Imagination, v. 1, issue 8, whole no. 8, May 1938
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IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 7 NEW ATTACK ON MICHELISM By Erick Freyor I should imagine from what I have heard & read relative to Michelism that it is merely a pastel pink shade derived from the more virile & certainly more strateforward Communisticrimson. The whole mess strikes me as author mild perturbation in the proverbial teapot, another plaintive blare from the too-too daring lefts. What in the name of the Necromicon SCIENCE FICTION has to do with Michelism I don't know. I suppose, however, had Wellheim been a stampcollector he'd've pled his party in the name of stampcollecting. Sic semper-- Now I am not so pessimistic as Yerked & certainly not so ready to offer the only panacea for world ills as Wollheim. Nevertheless I do have a philosophy of sorts & it is as far removed from Wollheim's flagwavings & Come the Revolutions as Los Angeles is from New York, home of the latterday worldsavers. &, too, it has the advantage of being a rather simple philosophy. I mention this outlook of mine not for any desire of airing my ego but simply for the purpose of offering a point of comparison... The material with which any worldsaver, any Messiah of the Masses, has to work upon this partially green earth is an extremely variable sort of stuff. It isnt a question of saving a world but a question of saving man. The point is: Does man need saving? Man is a rather simple sort of animal, upholsterd a bit & slitely inconvenienced by having to walk erect on 2 legs stead of loping along on 4. These superficialitys, I think, may well be disregarded for upon analyzation he is found to have in slitely warpt & artificial variations the same basic lusts, greed, loyaltys & traits our canine friend Rover displays. When he is well fed he grunts & is happy. When his Mother is called a lady who never refused an improper proposal he fites. If a bugle to make him grab a gun & yell "Where's that $%! !#?¿&! babykiller---!" Still man is a rather likeable sort of beast. He is more or less an individual. One (??)animal likes Lovecraft, another swears by Schachner, another enthuses over Charles [[?]]ort. One conclusion is inevitable: Man is no cog but rather a homogeneous creature that never will fit, click & vibrate with all other men. It is in failing to realize this that Michelists, Communists & all others of their ilk are doomd to failure... MICHELISM teaches worldfellowship I am told. Worldfellowship! Bleach for me, Wollheim, all Negros & other colored races til they be white as I. Uproot all religiousuperstitions, the product of ages, in minds of the little yellow brethern, hotentots &c, until they believe as I. Convince all races that their nationalisticredos are wrong & that they should adopt mine. When you have finisht with these Augean stables, Wollheim...I shan't join you for I shall be no more! The sun will have died eons ago & earth will be cosmic dust in the eyes of Lovecraft's Gods! Stop War? How --by gibbering Communism? "Why Not Try God?"? or the Oxford Movement? or Coùism? Can you stop hunger by generous doses of Marx? Can you kill desire by reciting the precepts of Buddha? Marx's little lost brother, Jesus, proved the fallacy of your system; Russia proved the impossibility of your wish-projection; & countless little cooperative communitys rang the deathknell of your fancys. There will be wars & more wars: Wars to save Democracy--wars to save the Constitution--wars to End wars! & who survive will continue to bear children who in turn will wage Wars to save Things. Tragic? Not at all! Merely "pendulation" if you'll pardon a coinage. Laissez-faire --find a belief, be intellectually honest with yourself & realize man's limitations & basic immutability. Dream; but don't be too optomistic about finding your dreams when you awake. Find little escapes to relieve the monotony of mere living, be they Demon rum, women, religion or science fiction--it makes no difference. &--quit being [[?]] God in a pigsty!
IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 7 NEW ATTACK ON MICHELISM By Erick Freyor I should imagine from what I have heard & read relative to Michelism that it is merely a pastel pink shade derived from the more virile & certainly more strateforward Communisticrimson. The whole mess strikes me as author mild perturbation in the proverbial teapot, another plaintive blare from the too-too daring lefts. What in the name of the Necromicon SCIENCE FICTION has to do with Michelism I don't know. I suppose, however, had Wellheim been a stampcollector he'd've pled his party in the name of stampcollecting. Sic semper-- Now I am not so pessimistic as Yerked & certainly not so ready to offer the only panacea for world ills as Wollheim. Nevertheless I do have a philosophy of sorts & it is as far removed from Wollheim's flagwavings & Come the Revolutions as Los Angeles is from New York, home of the latterday worldsavers. &, too, it has the advantage of being a rather simple philosophy. I mention this outlook of mine not for any desire of airing my ego but simply for the purpose of offering a point of comparison... The material with which any worldsaver, any Messiah of the Masses, has to work upon this partially green earth is an extremely variable sort of stuff. It isnt a question of saving a world but a question of saving man. The point is: Does man need saving? Man is a rather simple sort of animal, upholsterd a bit & slitely inconvenienced by having to walk erect on 2 legs stead of loping along on 4. These superficialitys, I think, may well be disregarded for upon analyzation he is found to have in slitely warpt & artificial variations the same basic lusts, greed, loyaltys & traits our canine friend Rover displays. When he is well fed he grunts & is happy. When his Mother is called a lady who never refused an improper proposal he fites. If a bugle to make him grab a gun & yell "Where's that $%! !#?¿&! babykiller---!" Still man is a rather likeable sort of beast. He is more or less an individual. One (??)animal likes Lovecraft, another swears by Schachner, another enthuses over Charles [[?]]ort. One conclusion is inevitable: Man is no cog but rather a homogeneous creature that never will fit, click & vibrate with all other men. It is in failing to realize this that Michelists, Communists & all others of their ilk are doomd to failure... MICHELISM teaches worldfellowship I am told. Worldfellowship! Bleach for me, Wollheim, all Negros & other colored races til they be white as I. Uproot all religiousuperstitions, the product of ages, in minds of the little yellow brethern, hotentots &c, until they believe as I. Convince all races that their nationalisticredos are wrong & that they should adopt mine. When you have finisht with these Augean stables, Wollheim...I shan't join you for I shall be no more! The sun will have died eons ago & earth will be cosmic dust in the eyes of Lovecraft's Gods! Stop War? How --by gibbering Communism? "Why Not Try God?"? or the Oxford Movement? or Coùism? Can you stop hunger by generous doses of Marx? Can you kill desire by reciting the precepts of Buddha? Marx's little lost brother, Jesus, proved the fallacy of your system; Russia proved the impossibility of your wish-projection; & countless little cooperative communitys rang the deathknell of your fancys. There will be wars & more wars: Wars to save Democracy--wars to save the Constitution--wars to End wars! & who survive will continue to bear children who in turn will wage Wars to save Things. Tragic? Not at all! Merely "pendulation" if you'll pardon a coinage. Laissez-faire --find a belief, be intellectually honest with yourself & realize man's limitations & basic immutability. Dream; but don't be too optomistic about finding your dreams when you awake. Find little escapes to relieve the monotony of mere living, be they Demon rum, women, religion or science fiction--it makes no difference. &--quit being [[?]] God in a pigsty!
Hevelin Fanzines