Imagination, v. 1, issue2, whole no. 2, November 1937
Page 18
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18 --if he would only learn to spell. (TO WHOM IT MAY DISCONCERT, [rest of sentence underlined] by th muchly malignd Mr Ackerman: My hi school curriculum, precedng college course, featured among my "majors" 4 YRS' ENGLISH--including Newswritng, Journalism, & Business Eng; my marks from "scrub" to Senior--8 semestrs--being ALL A's! "A": Equivalnt of "Excellnt"--th highest grade one can get. I'll challenge any my critix any day to "Spelng Bee" in that intricately illogicl, ancientyp Eng of 1937 which I am quite capable to use but don't care to since it irritates my sense of sufficiency. Why waste time & typ on "thought" & "through" & 'vaudeville" too? when unnecessaryly lengthy or clumsyly complicated words may be reduced to simplr terms? such as "thot, thru, vodvil". --Any argument about "traditionalanguage" only'll shock me at its shalle thot, let me warn U in advance! comng from any STFAN; so, skip that--s'il vous plait!) His style is absurd & sickening. [response underlined] (This same "absurd & sickening" style inversely so impresses Mrs Lucie BShepherd, proprietress the HOLLY-WESTERN MAGSHOP, that with express stipulation that MR ACKERMAN prepare her ads for her she has contractd for so much space ea ish in our mag that her payments practicly cover IMAGINATION!'S monthly mailing bill!--for which we're duely delited.) Your "Hi-Lites"--very good. I can't made head or tail of the book reviews. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE don't let Ackerman do the master copy again. I won't even mention page 12. 13 is just as bad. Scientifantisincerelyyourscincerely." [underlined] White to Miss Morojo: "I may as well congratulate you and the rest of the I! staff on the swell job done on the first issue. The only improvement I can see would be having the magazine printed, which is, of course, out of the question for so large a content. The screwey spelling is also okay so long as darling 4SJ doesn't get the upper hand and turn the happy horror into something wholly unitelligible." A 10 pg epistle! inspired by first IMAG! from [signed] R Baker of Vancouver/Canada, who says (among other paragrafs too numerous even to resume): "What fun, Keller must have had with you simple-minded Californians when pulling your legs with that pretty story about his infant daughter who spoke Hebrew in the cradle or something like that. I am told that I bellowed like a bull at that stage; ask Keller what mine was--sales-talk?" [response underlined] (Keller is quite a kidder--he told us he'd "never seen any place like Southern Calif"...which you can interpret any way you want. Ofcourse, there's the old saying--"No fool like a fantasy fool". But we believe the Good Doctor was in earnest about Angelica. What do you say, Doc?) [introductory text underlined] Using her Esperanto name, LUCIE SHEPHERD [signed] Lusi Seperd tells us: "Imag! in its infancy has proven itself a great at traction to our sci fic fan customers-- Consider it headed for a fine future-- Cover in a class by itself-- Amico Ackerman's snappy style is swell! His 'cinemarticles' et cet are major attraction to me-- Hura for Esperanto-- Good luck to the local league-- C'mup & see me s'metime--" [introductory text underlined] LOUIS KUSLAN of West Haven/Ct types in red: "That magazine of yours is very punk. The material was awful. Esperanto phooey. [response underlined] (We'll soon be believing "Life Begins at Fui!") Advertisements, okay. There's an idea for you. Let's have just ads. [response underlined] (We've heard some fan publisher already's done just that.) Do you want to ruin my eyes on that lousy hecktographing job you did? [response underlined] (No.) Enclosed is a dime for the next issue. [response underlined] (Danken.) Don't take the above too seriously as I am rather grouchy today." [response underlined] (We are taking your dime seriously.) [introductory text underlined] (Formerly ALLIS VILLETTE of Alberta/Canada) of Westwood Pk/Calif, [signed] Allis Kerlay asks a few questions, in complimenting us on our first ish, which we here answer: Rite, "IMAGO!' on Vodoso's "raketo" was Esp. Meant "IMAGINATION!". Incidently, your abbrev. "Madge!" delites us & we are adopting her! ~~ The "scarlet signature" was of L. RON HUBBARD, redheaded air & adventure author "amiko" (we can alliterate in Esperanto, too!)--i.e., "friend"--of "Forijay"'s & "Arturo" Burks. Acquainting with Ack, Shep, &CLMoore has enthused him to write his first stf story, a bk of 25,000 yrs hence tentatively titled "The Lost Millenniums", aimd at Arg. ~~ Your radio review is all x! Acceptd! The Synopsis'll be stencild soon & U'll be seeing it in "Madge!". Come again, [underlined] kamaradino!
