anything to atAck in "The Living Lie." & I'l let Perry Lewis dcide validity of any claim. --FJA) Hope you publish Ted's reply to Michelism in the April Foo issue--and I hope he's handled the subject well. -- The March cover isn't as good as usual. Make 'em simple! -- WoW calls to mind the headlines of the morning paper. It seems that Los A had 4 1/2 inches of dow in twelve hours. -- The biography of Tod indicates a kindred soul. 'Ray for benevolent dictatorships! -- Bloch's biography passably good (passably! you groan)--but shows in its worst form your space-wasting method of indentation. -- Advice to Amateur Magicians ditto. -- 2001 fair. -- If you must revive old books--why not pick better ones that 'MS Found in a Copper Cylinder'? -- I second Moskowitz' advice to 'organize your pages'. -- Richard W may be right in saying the neo-typewriter prints the letters too far apart, but it's still more pleasing than the old kind. -- Shame on Louis Kuslan--speculating in the price of fan pubs! -- No Erdestelulov this time! Penance for last issue's running will or-- permanent? -- I have striven to interpret the Esperanto seal on the last two Madges, and gather that it cusses out modern English and praises Esperanto--but I don't think it's written in Esp. Check? (The Mexican soal, in Espanola and Esperanto, fitos for foneticism, against "the false orthography".) -- Oh, yes, isn't my subscription about expired? (June). [Signed Robert D. Swisher] 15 Ledyard Rd, Winchester/Mass: "Money order enclosed for 6 issues of I! including Keller's Television Detective. -- Using the native names of countries is a good idea (being one of my own) and should be encouraged." [Signed Walter E. Marconette] Editor of Scienti-Snaps, 2120 Pershing Blvd: Daytong, O: "After seeing four copies of your publication I am sure you are here to stay. Well and good, but for heavens' sake get rid of Ackermanese! Now I have no doubt that Forrest is a very nice fellow, but his spelling is very, very bad. No, I don't even think it's clever. Futuristic? Maybe, but some of it looks a great deal like the haphazard language of the 16th Century. -- I really enjoyed that bit of so called humor by Bob Bloch; let's have more like it! Also, FJA's column is much better this time. It seems more like the movie columns of the dead, but not forgotten, FANTASY. -- I hope none of you LA League members was hurt in the California dewluge. (If I don't watch out I'll be as bad as Acky!) -- I am enclosing...for THE TELEVISION DETECTIVE by Dr. Keller." [Signed Richard Wilson Jr.] Editor of The Science Fiction News Letter, 86-10 117 St; Richmond Hill/NY, airmails: "People, I note happily that Eristolulov and its Esperantics are missing from Madge for March. Hope it isn't an over-sight. -- Bloch wasn't up to his usual form in 'A Charming' (why the italicization?) 'Interview'. Ryner the Great's 'Advice to Amateur Magicians' was very good. He writes, in a way, as Bloch used to. -- How about an interview with Karloff next? -- 'Resurrection', tho not a new idea, is a good one. -- You do go a bit to extremes in reproducing all your letter-writers' typographical and grammatical errors. Next you'll be transcribing strikeovers. (Perhaps. Realizing we are illiterates, we should not have the audacity to dare to attempt to correct a commentator, the presumptuousness to postulate that certain of our complaining patronizers might be other than paragons of perfection in the processes of spelling, punctuation, etc.) -- Jack Speer bawls you out for only printing part of my News Letter comment re IMAGINATION! You say that nothing in it was complimentary, underscoring the comp, etc. That is true. But what I said happened to be both the truth, and, if the truth isn't complimentary, the fault lies with you and not with me. -- Being a subscriber, I am inclosing 10c and two 1 1/2c stamps for two copies of David H. Keller (M.D.)'s 'The Television Detective.' -- I hear the dew has been a bit heavier out there of late." (Dew tell. It was dewtorium!)
Hevelin Fanzines