Imagination, v. 1, issue2, whole no. 2, November 1937
Page 11
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IMAGINATION! #2 Nov 37 11 "TIME GOES MARSIAN ON!" [title underlined] Fantascience Filmart by [signed] Forrest J Ackerman Peculiar pamf pub't in '26 just othr day aftr decade found its way into my fingrs. It forecast series intrplanetales to be scientifilmd. Authr Chas Williams' convictions concernng Planet 4 especialy'r interestng & apre Poe (to pun at Edgar Allan's expense) to repeate here & now since certn similr speculativ series has been appearng in "Novaj Teroj" (Novae Terrae: Organ of S-FA's US Chapt 1, LA) regardng th Shape of Homo Sapiens to Come, etc... [title underlined] "'Is Mars Inhabitd' Intriguing question, it's been askt for ages, ansrd at varyous times--chiefly by story pub't some yrs ago about Marsians makng trip to Tero" (Earth--wrote Willaims. & what follows it'll be undrstood I (J) hav adaptd from Williams' work to present most effectivly to IMAGINATION!'s perusers.) Twas strange but rathr unlikely & phantastic story; certly's remarkable...clevr writers would permit their imaginations run way with em when obvious reality, based on actual conditions on Mars as we know em to exist, would'v been so much more interestng. Considr th pen-pic of th Marsians as That Writer describes em: Th disposition & charactr of a devlfish! Monstr oystr's body, reard on dry land, & th analyticl mind of doz cllege profs--all rold into one! Now imagine this being enjoyng itself in weathr 50 [degrees] below 0, drest in tailrmade steel suit! This realy strange being, accordng to th writer, originly was plant which pulld its roots out th ground & startd to walk round, praps to keep warm. &'s pointd out naivly by him /What's all th hush about [underlined] HGWells? & his "War of th Worlds"? / this walkng mulberry bush had great advantage over th Teranej (Terrestrians) 'cause It (not he or she) had no Sex Problem! Now SEX / Ha! I knew I'd catch Ur attention, "Capitalizng on sex"!/ --Sex is th Creativ Flame. Even th Flowers send Kisses on th Evening Breeze & th trees mate with ea-othr. ~~~~~Let's considr Mars' Climate. 'Cause Climate virtualy determines th bodyly & mentl attributes of th creatures developt. Man on Tero evolvd in th Temperate or Torrid Zone & migrated from there into th coldr zones where he became hardnd, intellectual, & increast his life span by about 50%. [title underlined] Pen Pic of th Tiny Savage Marsians: They'r litl peopl about 2' tall, weigh at Tera Weight about 20 lbs. Very hard, very activ, & rathr shrewd. They loook almost exacly like us 'cause they could develop only from 4-footd mammal (animal havng one leg undr ea cornr, head at one end, tale at othr). This creature pawd with its front feet & then aftr few 100,000 yrs advanced far enuf to throw rocks & sticks & put up barriers against attacks by enemys. & aftr furthr 100s 1000s yrs this Marsian walkt erect; th proturdng mouth receded & th slantng forehead bulged out; & so we had small & almost viciously energetic countrpart of Man. It was inclined to look up rathr'n down. Eyes & ears keen but voice rathr undrdevelopt & tendng to be harsh & piercng. Sexualy somewhat subnorm; more constnt in Love than ardnt. Betr hater'n sympathizer & not strong on sentiment. Undoubtdly this's true picture...Marisans today & Million Yrs Ago. Naturly hardy & litl subject to disease 'casue th extreme cold'd support few germs & weaklngs among em'd die or be killd off. Marsians'd liv 200-500 yrs & so in few 100,000 yrs'd gain immensely in wisdm. They'd harness th elements & develop electricity, radio & transportation. They'd be strong & vindictiv. They'd kill their incompetnts & exterminate th weaklngs, th drugfiends, Society's enemys. Their collectiv & individual courses'd almost be as lackng in sentimnt as Nature; would bring Results. Teranoj (Our Planet's Peopls) soon must come to this if they want th Race to [underlined] improve stead deteriorate. Th time that preventativ science no's addng to many lives often's worse'n useless. Sentimnt often's unbalanced & must one day giv way to...hard commonsense. Someday disease'll be rated as crime & treatd as such by confinemnt or death~~~ Marsians being good haters'd be very effectiv killrs & so'd carry on ea othr's destruction as fine art til one competnt group gaind complete control of Mars. TH MARSIAN WARS We Shall Show in films now being prepared... // [title underlined] Flash! My Glendale pal "Polo" fones me "14 rocketists interviewd at Para for facts in filmng [title underlined] Voyage to Mars!" ~ [title underlined] Black Widow bought for BK ~ 2 "Sky Island" scripts skedd! ~ Dec: CRAZY RAY!
