Fantasy-News, v. 6, issue 8, whole no. 139, February 23, 1941
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Page Two FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week By William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y, Editor: Will Sykora. Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10 , 8 issues 25 , 32 issues $1.00. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50 minimum: (NO STAMPS PLEASE) NOTE: Please make all checks and money orders payable to W. Sykora. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. It is really remarkable how It is really remarkable how true friends turn up in emergencies. Take for example the Queens SFL meeting of last week.. The weather was fine. Therefore the tendency for everyone to travel up to Boston for the Stranger Club!s Eastern Stf Conference was great The day was an off-Sunday. Therefore members probably already had 'that reserved for something else. The meeting was in a private house—Another reason for poor attendance. And yet more than enough people showed up so that we were still over the minimum required by our charter. What is more, we all had a swell time. We don't know whether it was the coffee and cake, the old-time movies, or just the general all-round friendly spirit, but several of of the members said that they had a better time at this small-meeting than ever before. We believe you meant it, Friends, and we will try to outdo ourselves to make the next meeting on March 2nd,even more enjoyable. QUEENS SFL MEETING Cont'd from C.2: Mystery" a cartoon, and "The Last Performance" a melodrama of a mad magician with Conrad Veidt, Open discussion continued around the refreshment table, where coffee and cake were served until 9:30 P.M. The next meeting will be held on March 2nd, Sunday Afternoon, at 3:00 P.M. SHARP. The meeting place will be.announced in our next number. All Metropolitan fans are welcome. FAN MAG REVIEW by Harry Warner,Jr. , Sun Spots: vol..4 no. 4. 16 lg mimeod pp for a nickel. The material is improving steadily, format now quite neat, and a bargain. 31 •Bogert Place, Westwood, N.J. Pluto, vol..1 no. 6. Final issue, alas, of this fine mag, but its best, which is saying a lot. 36 lg mimeod pp, many colors of ink and excellent material. Must not miss it; a dime, Lit. Sci. & Hobbies Club, Decker, Indiana, Eclipse: voL 1, no. 1. 18 large fairly well mimeod pp and excellent material, for a first issue. 10 from 13598 Cheyenne, Detroit, Mich. --------------— ------------ QUEENS SFL MEETING Cont'd: which took up all his time on Sundays. Acting Chairman Svkora gave a brief resume of the history of the Queens Chapter from its founding by Jimmy Taurasi, the advent of the Futurians, the change of - name to Greater New York SFL. the breaking up, and the reorganization as the present Queens SFL under certain rules put out by Mr, Leo Margulies: Editorial Director of Standard Publications, and explaining why the action was taken at the last meeting which resulted in breaking up the meeting, Sykora apologized for his actions in the matter. A discussion on the subjects of guests who might be annoying to some members resulted in a motion by Leonard Grunbery as follows:: "If at any time, any member has any objection to some visitor, he shall file a private protest with the Secretary, who shall request the visitor in question to leave because said visitor's presence has been objected to. If the visitor refuses to leave, he shall be offered the alternative of a ballot on his admission or ejection following the usual procedure for acceptance of candidates for membership, to be taken as the immediate next order of business." This motion was carried. Next in order were the motion pictures. Shown were "Flying Elephants" with Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, "Alice's Mysterious (Col. 1)
Page Two FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NEWS is published every week By William S. Sykora. Address: P.O. Box 84, Elmont, N.Y, Editor: Will Sykora. Associates: Jimmy Taurasi, Sam Moskowitz, Mario Racic, Jr. Rates: 3 issues 10 , 8 issues 25 , 32 issues $1.00. Ad Rates: Full page $2, 1/2 page $1, 1/4 p. 50 minimum: (NO STAMPS PLEASE) NOTE: Please make all checks and money orders payable to W. Sykora. BOOST SCIENCE FICTION EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. It is really remarkable how It is really remarkable how true friends turn up in emergencies. Take for example the Queens SFL meeting of last week.. The weather was fine. Therefore the tendency for everyone to travel up to Boston for the Stranger Club!s Eastern Stf Conference was great The day was an off-Sunday. Therefore members probably already had 'that reserved for something else. The meeting was in a private house—Another reason for poor attendance. And yet more than enough people showed up so that we were still over the minimum required by our charter. What is more, we all had a swell time. We don't know whether it was the coffee and cake, the old-time movies, or just the general all-round friendly spirit, but several of of the members said that they had a better time at this small-meeting than ever before. We believe you meant it, Friends, and we will try to outdo ourselves to make the next meeting on March 2nd,even more enjoyable. QUEENS SFL MEETING Cont'd from C.2: Mystery" a cartoon, and "The Last Performance" a melodrama of a mad magician with Conrad Veidt, Open discussion continued around the refreshment table, where coffee and cake were served until 9:30 P.M. The next meeting will be held on March 2nd, Sunday Afternoon, at 3:00 P.M. SHARP. The meeting place will be.announced in our next number. All Metropolitan fans are welcome. FAN MAG REVIEW by Harry Warner,Jr. , Sun Spots: vol..4 no. 4. 16 lg mimeod pp for a nickel. The material is improving steadily, format now quite neat, and a bargain. 31 •Bogert Place, Westwood, N.J. Pluto, vol..1 no. 6. Final issue, alas, of this fine mag, but its best, which is saying a lot. 36 lg mimeod pp, many colors of ink and excellent material. Must not miss it; a dime, Lit. Sci. & Hobbies Club, Decker, Indiana, Eclipse: voL 1, no. 1. 18 large fairly well mimeod pp and excellent material, for a first issue. 10 from 13598 Cheyenne, Detroit, Mich. --------------— ------------ QUEENS SFL MEETING Cont'd: which took up all his time on Sundays. Acting Chairman Svkora gave a brief resume of the history of the Queens Chapter from its founding by Jimmy Taurasi, the advent of the Futurians, the change of - name to Greater New York SFL. the breaking up, and the reorganization as the present Queens SFL under certain rules put out by Mr, Leo Margulies: Editorial Director of Standard Publications, and explaining why the action was taken at the last meeting which resulted in breaking up the meeting, Sykora apologized for his actions in the matter. A discussion on the subjects of guests who might be annoying to some members resulted in a motion by Leonard Grunbery as follows:: "If at any time, any member has any objection to some visitor, he shall file a private protest with the Secretary, who shall request the visitor in question to leave because said visitor's presence has been objected to. If the visitor refuses to leave, he shall be offered the alternative of a ballot on his admission or ejection following the usual procedure for acceptance of candidates for membership, to be taken as the immediate next order of business." This motion was carried. Next in order were the motion pictures. Shown were "Flying Elephants" with Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, "Alice's Mysterious (Col. 1)
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