Imagination, v. 1, issue 8, whole no. 8, May 1938
Page 19
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IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 19 CLASSIFY-ADS Rates: 6 charactrs...1c, 3 consecutly inserts same ad, 9 chrs...1c. "Pr"--pricelist, 1c; "gc"--good condish, 2c; & "sae"--stampt-adrest envelope, 3c. 1/4 pg, 75c; 1/2, $1.25; full-$2. For Sale IMAGI-NATIVES! Stop 'n' shop at "Shep's" HOLLY-WESTERN 2DHAND MAG-MART Wher U Can Get "That Old Feeling" pikng up one of th pubs from t h Good Oldays IMAGI-NATION!! Send Wantlists NB, Angelenos! Latest aditions to our centaday shelf of ima- ginativ bks: "Gldn Blite, Hapy Alienist, Caverns of Mongo (Flash Gordon), A Princess of Mars, Dum Gods Speak & Undyng M o n s t r" Esperanto items, Film Fotos &c. 5518 Hollywood Blvd...H'wood. MIND Inc, '30 Apr: CI (Colectrs' Item) containng Karel Capek's profetic play Rossum's Universl Robots in fiction form. 50c. FJA: 236 1-2 N New Hampshire, H'wood. MUTATION OR DEATH--John B. Michel. Specially priced at only 5c so it may be within the means of All to acquaint themselves fully with Michelism's flaming ultimatum to Scientifiction Fandom! DAWollheim: 801 W End, NYC. Novae Terrae, Organ of the SCIENCE0FICTION ASSN, the fanmg for the Thinking Fan. Specimen free, mentioning "Madge", on application to Maurice K. Hanson: 25 Bernard St, Russell Sq; London WC1/England. 3 Rare & Ancient AmS containing the Classic SKYLARK OF SPACE by Smith, EE. GC! Make offer. Also Argosayrn "Drink We Deep", xotic Zagatale xcerptd & bound--couple copys, 50c ea. Perry L. Lewis: 309 S Everett St, Glendale/Cal. StupendousStapledonarrative LAST & FIRST MEN--50c! MayBelle Anshutz: 4053W21, LA IMAGINATION! Back #s--None 1; few 2 & 3 at 25c; last 3 #4 for 30c apiece; remaining 2 Feb, 20c ea; Mar, 15c; Apr 10c. Adres Back # Bureau, IMAGINATION!: Bx 6475 Metropolitan Sta, Los Angeles. Unique --3d issue out with 37 printed pgs! 15c, 2 for 25c. Few 1st & 2d still left at 40 & 20c respectively. (NB: Mss for future issues wanted.) Adres money or mss to RASquires 2d: 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale/Cal. "The Television Detective": LASFL pamflet by Hon Mem Dr Keller, 10c--5c & postage (1 1/2) with 1-2 yr renewal or extension, IMAGINATION!. Order thru Vodoso: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA. Scienti-Snaps (10c) now has a scientifictinematicompanion, 5c. Try both! WEMarconette: 2120 Pershing Blvd, Dayton/O. Imaginativ-excerpts: HPL & REH, CLM & other WT favorites' phantasyarns bound. Sae for pr (rpicelis). Hodgkins: 1903W84 Pl, LA. The Golden Bough has many "improbable" & science fiction bks--"The Silver Peril, News from Nowhere, Kite Trust" &c. 705 & 1-2 W 6, LA. Lernu Esperanton! Learn th Universalanguage! $2.50 sets of texts... to th Imagi-Nation only $1.75! Printd, profusely ilustrated series of lesns, ea part of th whol containng over 30 pgs. May b bawt seprately--1st, 2d, 3d...1, 2 or 3 at a time, as U progres--20c apiece ppd. Adres Mirta Forsto: Modern Apts, 3d & Vermont, LA. Argosyarn Instalmnts: Parts from such Super Serials as Into th Infinit, Goldn Blite, Metl Monstr, Out of th Moon, Man Who Mastrd Time &c. List wants, sending sae, to Louise Hamell: 1161 N Hobart, H'wood. Fantasy Fan #s 10 & 14, Marvel 1st & 4th, featuring fantasies by HPL. Highest bid takes one or all. Adres IMAGINATION! Dept IL. My thanx ot th J for WS with Snookstory, Gakspiro de Foo
