Imagination, v. 1, issue2, whole no. 2, November 1937
Page 10
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10 Grene was a reporter for the Phoenix Gazet & witnesst the Salt River Vally Invasion & the capture of Phoenix. He tells of the disastrous wiping out of a Federal airfleet 30 miles south of Phoenix: Myriad maroon planes, semitranspicuous against the sun, overwhelmed the Govt forces; & tho many were destroyd their nos. never seemd to decrease. What struck him particularly was the sameness of the sodiers-- supernaturaly sprung from nowhere--advancing under aerial protection. Seemingly they were of the same height, the same build. & their type also was curious. One naturaly would expect militarymen to be in the majority young in years with the sturdyness of youth. But the invaders strangely were all elderly men! tall & thin with long faces, faded eyes, & balded brows... Grene noted this at the time & had plenty opportunitys to observ it further later. It borderd on the uncanny, the occult, that 1000s of men--a vast army of them--so meticulously should resemble one another, should be so unmilitary in their physique. Grene also saw something else the professionl sodier overlookt: The unnatural army seemingly had accompanying it no officers, hi or low, to direct its operations! With 1000s of other fugitives the Gazet reporter fled southward into New Mexico & was present when the Fed-Forces faced the hazy hord at Deming. Deming is a small bleak town some 100 odd miles from El Paso, situated in a barren mountainous country. Rushing westward by truck & train; concentrating from various army posts; augmentd by Natl Guards of the States of Texas, Colo., Utah, & New Mex., the Fed Division to the no. of 20,000 men prepared to give battle. Meantime over Phoenix & Prescott (as already in Tucson) Poleon's planes loosed 1000s of leaflets ordering the populace to submit on threat of death. These sheets bore the now notorious name. "Who was Poleon?" the Country's Press wondered vainly. "What Nation did he represent? What unprincipled power was attacking America!" & Washington askt these questions, they were broadcast from the Capitol where the Cabinet met in continuous session. On the 3d day came this crushing answer: "We, Poleon, represent no power but Our own Invincible Will to conquer! Surrender, & Ur lives will be spared; resist--& the Army of Armageddon will wipe U off the face of the earth!" The receipt of this reply was met with a laf of derision by the gatherd solons but the President's face was white, the War Sec. raised a shivering hand For they knew what still was secret from the others: That 1/2 the fighting planes of the US had been obliterated! Against land forces both leaders felt confident of victory; but of what use gas & guns & infantry's masst attacks when skys were scarlet with the flight of fantom planes? The Pres., the Sec., thot of the stupendous manufacture of obsolete armaments, & curst causticly. They saw it clearly: Who held the air, controld the outcome of combats, & the "Mist-eryous" were sovereign in the sky! To be continued....
10 Grene was a reporter for the Phoenix Gazet & witnesst the Salt River Vally Invasion & the capture of Phoenix. He tells of the disastrous wiping out of a Federal airfleet 30 miles south of Phoenix: Myriad maroon planes, semitranspicuous against the sun, overwhelmed the Govt forces; & tho many were destroyd their nos. never seemd to decrease. What struck him particularly was the sameness of the sodiers-- supernaturaly sprung from nowhere--advancing under aerial protection. Seemingly they were of the same height, the same build. & their type also was curious. One naturaly would expect militarymen to be in the majority young in years with the sturdyness of youth. But the invaders strangely were all elderly men! tall & thin with long faces, faded eyes, & balded brows... Grene noted this at the time & had plenty opportunitys to observ it further later. It borderd on the uncanny, the occult, that 1000s of men--a vast army of them--so meticulously should resemble one another, should be so unmilitary in their physique. Grene also saw something else the professionl sodier overlookt: The unnatural army seemingly had accompanying it no officers, hi or low, to direct its operations! With 1000s of other fugitives the Gazet reporter fled southward into New Mexico & was present when the Fed-Forces faced the hazy hord at Deming. Deming is a small bleak town some 100 odd miles from El Paso, situated in a barren mountainous country. Rushing westward by truck & train; concentrating from various army posts; augmentd by Natl Guards of the States of Texas, Colo., Utah, & New Mex., the Fed Division to the no. of 20,000 men prepared to give battle. Meantime over Phoenix & Prescott (as already in Tucson) Poleon's planes loosed 1000s of leaflets ordering the populace to submit on threat of death. These sheets bore the now notorious name. "Who was Poleon?" the Country's Press wondered vainly. "What Nation did he represent? What unprincipled power was attacking America!" & Washington askt these questions, they were broadcast from the Capitol where the Cabinet met in continuous session. On the 3d day came this crushing answer: "We, Poleon, represent no power but Our own Invincible Will to conquer! Surrender, & Ur lives will be spared; resist--& the Army of Armageddon will wipe U off the face of the earth!" The receipt of this reply was met with a laf of derision by the gatherd solons but the President's face was white, the War Sec. raised a shivering hand For they knew what still was secret from the others: That 1/2 the fighting planes of the US had been obliterated! Against land forces both leaders felt confident of victory; but of what use gas & guns & infantry's masst attacks when skys were scarlet with the flight of fantom planes? The Pres., the Sec., thot of the stupendous manufacture of obsolete armaments, & curst causticly. They saw it clearly: Who held the air, controld the outcome of combats, & the "Mist-eryous" were sovereign in the sky! To be continued....
Hevelin Fanzines