IMAGINATION! #2 Nov 37 11 "TIME GOES MARSIAN ON!" [title underlined] Fantascience Filmart by [signed] Forrest J Ackerman Peculiar pamf pub't in '26 just othr day aftr decade found its way into my fingrs. It forecast series intrplanetales to be scientifilmd. Authr Chas Williams' convictions concernng Planet 4 especialy'r interestng & apre Poe (to pun at Edgar Allan's expense) to repeate here & now since certn similr speculativ series has been appearng in "Novaj Teroj" (Novae Terrae: Organ of S-FA's US Chapt 1, LA) regardng th Shape of Homo Sapiens to Come, etc... [title underlined] "'Is Mars Inhabitd' Intriguing question, it's been askt for ages, ansrd at varyous times--chiefly by story pub't some yrs ago about Marsians makng trip to Tero" (Earth--wrote Willaims. & what follows it'll be undrstood I (J) hav adaptd from Williams' work to present most effectivly to IMAGINATION!'s perusers.) Twas strange but rathr unlikely & phantastic story; certly's remarkable...clevr writers would permit their imaginations run way with em when obvious reality, based on actual conditions on Mars as we know em to exist, would'v been so much more interestng. Considr th pen-pic of th Marsians as That Writer describes em: Th disposition & charactr of a devlfish! Monstr oystr's body, reard on dry land, & th analyticl mind of doz cllege profs--all rold into one! Now imagine this being enjoyng itself in weathr 50 [degrees] below 0, drest in tailrmade steel suit! This realy strange being, accordng to th writer, originly was plant which pulld its roots out th ground & startd to walk round, praps to keep warm. &'s pointd out naivly by him /What's all th hush about [underlined] HGWells? & his "War of th Worlds"? / this walkng mulberry bush had great advantage over th Teranej (Terrestrians) 'cause It (not he or she) had no Sex Problem! Now SEX / Ha! I knew I'd catch Ur attention, "Capitalizng on sex"!/ --Sex is th Creativ Flame. Even th Flowers send Kisses on th Evening Breeze & th trees mate with ea-othr. ~~~~~Let's considr Mars' Climate. 'Cause Climate virtualy determines th bodyly & mentl attributes of th creatures developt. Man on Tero evolvd in th Temperate or Torrid Zone & migrated from there into th coldr zones where he became hardnd, intellectual, & increast his life span by about 50%. [title underlined] Pen Pic of th Tiny Savage Marsians: They'r litl peopl about 2' tall, weigh at Tera Weight about 20 lbs. Very hard, very activ, & rathr shrewd. They loook almost exacly like us 'cause they could develop only from 4-footd mammal (animal havng one leg undr ea cornr, head at one end, tale at othr). This creature pawd with its front feet & then aftr few 100,000 yrs advanced far enuf to throw rocks & sticks & put up barriers against attacks by enemys. & aftr furthr 100s 1000s yrs this Marsian walkt erect; th proturdng mouth receded & th slantng forehead bulged out; & so we had small & almost viciously energetic countrpart of Man. It was inclined to look up rathr'n down. Eyes & ears keen but voice rathr undrdevelopt & tendng to be harsh & piercng. Sexualy somewhat subnorm; more constnt in Love than ardnt. Betr hater'n sympathizer & not strong on sentiment. Undoubtdly this's true picture...Marisans today & Million Yrs Ago. Naturly hardy & litl subject to disease 'casue th extreme cold'd support few germs & weaklngs among em'd die or be killd off. Marsians'd liv 200-500 yrs & so in few 100,000 yrs'd gain immensely in wisdm. They'd harness th elements & develop electricity, radio & transportation. They'd be strong & vindictiv. They'd kill their incompetnts & exterminate th weaklngs, th drugfiends, Society's enemys. Their collectiv & individual courses'd almost be as lackng in sentimnt as Nature; would bring Results. Teranoj (Our Planet's Peopls) soon must come to this if they want th Race to [underlined] improve stead deteriorate. Th time that preventativ science no's addng to many lives often's worse'n useless. Sentimnt often's unbalanced & must one day giv way to...hard commonsense. Someday disease'll be rated as crime & treatd as such by confinemnt or death~~~ Marsians being good haters'd be very effectiv killrs & so'd carry on ea othr's destruction as fine art til one competnt group gaind complete control of Mars. TH MARSIAN WARS We Shall Show in films now being prepared... // [title underlined] Flash! My Glendale pal "Polo" fones me "14 rocketists interviewd at Para for facts in filmng [title underlined] Voyage to Mars!" ~ [title underlined] Black Widow bought for BK ~ 2 "Sky Island" scripts skedd! ~ Dec: CRAZY RAY!
Hevelin Fanzines