Imagination, v. 1, issue 8, whole no. 8, May 1938
Page 5
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IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 5 Forrest J Ackerman's FANTASCIENCE FILMART Synopsis of serial "Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars" Forward: U r bidn to bord dreamship Imagination! & speed thru space & time to th yr 3,000! Circulug hi abov our world U see devastateng floods sweeping futur citys to th sea, dustorms levling crops & huricanes scramblng humanbeings with rooftops. Hoverng over Newyork harbr look d own & bhold fierce flames dvouring huge, strange bldgs. Our craft, Imagination! ...sloly setls. By time we land flames'v died down, nothing's left of Ny but smoke & skyscraper skeletns. Peopl pour from subways wher they'v been seeking refuge. Wringing his hands one man xclaims "If someone doesnt stop that Force in space from stealing nitrogen from our atmosfere...soon we'l all die!" Chapt 1: "New Worlds to Conqr"-- Ming th Mercyles is on Mars colaborateng with Azura th MagiQueen, operateng amazeng & complicated lamp wich sux nitrogen from Tero. They mploy this nitrogen manufactureng xeplosivs to dstroy their enemys. Loss of nitrogen raises havoc on Tero so Flash Gordon, th fizicl & mentl wizard; Dale Arden, his fiancee; Dr Zarkov, superscientist; & Hapy Hapgood, newspaperman; start to Mars in roketship to dstroy lamp. Zoomng thru stratosfere they r drawn into lamp's nitrogen-suking ray. Their roketship hurtls uncontrold tord Redplanet-- #2: "Th Living Dead"--Ming & Azura isue ordr wherat meteor dflectr rises in front th huge lamp of Mars wich is drawing Flash's roketship to it. Ship glances off & falls into Valy of Desolation. Flash & his friends, escapeng injury, capture a Marsian stratosled & set out to dstroy th great lamp. Atakt, they fall nr th cavern of Claymeu. Fleeing their atakrs they ntr undrground pasage. Sudnly walls nr ntrance slide togethr with rumbl. Flash & frends r trapt... #3: "Queen of Magic"--With his nitrogun Flash blasts hole thru imprisonng wall & his companyons in peril efect escape. Later they r captured by th Claypeopl: Humanbeings who'v been turnd to clay by Azura, Q of M. Th Clayking, holding Dale Arden & Hapy Hapgood as hostages, sends Flash & Dr Zarkov to capture Azura. Flash, by ruseries, manages to come face to face with Azura. He snatchs th Wite Safire, sorce of her magical power, from her throat & forces her to his stratosled wich is on a landingplatform. Ming th Mercyles, seeing m, starts giang oscilator wich shakes th l.p. to pices. Flash & Azura tumbl tord th ground--100s feet below! #4: "Ancient Enemys"--Flash & Azura escape (I can't nliten how as th prepared review in th pres-bk doesnt say & pic hasnt yet played LA) & A escapes F. She & Ming Declare war on th Claypeopl. Blievng Flash involvd m in this war Clayfolk chain Dale & Hapy to rox in path of boms being dropt from one of Azura's ships. Flash & Zarkov, equipt with Marsian batwing parachutes, arive via stratesled[[?]] & Z leaps to ground. Flash sets controls strait at bomb. Follows terific xplosion! #5: "Th Boomerang"--Just bfor stratosled crashes Flash manages to blast open cabin door. Later he & Z trik a gard & ntr Azura's palace. Wandrng into a lab Z makes a paralyzr gun. Discovered, they escape from th palace. Azura, however, sends bomr aftr m. Flash leans p.g. against rok as he runs to help Z who's falln--& as he does so steps in his raygun's radius & is paralyzd! Azura's bomr dives at him! #6: "Treemen of Mars" (next month). APRIL SHOWERS in LA were showers of revivals, various groups being enableed to see once more such fantasy films of yore & yoresterday as "The Old Dark House, Topper, Man Who Lived Twice, Bride of Frankenstein, Werefolf of London, Lost Horizon, Invisible Man & King Kong". The aviationarrative in technicolor, "Men With Wings", tho not Les Stone's, sorry, will, however, feature a futuristiclimax...
IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 5 Forrest J Ackerman's FANTASCIENCE FILMART Synopsis of serial "Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars" Forward: U r bidn to bord dreamship Imagination! & speed thru space & time to th yr 3,000! Circulug hi abov our world U see devastateng floods sweeping futur citys to th sea, dustorms levling crops & huricanes scramblng humanbeings with rooftops. Hoverng over Newyork harbr look d own & bhold fierce flames dvouring huge, strange bldgs. Our craft, Imagination! ...sloly setls. By time we land flames'v died down, nothing's left of Ny but smoke & skyscraper skeletns. Peopl pour from subways wher they'v been seeking refuge. Wringing his hands one man xclaims "If someone doesnt stop that Force in space from stealing nitrogen from our atmosfere...soon we'l all die!" Chapt 1: "New Worlds to Conqr"-- Ming th Mercyles is on Mars colaborateng with Azura th MagiQueen, operateng amazeng & complicated lamp wich sux nitrogen from Tero. They mploy this nitrogen manufactureng xeplosivs to dstroy their enemys. Loss of nitrogen raises havoc on Tero so Flash Gordon, th fizicl & mentl wizard; Dale Arden, his fiancee; Dr Zarkov, superscientist; & Hapy Hapgood, newspaperman; start to Mars in roketship to dstroy lamp. Zoomng thru stratosfere they r drawn into lamp's nitrogen-suking ray. Their roketship hurtls uncontrold tord Redplanet-- #2: "Th Living Dead"--Ming & Azura isue ordr wherat meteor dflectr rises in front th huge lamp of Mars wich is drawing Flash's roketship to it. Ship glances off & falls into Valy of Desolation. Flash & his friends, escapeng injury, capture a Marsian stratosled & set out to dstroy th great lamp. Atakt, they fall nr th cavern of Claymeu. Fleeing their atakrs they ntr undrground pasage. Sudnly walls nr ntrance slide togethr with rumbl. Flash & frends r trapt... #3: "Queen of Magic"--With his nitrogun Flash blasts hole thru imprisonng wall & his companyons in peril efect escape. Later they r captured by th Claypeopl: Humanbeings who'v been turnd to clay by Azura, Q of M. Th Clayking, holding Dale Arden & Hapy Hapgood as hostages, sends Flash & Dr Zarkov to capture Azura. Flash, by ruseries, manages to come face to face with Azura. He snatchs th Wite Safire, sorce of her magical power, from her throat & forces her to his stratosled wich is on a landingplatform. Ming th Mercyles, seeing m, starts giang oscilator wich shakes th l.p. to pices. Flash & Azura tumbl tord th ground--100s feet below! #4: "Ancient Enemys"--Flash & Azura escape (I can't nliten how as th prepared review in th pres-bk doesnt say & pic hasnt yet played LA) & A escapes F. She & Ming Declare war on th Claypeopl. Blievng Flash involvd m in this war Clayfolk chain Dale & Hapy to rox in path of boms being dropt from one of Azura's ships. Flash & Zarkov, equipt with Marsian batwing parachutes, arive via stratesled[[?]] & Z leaps to ground. Flash sets controls strait at bomb. Follows terific xplosion! #5: "Th Boomerang"--Just bfor stratosled crashes Flash manages to blast open cabin door. Later he & Z trik a gard & ntr Azura's palace. Wandrng into a lab Z makes a paralyzr gun. Discovered, they escape from th palace. Azura, however, sends bomr aftr m. Flash leans p.g. against rok as he runs to help Z who's falln--& as he does so steps in his raygun's radius & is paralyzd! Azura's bomr dives at him! #6: "Treemen of Mars" (next month). APRIL SHOWERS in LA were showers of revivals, various groups being enableed to see once more such fantasy films of yore & yoresterday as "The Old Dark House, Topper, Man Who Lived Twice, Bride of Frankenstein, Werefolf of London, Lost Horizon, Invisible Man & King Kong". The aviationarrative in technicolor, "Men With Wings", tho not Les Stone's, sorry, will, however, feature a futuristiclimax...
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