IMAGINATION! #8 38 May 19 CLASSIFY-ADS Rates: 6 charactrs...1c, 3 consecutly inserts same ad, 9 chrs...1c. "Pr"--pricelist, 1c; "gc"--good condish, 2c; & "sae"--stampt-adrest envelope, 3c. 1/4 pg, 75c; 1/2, $1.25; full-$2. For Sale IMAGI-NATIVES! Stop 'n' shop at "Shep's" HOLLY-WESTERN 2DHAND MAG-MART Wher U Can Get "That Old Feeling" pikng up one of th pubs from t h Good Oldays IMAGI-NATION!! Send Wantlists NB, Angelenos! Latest aditions to our centaday shelf of ima- ginativ bks: "Gldn Blite, Hapy Alienist, Caverns of Mongo (Flash Gordon), A Princess of Mars, Dum Gods Speak & Undyng M o n s t r" Esperanto items, Film Fotos &c. 5518 Hollywood Blvd...H'wood. MIND Inc, '30 Apr: CI (Colectrs' Item) containng Karel Capek's profetic play Rossum's Universl Robots in fiction form. 50c. FJA: 236 1-2 N New Hampshire, H'wood. MUTATION OR DEATH--John B. Michel. Specially priced at only 5c so it may be within the means of All to acquaint themselves fully with Michelism's flaming ultimatum to Scientifiction Fandom! DAWollheim: 801 W End, NYC. Novae Terrae, Organ of the SCIENCE0FICTION ASSN, the fanmg for the Thinking Fan. Specimen free, mentioning "Madge", on application to Maurice K. Hanson: 25 Bernard St, Russell Sq; London WC1/England. 3 Rare & Ancient AmS containing the Classic SKYLARK OF SPACE by Smith, EE. GC! Make offer. Also Argosayrn "Drink We Deep", xotic Zagatale xcerptd & bound--couple copys, 50c ea. Perry L. Lewis: 309 S Everett St, Glendale/Cal. StupendousStapledonarrative LAST & FIRST MEN--50c! MayBelle Anshutz: 4053W21, LA IMAGINATION! Back #s--None 1; few 2 & 3 at 25c; last 3 #4 for 30c apiece; remaining 2 Feb, 20c ea; Mar, 15c; Apr 10c. Adres Back # Bureau, IMAGINATION!: Bx 6475 Metropolitan Sta, Los Angeles. Unique --3d issue out with 37 printed pgs! 15c, 2 for 25c. Few 1st & 2d still left at 40 & 20c respectively. (NB: Mss for future issues wanted.) Adres money or mss to RASquires 2d: 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale/Cal. "The Television Detective": LASFL pamflet by Hon Mem Dr Keller, 10c--5c & postage (1 1/2) with 1-2 yr renewal or extension, IMAGINATION!. Order thru Vodoso: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA. Scienti-Snaps (10c) now has a scientifictinematicompanion, 5c. Try both! WEMarconette: 2120 Pershing Blvd, Dayton/O. Imaginativ-excerpts: HPL & REH, CLM & other WT favorites' phantasyarns bound. Sae for pr (rpicelis). Hodgkins: 1903W84 Pl, LA. The Golden Bough has many "improbable" & science fiction bks--"The Silver Peril, News from Nowhere, Kite Trust" &c. 705 & 1-2 W 6, LA. Lernu Esperanton! Learn th Universalanguage! $2.50 sets of texts... to th Imagi-Nation only $1.75! Printd, profusely ilustrated series of lesns, ea part of th whol containng over 30 pgs. May b bawt seprately--1st, 2d, 3d...1, 2 or 3 at a time, as U progres--20c apiece ppd. Adres Mirta Forsto: Modern Apts, 3d & Vermont, LA. Argosyarn Instalmnts: Parts from such Super Serials as Into th Infinit, Goldn Blite, Metl Monstr, Out of th Moon, Man Who Mastrd Time &c. List wants, sending sae, to Louise Hamell: 1161 N Hobart, H'wood. Fantasy Fan #s 10 & 14, Marvel 1st & 4th, featuring fantasies by HPL. Highest bid takes one or all. Adres IMAGINATION! Dept IL. My thanx ot th J for WS with Snookstory, Gakspiro de Foo
Hevelin Fanzines