Imagination, v. 1, issue 7, whole no. 7, April 1938
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IMAGINA-SHUN! "The Fanmag of the Foo-ture with a Foo-ture" Robert Bloch writes: "Dear Madgenius: Imagination arrived at my humble palace, quite resplendent in its blue cover with the picture of a winged cigar butt flying over the surface of a hot-fudge sundae. Greatly entranced by the articles, though I seemed to detect some levity in the world of Ryner the Great. (Really a classic work on gaety, though, and undoubtedly stolen almost verbatim from the Book of Eiben). I was, however quite surprised to see that in some quite incomprehensible manner my serious monograph had been turned into a ribald burlesque. I deemed it in execrable taste to so distort my scholarly utterances so that they seemed to form a dubious series of quite rancid jests ~~ "gags" I believe they are called, vulgarly. It seems a sacrilege to me that a work of such exquisite beauty should be so atrociously mangled that the nuance of my meaning was garbled into facetiousness. I must also complain that your proof-reader apparently cut out about 40,000 words; the real heart of my article. Really, I'm quite beside myself (and that makes me twins, which is pretty serious, considering how hard I find it to support myself alone.) Noticed in the book a reference to Egyptian tales by Mr. Shreyer. It might interest him to know that my next Egyptian story will be very short -- it's about Little Egypt. Plenty of movement, though, in this tale. Espefrantically [sic] WANTED. Assts for Madge-- must be congenital COMET PUBS Soars to New Heights! Many regular mags now issued by us. Among them are: Monthlys Science Fiction Collector, Fantascience Digest, 10c a copy, 3 issues 25c, Fantaseer 5c, 6 for 25c. Science Adventure Storys [sic] quarterly, 15c strate; irregularly; Imaginative Fiction, PSFS News, 5c a copy, 25c for 6 issues; Fantasy Fiction Pictorial, 10c; & others. Among the many contributing to COMET PUBLICATIONS are: LA Eshbach, Ralph Milne Farley, Oliver Saari, Donald A. Wollheim, Sam Moskowitz, John V. Baltadonis: John Chapman, Robt A. Madle, Nils H. Frome, Douglas Blakely, Jack Speer, J. Chapman Misko, John Giunta, Richard Wilson Jr, James V. Taurasi, Jack Agnew, Julius Schwartz, Willis C. Conover, David H. Keller, Oswald Train, Milton A. Rothman, Milton Asquith—no Ackerman! News cols featured in the various mags are: "Science Fiction Eye, Fantaglimmerings, Looking Around, The Eternal Wanderer, Fantaseer & English Epigrams". Address all communications & subs to COMET PUBS, 1700 Frankford Ave; Philadelphia, PA. Imagination! Bx 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles, Cal Return Post Gtd
IMAGINA-SHUN! "The Fanmag of the Foo-ture with a Foo-ture" Robert Bloch writes: "Dear Madgenius: Imagination arrived at my humble palace, quite resplendent in its blue cover with the picture of a winged cigar butt flying over the surface of a hot-fudge sundae. Greatly entranced by the articles, though I seemed to detect some levity in the world of Ryner the Great. (Really a classic work on gaety, though, and undoubtedly stolen almost verbatim from the Book of Eiben). I was, however quite surprised to see that in some quite incomprehensible manner my serious monograph had been turned into a ribald burlesque. I deemed it in execrable taste to so distort my scholarly utterances so that they seemed to form a dubious series of quite rancid jests ~~ "gags" I believe they are called, vulgarly. It seems a sacrilege to me that a work of such exquisite beauty should be so atrociously mangled that the nuance of my meaning was garbled into facetiousness. I must also complain that your proof-reader apparently cut out about 40,000 words; the real heart of my article. Really, I'm quite beside myself (and that makes me twins, which is pretty serious, considering how hard I find it to support myself alone.) Noticed in the book a reference to Egyptian tales by Mr. Shreyer. It might interest him to know that my next Egyptian story will be very short -- it's about Little Egypt. Plenty of movement, though, in this tale. Espefrantically [sic] WANTED. Assts for Madge-- must be congenital COMET PUBS Soars to New Heights! Many regular mags now issued by us. Among them are: Monthlys Science Fiction Collector, Fantascience Digest, 10c a copy, 3 issues 25c, Fantaseer 5c, 6 for 25c. Science Adventure Storys [sic] quarterly, 15c strate; irregularly; Imaginative Fiction, PSFS News, 5c a copy, 25c for 6 issues; Fantasy Fiction Pictorial, 10c; & others. Among the many contributing to COMET PUBLICATIONS are: LA Eshbach, Ralph Milne Farley, Oliver Saari, Donald A. Wollheim, Sam Moskowitz, John V. Baltadonis: John Chapman, Robt A. Madle, Nils H. Frome, Douglas Blakely, Jack Speer, J. Chapman Misko, John Giunta, Richard Wilson Jr, James V. Taurasi, Jack Agnew, Julius Schwartz, Willis C. Conover, David H. Keller, Oswald Train, Milton A. Rothman, Milton Asquith—no Ackerman! News cols featured in the various mags are: "Science Fiction Eye, Fantaglimmerings, Looking Around, The Eternal Wanderer, Fantaseer & English Epigrams". Address all communications & subs to COMET PUBS, 1700 Frankford Ave; Philadelphia, PA. Imagination! Bx 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles, Cal Return Post Gtd
Hevelin Fanzines