Fantasy-News, v. 5, issue 19, whole no. 124, November 3, 1940
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Page 2 FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84,Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora. Associates; Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr.. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 30 issues $1, 52 issues (1 yr.) $1.50. Ad Rates: Full Page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 page 50¢ minimum. (NO STAMPS) NOTE: Make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. NOTICE TO FAN MAG EDITORS! Since the publication of the very first science fiction fan magazine, the Science Correspondence Club Organ-The Comet, in May 1930, to this day, there has been a long felt need for cooperation of some sort between the various science-fiction fan mags and the fan field. An association of some kind composed of the editors of the stf subscription fan mags is greatly to be desired. Cooperative advertising, a clearing house of acceptable material, some sort of standard to live up to in our publications, all of these and more could be set up by an organization whose membership would be open only to the editors and publishers of stf fan mags that are sold on a subsoription basis. FANTASY NEWS welcomes editorjial comment on this suggestion. Editors of fan mags, let us know; your reactions to this idea in your own editorial columns. At the same time, the columns of FN stand open to any interested fan mag editor who wishes to air his views here. It is high time that we fans who publish fan mags got together in some sort of business basis, not to make a profit, but to investigate our field with a view to improving our publications and making some effort to discover if our magazines can ever be placed on some sort of pay as you go policy, so that instead of a haphazard distribution, we will see the products of our fascinating hobby go into really interested hands. ACE SCIENCE FICTION No. 2. by Thos. S. Gardner. Review of "Minions Of Mars" by William Gray Beyer. Readers of ARGOSY will remember Beyer's "Minions Of the Moon" with Mark Nevin, a relic of the "dim past", our era, having been made immortal by the wacky Omega, the last living representative of the Moon Peoples, and also his lovely companion, Nona, who shares his immortality. The first story, "Minions 0f the Moon" is quite good fantasy; but the second is more of an adventure story. Mark loses his memory temporarily during a storm at sea by being struck over the head. He. falls overboard and sims [?] to England; not the England of today, but a strangely changed England of the Future that has a feudal set-up with all the trimmings. Injustice runs riot in the land, and Mark finds himself in a nice revolution in trying to bring good government and justice to the people. Omega, as usual, has his screwy personality spread throughout the yarn. As a good adventure story, "Minions Of Mars" is swell, as fantasy, well, allusions to fantasy are about all. However, anyone who has had the privilege of reading the first story will welcome the second and hope for a third. The yarn started in the Jan 13, 1940 ARGOSY. NO PHILLY CONFERENCE THIS YEAR Persistant and insistent rumors emanating from Philadelphia have it that due to internal dissension and the absence of the guiding hand of Milton A. Rothman, the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society will not hold its annual conference this year. It is to be hoped that these rumors are false, and that anxiousy awaited word from the Philly fans will soon be to hand . MAXON MISSING! Cont'd: the present whereabouts of Mr. Maxon, please write to "Contact', o/o Sta. W0R, New. York, N.Y. and kindly say you saw this in Fantasy News. MORE NOS. OF FN THAN ANY OTHER FAN MAG!
Page 2 FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week by William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84,Elmont, N.Y. Editor: Will Sykora. Associates; Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr.. Rates: 3 issues 10¢, 30 issues $1, 52 issues (1 yr.) $1.50. Ad Rates: Full Page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 page 50¢ minimum. (NO STAMPS) NOTE: Make all checks and money-orders payable to Will Sykora. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. NOTICE TO FAN MAG EDITORS! Since the publication of the very first science fiction fan magazine, the Science Correspondence Club Organ-The Comet, in May 1930, to this day, there has been a long felt need for cooperation of some sort between the various science-fiction fan mags and the fan field. An association of some kind composed of the editors of the stf subscription fan mags is greatly to be desired. Cooperative advertising, a clearing house of acceptable material, some sort of standard to live up to in our publications, all of these and more could be set up by an organization whose membership would be open only to the editors and publishers of stf fan mags that are sold on a subsoription basis. FANTASY NEWS welcomes editorjial comment on this suggestion. Editors of fan mags, let us know; your reactions to this idea in your own editorial columns. At the same time, the columns of FN stand open to any interested fan mag editor who wishes to air his views here. It is high time that we fans who publish fan mags got together in some sort of business basis, not to make a profit, but to investigate our field with a view to improving our publications and making some effort to discover if our magazines can ever be placed on some sort of pay as you go policy, so that instead of a haphazard distribution, we will see the products of our fascinating hobby go into really interested hands. ACE SCIENCE FICTION No. 2. by Thos. S. Gardner. Review of "Minions Of Mars" by William Gray Beyer. Readers of ARGOSY will remember Beyer's "Minions Of the Moon" with Mark Nevin, a relic of the "dim past", our era, having been made immortal by the wacky Omega, the last living representative of the Moon Peoples, and also his lovely companion, Nona, who shares his immortality. The first story, "Minions 0f the Moon" is quite good fantasy; but the second is more of an adventure story. Mark loses his memory temporarily during a storm at sea by being struck over the head. He. falls overboard and sims [?] to England; not the England of today, but a strangely changed England of the Future that has a feudal set-up with all the trimmings. Injustice runs riot in the land, and Mark finds himself in a nice revolution in trying to bring good government and justice to the people. Omega, as usual, has his screwy personality spread throughout the yarn. As a good adventure story, "Minions Of Mars" is swell, as fantasy, well, allusions to fantasy are about all. However, anyone who has had the privilege of reading the first story will welcome the second and hope for a third. The yarn started in the Jan 13, 1940 ARGOSY. NO PHILLY CONFERENCE THIS YEAR Persistant and insistent rumors emanating from Philadelphia have it that due to internal dissension and the absence of the guiding hand of Milton A. Rothman, the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society will not hold its annual conference this year. It is to be hoped that these rumors are false, and that anxiousy awaited word from the Philly fans will soon be to hand . MAXON MISSING! Cont'd: the present whereabouts of Mr. Maxon, please write to "Contact', o/o Sta. W0R, New. York, N.Y. and kindly say you saw this in Fantasy News. MORE NOS. OF FN THAN ANY OTHER FAN MAG!
Hevelin Fanzines