Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
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IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 19 CLASSIFY-ADS Rates: 6 charactrs...1c; 3 consecutiv insertions identicl ad, 9 crs...1c. Abrevs: "gc"--good condition (2c) & "sae"--stampt-adrest envelope (3c). 1/4 pg, 75c; 1/2 $1.25; full $2. For Sale Shep's Shop for Fantasy Fiction Most All Th Bak #s All Th Major IMAGINATIV MAGS Plus Large Lending Library Full of Intrigng Titles Fanmags Esperanto Old Argosys Xcerpts Filmfotos "Th Lad & Th Lion" 5518 HOLLYWOOD BLVD HOLLYWOOD CALIF. --------------------------------- One of the rarest of all science fiction magazines in condition comparable to current issues. Amazing Stories ANNUAL for 1927, $2.50 ppd; or $1.50 with one yr sub to AS-F or WT. Send sae for details of offer of free Annual with combination subs. Roy A. Squires 2d: 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale--Calif. ----------------------------------- Scienti-Snaps--2 #s available at 10c ea. WEMarconette, 2120 Pershing Blvd, Dayton/O. ---------------------------------- HELIOS--Correction! Adres is not 609, a slight mistake which slipt in last ish, but 603S11, Newark/NJ--The "All Fan" # has apeard (36 packt pgs!) securable for 10c from Sam Moskowitz. ----------------------------------- UNIQUE: Printed & illustrated fantasy fanmag of fiction, articles, &c, will soon release its 3d issue at 15c, 2 copys for 25c. First issue available at 35c; 2d, til May 1, 15c. Mss for future issues wanted. LA Agent: RAS, 1745 Kenneth Rd; Glendale/Cal. ----------------------------------- DO U EVER THINK? Even if it's only occasionally you would be well advised to read "Novae Terrae", the English fanmagazine which has long been acknowledged as the fanmag for the Thinking Fan. Specimen copy free on application to Maurice K. Hanson, 25 Bernard St; Russell Sq--London WC1/England. ----------------------------------- IMAGINATION! Backs #s--None 1; few 2 & 3 at 25c; New Yr 20c; & Feb & Mar 15c ea. Bx 6475 Met Sta. LA. ----------------------------------- Fanmag Publishers: Already I trade with Fantascience Digest, SFFan, Helios, SFNews Letter, Jeddara, Scienti-Snaps, Tesseract, Unique. If not U, Y not? U kno my adres! Madge. ---------------------------------- THE BLIND SPOT $3.50. FB Shreyer: Apt 108, 509 S Union Dr; LA --------------------------------- "PUR" 50c. FJA: 236 1-2 N New Hampshire, Hollywood. ---------------------------------- "Last & First Men" 50c. MayBelle Anshutz: 4053W21, LA. --------------------------------- "The Crooked Rd" by VanZandt. 20c. Douglas: Bx 6475 Met Sta., LA. --------------------------------- Weirdists! Send sae for pricelist of bound excerpts by Lovecraft, Howard, Hamilton & many Moore! Hodgkins: 1903W84 P1-LA ----------------------------------- SKYLARK OF SPACE--offers? Perry Lewis: 309 S Everett St, Glendale/Cal. ----------------------------------- Join the SCIENCE FICTION ADVANCEMENT Assn. fighting for superior stf thru a united s f fandom. Squires, Morojo, Hodgkins, Ackerman, among our many mems. Dues only 10c yrly! Read the New Tesseract, organ of the organization, the fanmag worth reading! Adres cash or questions to Mgr-Secy Raymond Van Houten, 26 Seeley St., Paterson/NJ. -------------------------------- TAKE AD-VANTAGE OF ME! "MADGE"
IMAGINATION! #7 38 Apr 19 CLASSIFY-ADS Rates: 6 charactrs...1c; 3 consecutiv insertions identicl ad, 9 crs...1c. Abrevs: "gc"--good condition (2c) & "sae"--stampt-adrest envelope (3c). 1/4 pg, 75c; 1/2 $1.25; full $2. For Sale Shep's Shop for Fantasy Fiction Most All Th Bak #s All Th Major IMAGINATIV MAGS Plus Large Lending Library Full of Intrigng Titles Fanmags Esperanto Old Argosys Xcerpts Filmfotos "Th Lad & Th Lion" 5518 HOLLYWOOD BLVD HOLLYWOOD CALIF. --------------------------------- One of the rarest of all science fiction magazines in condition comparable to current issues. Amazing Stories ANNUAL for 1927, $2.50 ppd; or $1.50 with one yr sub to AS-F or WT. Send sae for details of offer of free Annual with combination subs. Roy A. Squires 2d: 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale--Calif. ----------------------------------- Scienti-Snaps--2 #s available at 10c ea. WEMarconette, 2120 Pershing Blvd, Dayton/O. ---------------------------------- HELIOS--Correction! Adres is not 609, a slight mistake which slipt in last ish, but 603S11, Newark/NJ--The "All Fan" # has apeard (36 packt pgs!) securable for 10c from Sam Moskowitz. ----------------------------------- UNIQUE: Printed & illustrated fantasy fanmag of fiction, articles, &c, will soon release its 3d issue at 15c, 2 copys for 25c. First issue available at 35c; 2d, til May 1, 15c. Mss for future issues wanted. LA Agent: RAS, 1745 Kenneth Rd; Glendale/Cal. ----------------------------------- DO U EVER THINK? Even if it's only occasionally you would be well advised to read "Novae Terrae", the English fanmagazine which has long been acknowledged as the fanmag for the Thinking Fan. Specimen copy free on application to Maurice K. Hanson, 25 Bernard St; Russell Sq--London WC1/England. ----------------------------------- IMAGINATION! Backs #s--None 1; few 2 & 3 at 25c; New Yr 20c; & Feb & Mar 15c ea. Bx 6475 Met Sta. LA. ----------------------------------- Fanmag Publishers: Already I trade with Fantascience Digest, SFFan, Helios, SFNews Letter, Jeddara, Scienti-Snaps, Tesseract, Unique. If not U, Y not? U kno my adres! Madge. ---------------------------------- THE BLIND SPOT $3.50. FB Shreyer: Apt 108, 509 S Union Dr; LA --------------------------------- "PUR" 50c. FJA: 236 1-2 N New Hampshire, Hollywood. ---------------------------------- "Last & First Men" 50c. MayBelle Anshutz: 4053W21, LA. --------------------------------- "The Crooked Rd" by VanZandt. 20c. Douglas: Bx 6475 Met Sta., LA. --------------------------------- Weirdists! Send sae for pricelist of bound excerpts by Lovecraft, Howard, Hamilton & many Moore! Hodgkins: 1903W84 P1-LA ----------------------------------- SKYLARK OF SPACE--offers? Perry Lewis: 309 S Everett St, Glendale/Cal. ----------------------------------- Join the SCIENCE FICTION ADVANCEMENT Assn. fighting for superior stf thru a united s f fandom. Squires, Morojo, Hodgkins, Ackerman, among our many mems. Dues only 10c yrly! Read the New Tesseract, organ of the organization, the fanmag worth reading! Adres cash or questions to Mgr-Secy Raymond Van Houten, 26 Seeley St., Paterson/NJ. -------------------------------- TAKE AD-VANTAGE OF ME! "MADGE"
Hevelin Fanzines