Imagination, v. 1, issue 8, whole no. 8, May 1938
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IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 9 ONWARD ESPERANTO! by Erdstelulov. This month I turn my column over to Mirta Forsto who has prepared a translation from the Universalanguage of the new play per la mondfama[[?]] autoro de "Rosumaj Universalaj Robotoj". Raid[[?]] [[illegible]] WHITE PLAGUE by the worldfamous Ceskslovenska dramatist is a drama of anguishing appeal for peace & humanity. It is a protest against war & the anihilation of material & cultural values. The world of humaneness & democracy is brot into dramaticonflict with the world of crude expansion & dictatorship. [[?]] Capek, one of the ominotaj spiritoj de Europe today, himself explains to us the idea & theme of the "White Plague" as follows: "The White Plague provides a dramatic background on which one can better & more clearly sketch the struggle. the original task of the White Plague is constructive, purely dramatic. It is natural that afterward the White Plague became for me also symbolic of the current discord of the white race & of the world. The White Plague in my play calls to mind the Middle Ages & their terrible epidemics; it, also, is a species of epidemic for which man knows no cure. "The hero of the play is a practicing physician, a doctor of the poor class, & justly his devoted service to many men leads him to the discovery of the treatment for the White Plague. He represents simple humanity, the democraticoncept of the world, & is the bearer of the Ideal of Humanism. Against him stands the dynamic principle of dictatorship, which is inhuman because it uses man for the attainment of power & suppression. The doctor defends the principle that each man has the right to live & must defend that right even against imperialism & bullets. "As a playwright I naturally use drastic measures against wayward mankind; I send an epidemical White Plague. Naturally if I didnt believe that one could awaken humanity along the line of reason & enthusiasm the White Plague would not have been conceived. Rightly, therefore, I believe that I use this drastic appeal: The White Plague is an appeal to the conscience & the honest, healthy commonsense of everyone on whose hearts lie the welfare of Europe, the chance of tranquil evolution, the fate of the whole human race. "& the solution? Catastrofic failure on both sides. A tragic end of the battle between inhuman imperialism & man. Finally it is clear that the principle does not conquer & that thru the world rolls only a crude unconscious strength of the mass that denys the leader that releast it from its dynasticism. If sometime the passions & instincts of the masses become unleasht even the leaders cannot halt them. "There remain only 2 young people, the hope of the future, the hope for a new generation: The son of the munitions manufacturer & the dawter of the dictator, themselves clean, humanly honest & sensible. They are young people untoucht by the fanaticism of their parents. They are the type of young people that I should like to see. MAY marks the 10TH ANNIVERSARY de la Esperanto-Klubo de Los-Angeleso. Banquet! Big Shots! Prezidanto résumés decade of EsperantiClub activit in LA; Sekretario Fraulo Fojak (FJAckerman) requested to furnish rapidfire translation--Tomoro's Tung in Today's English--for benefit of educationalists & other honord guests present not yet having studyd the Universlanguage. 19 APR 51 33 (Esperanto Era) caravan of cars containing (among names U'd kno) myself--Erdstolulov, Morojo, Fojak, Mirta Forsto, "Anny" Anshutz & Chas D Hornig, raced to a rendevue with superadio in an exclusive mouontain residence above the Montrose to catch the first Esperanto broadcast to Ameriko! The "Green Star Station" (Brno), Praha/Ceskoslovenske, was releasing into the ether its epic program at 4:30 o'clock the next morning so we could hear it 7:30 NITE BEFORE...!
IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 9 ONWARD ESPERANTO! by Erdstelulov. This month I turn my column over to Mirta Forsto who has prepared a translation from the Universalanguage of the new play per la mondfama[[?]] autoro de "Rosumaj Universalaj Robotoj". Raid[[?]] [[illegible]] WHITE PLAGUE by the worldfamous Ceskslovenska dramatist is a drama of anguishing appeal for peace & humanity. It is a protest against war & the anihilation of material & cultural values. The world of humaneness & democracy is brot into dramaticonflict with the world of crude expansion & dictatorship. [[?]] Capek, one of the ominotaj spiritoj de Europe today, himself explains to us the idea & theme of the "White Plague" as follows: "The White Plague provides a dramatic background on which one can better & more clearly sketch the struggle. the original task of the White Plague is constructive, purely dramatic. It is natural that afterward the White Plague became for me also symbolic of the current discord of the white race & of the world. The White Plague in my play calls to mind the Middle Ages & their terrible epidemics; it, also, is a species of epidemic for which man knows no cure. "The hero of the play is a practicing physician, a doctor of the poor class, & justly his devoted service to many men leads him to the discovery of the treatment for the White Plague. He represents simple humanity, the democraticoncept of the world, & is the bearer of the Ideal of Humanism. Against him stands the dynamic principle of dictatorship, which is inhuman because it uses man for the attainment of power & suppression. The doctor defends the principle that each man has the right to live & must defend that right even against imperialism & bullets. "As a playwright I naturally use drastic measures against wayward mankind; I send an epidemical White Plague. Naturally if I didnt believe that one could awaken humanity along the line of reason & enthusiasm the White Plague would not have been conceived. Rightly, therefore, I believe that I use this drastic appeal: The White Plague is an appeal to the conscience & the honest, healthy commonsense of everyone on whose hearts lie the welfare of Europe, the chance of tranquil evolution, the fate of the whole human race. "& the solution? Catastrofic failure on both sides. A tragic end of the battle between inhuman imperialism & man. Finally it is clear that the principle does not conquer & that thru the world rolls only a crude unconscious strength of the mass that denys the leader that releast it from its dynasticism. If sometime the passions & instincts of the masses become unleasht even the leaders cannot halt them. "There remain only 2 young people, the hope of the future, the hope for a new generation: The son of the munitions manufacturer & the dawter of the dictator, themselves clean, humanly honest & sensible. They are young people untoucht by the fanaticism of their parents. They are the type of young people that I should like to see. MAY marks the 10TH ANNIVERSARY de la Esperanto-Klubo de Los-Angeleso. Banquet! Big Shots! Prezidanto résumés decade of EsperantiClub activit in LA; Sekretario Fraulo Fojak (FJAckerman) requested to furnish rapidfire translation--Tomoro's Tung in Today's English--for benefit of educationalists & other honord guests present not yet having studyd the Universlanguage. 19 APR 51 33 (Esperanto Era) caravan of cars containing (among names U'd kno) myself--Erdstolulov, Morojo, Fojak, Mirta Forsto, "Anny" Anshutz & Chas D Hornig, raced to a rendevue with superadio in an exclusive mouontain residence above the Montrose to catch the first Esperanto broadcast to Ameriko! The "Green Star Station" (Brno), Praha/Ceskoslovenske, was releasing into the ether its epic program at 4:30 o'clock the next morning so we could hear it 7:30 NITE BEFORE...!
Hevelin Fanzines