Imagination, v. 1, issue2, whole no. 2, November 1937
Page 6
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6 They shot at me! How I got away without bein' riddled, I don' know!" The deputy thot him drunk or crazy--perhaps both--but he took the cattler to the Sheriff. "Army?" scoutd that worthy; disdainfully, "What do U mean--army!" But he was a conscientious official at that & didn't neglect to send out a patrol. The patrol never returnd-- At the old pump house on the Oracle road it ran down into a detachment of the translucent troops & was shot down. --& now frantic fonecalls commenced to pour into the police & sheriff's offices. From Pima Canyon ranchouse came word Oracle was alive with the movement of the unknown invaders. Marching men; trucks, tanks; reportd the speaker from the ranch, were passing in heavy--strangely hazy--columns. A woman cryd fearfully from a farm house that spectral soldiers were coming up thru the mesquite & the catclaw; advancing thru her garden, trampling it under--now her house was being surrounded! Then in the midst of her terrifyd narration--the wire went dead! The telefone co. reportd all service northwest of the city disruptd. Abruptly that section of the country was shrouded in silence. But now an alarmd Civic Administration was moving into action. The leaflets it had dismist as an advertising stunt or the product of dementd person; & it scarcely could credit the existence of such an army as described since no maneuvers of Nat'l Guards or Federal Troops were taking place. Nonetheless the local immigration authoritys mobilized borderpatrolmen, the army airport sent out planes. Then all Tucson was electrifyd into an awareness of what threated by THE AIR ATTACK.... Chapt 2: Commander Clark; who happened to be in the Tucson area with a force of 8 planes of the American Flying Corps, leading his ships in close formation at an altitude of 4000 ft; lookt down & beheld that which made him stare in disbelief: A mass of 1000s of men, heavyly armd, surging up from the river bottoms in gray waves & debouching into the Oracle road! From whence could they have come? He couldn't imagine. From PacifiCoast? Impossible! No alien army could've landed on American shores & penetrated 500 miles into the interior of the continent without the alarm's being given. Ofcourse Commander Clark thot of Japan, of transportation by aerial craft; but whatever nationality these troops might be, they were white, & it was absurd to think aerial craft could've transportd so fast an army, so numerous an equipment of machineguns & tanks. With radio earfones clampt on his head, & speaking into a microfone, he communicated with Military HQs at Ft Huachuca. The Commandant of the Fort answerd: "U say U estimate 20,000 men, heavyly armed? Yes-- yes-- what's that? Moving toward Tucson! Ofcourse; I'm entertaining them now." He had under his command some 3000 Negro troops, well drilled, & was hurrying them to the threatened town. "I'm notifying Washington at once" he continued. "Do nothing til U hear
6 They shot at me! How I got away without bein' riddled, I don' know!" The deputy thot him drunk or crazy--perhaps both--but he took the cattler to the Sheriff. "Army?" scoutd that worthy; disdainfully, "What do U mean--army!" But he was a conscientious official at that & didn't neglect to send out a patrol. The patrol never returnd-- At the old pump house on the Oracle road it ran down into a detachment of the translucent troops & was shot down. --& now frantic fonecalls commenced to pour into the police & sheriff's offices. From Pima Canyon ranchouse came word Oracle was alive with the movement of the unknown invaders. Marching men; trucks, tanks; reportd the speaker from the ranch, were passing in heavy--strangely hazy--columns. A woman cryd fearfully from a farm house that spectral soldiers were coming up thru the mesquite & the catclaw; advancing thru her garden, trampling it under--now her house was being surrounded! Then in the midst of her terrifyd narration--the wire went dead! The telefone co. reportd all service northwest of the city disruptd. Abruptly that section of the country was shrouded in silence. But now an alarmd Civic Administration was moving into action. The leaflets it had dismist as an advertising stunt or the product of dementd person; & it scarcely could credit the existence of such an army as described since no maneuvers of Nat'l Guards or Federal Troops were taking place. Nonetheless the local immigration authoritys mobilized borderpatrolmen, the army airport sent out planes. Then all Tucson was electrifyd into an awareness of what threated by THE AIR ATTACK.... Chapt 2: Commander Clark; who happened to be in the Tucson area with a force of 8 planes of the American Flying Corps, leading his ships in close formation at an altitude of 4000 ft; lookt down & beheld that which made him stare in disbelief: A mass of 1000s of men, heavyly armd, surging up from the river bottoms in gray waves & debouching into the Oracle road! From whence could they have come? He couldn't imagine. From PacifiCoast? Impossible! No alien army could've landed on American shores & penetrated 500 miles into the interior of the continent without the alarm's being given. Ofcourse Commander Clark thot of Japan, of transportation by aerial craft; but whatever nationality these troops might be, they were white, & it was absurd to think aerial craft could've transportd so fast an army, so numerous an equipment of machineguns & tanks. With radio earfones clampt on his head, & speaking into a microfone, he communicated with Military HQs at Ft Huachuca. The Commandant of the Fort answerd: "U say U estimate 20,000 men, heavyly armed? Yes-- yes-- what's that? Moving toward Tucson! Ofcourse; I'm entertaining them now." He had under his command some 3000 Negro troops, well drilled, & was hurrying them to the threatened town. "I'm notifying Washington at once" he continued. "Do nothing til U hear
Hevelin Fanzines