Imagination, v. 1, issue2, whole no. 2, November 1937
Page 5
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IMAGINATION! #2 Nov 37 5 Francis Flagg Weaver Wright THE HAZY HORD Those who lived during those 4 fantastic days never will forget them--decade ago now when the amazing army appeard as if by magic in the Southwest & spread destruction & death thru 3 states. First presagement of the bombshell to burst was when the translucent red plane buzzd over Tucson & its evirons loosing 1000s of leaflets. "Citizens!" asserted the fotostatd forms--"At 10 am, 3 June 194-, we move to occupy Tucson. Any resistance to Our army's advance will be dealt with by Death. Civic Administration, Notice: U are calld on to maintain law & order, quiet the citizens, & to refrain from mobilizing any opposition to said advance & occupation. Signd: Poleon, Commander in Chief, INVINCIBLE ARMY." These sheets were scatterd broadcast by the claret-colord plane in the early dawn of 2 June. People read them & laft. Many thot them clever advertising dodge on the part of some local or nat'l businessfirm. The evening papers carryd 1/2 col on the subject on an inside pg, scoring the littering of the streets with such truck. The Mayor was quoted as saying he would take steps to prevent the recurrence of the nuisance; & the Police Chief spoke vaguely of "apprehending the culprit". Then on the morning of 3 June, at 7 am, a cowhand drove into Tucson in an old Ford & told his incredible story to a deputy sheriff. "Yes," he declared--"I saw soldiers; 100s of 'em; carryin' rifles & submachineguns & wearin' gray uniforms--& all lookin' queer, kinda unsolidlike. They was in the river bottoms, on leased grazin' lands, 'bout 19 miles out." He indicated a smasht windshield, pointed to certain ragged perforations in the body of his car. "Bullet holes!
IMAGINATION! #2 Nov 37 5 Francis Flagg Weaver Wright THE HAZY HORD Those who lived during those 4 fantastic days never will forget them--decade ago now when the amazing army appeard as if by magic in the Southwest & spread destruction & death thru 3 states. First presagement of the bombshell to burst was when the translucent red plane buzzd over Tucson & its evirons loosing 1000s of leaflets. "Citizens!" asserted the fotostatd forms--"At 10 am, 3 June 194-, we move to occupy Tucson. Any resistance to Our army's advance will be dealt with by Death. Civic Administration, Notice: U are calld on to maintain law & order, quiet the citizens, & to refrain from mobilizing any opposition to said advance & occupation. Signd: Poleon, Commander in Chief, INVINCIBLE ARMY." These sheets were scatterd broadcast by the claret-colord plane in the early dawn of 2 June. People read them & laft. Many thot them clever advertising dodge on the part of some local or nat'l businessfirm. The evening papers carryd 1/2 col on the subject on an inside pg, scoring the littering of the streets with such truck. The Mayor was quoted as saying he would take steps to prevent the recurrence of the nuisance; & the Police Chief spoke vaguely of "apprehending the culprit". Then on the morning of 3 June, at 7 am, a cowhand drove into Tucson in an old Ford & told his incredible story to a deputy sheriff. "Yes," he declared--"I saw soldiers; 100s of 'em; carryin' rifles & submachineguns & wearin' gray uniforms--& all lookin' queer, kinda unsolidlike. They was in the river bottoms, on leased grazin' lands, 'bout 19 miles out." He indicated a smasht windshield, pointed to certain ragged perforations in the body of his car. "Bullet holes!
Hevelin Fanzines