18 --if he would only learn to spell. (TO WHOM IT MAY DISCONCERT, [rest of sentence underlined] by th muchly malignd Mr Ackerman: My hi school curriculum, precedng college course, featured among my "majors" 4 YRS' ENGLISH--including Newswritng, Journalism, & Business Eng; my marks from "scrub" to Senior--8 semestrs--being ALL A's! "A": Equivalnt of "Excellnt"--th highest grade one can get. I'll challenge any my critix any day to "Spelng Bee" in that intricately illogicl, ancientyp Eng of 1937 which I am quite capable to use but don't care to since it irritates my sense of sufficiency. Why waste time & typ on "thought" & "through" & 'vaudeville" too? when unnecessaryly lengthy or clumsyly complicated words may be reduced to simplr terms? such as "thot, thru, vodvil". --Any argument about "traditionalanguage" only'll shock me at its shalle thot, let me warn U in advance! comng from any STFAN; so, skip that--s'il vous plait!) His style is absurd & sickening. [response underlined] (This same "absurd & sickening" style inversely so impresses Mrs Lucie BShepherd, proprietress the HOLLY-WESTERN MAGSHOP, that with express stipulation that MR ACKERMAN prepare her ads for her she has contractd for so much space ea ish in our mag that her payments practicly cover IMAGINATION!'S monthly mailing bill!--for which we're duely delited.) Your "Hi-Lites"--very good. I can't made head or tail of the book reviews. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE don't let Ackerman do the master copy again. I won't even mention page 12. 13 is just as bad. Scientifantisincerelyyourscincerely." [underlined] White to Miss Morojo: "I may as well congratulate you and the rest of the I! staff on the swell job done on the first issue. The only improvement I can see would be having the magazine printed, which is, of course, out of the question for so large a content. The screwey spelling is also okay so long as darling 4SJ doesn't get the upper hand and turn the happy horror into something wholly unitelligible." A 10 pg epistle! inspired by first IMAG! from [signed] R Baker of Vancouver/Canada, who says (among other paragrafs too numerous even to resume): "What fun, Keller must have had with you simple-minded Californians when pulling your legs with that pretty story about his infant daughter who spoke Hebrew in the cradle or something like that. I am told that I bellowed like a bull at that stage; ask Keller what mine was--sales-talk?" [response underlined] (Keller is quite a kidder--he told us he'd "never seen any place like Southern Calif"...which you can interpret any way you want. Ofcourse, there's the old saying--"No fool like a fantasy fool". But we believe the Good Doctor was in earnest about Angelica. What do you say, Doc?) [introductory text underlined] Using her Esperanto name, LUCIE SHEPHERD [signed] Lusi Seperd tells us: "Imag! in its infancy has proven itself a great at traction to our sci fic fan customers-- Consider it headed for a fine future-- Cover in a class by itself-- Amico Ackerman's snappy style is swell! His 'cinemarticles' et cet are major attraction to me-- Hura for Esperanto-- Good luck to the local league-- C'mup & see me s'metime--" [introductory text underlined] LOUIS KUSLAN of West Haven/Ct types in red: "That magazine of yours is very punk. The material was awful. Esperanto phooey. [response underlined] (We'll soon be believing "Life Begins at Fui!") Advertisements, okay. There's an idea for you. Let's have just ads. [response underlined] (We've heard some fan publisher already's done just that.) Do you want to ruin my eyes on that lousy hecktographing job you did? [response underlined] (No.) Enclosed is a dime for the next issue. [response underlined] (Danken.) Don't take the above too seriously as I am rather grouchy today." [response underlined] (We are taking your dime seriously.) [introductory text underlined] (Formerly ALLIS VILLETTE of Alberta/Canada) of Westwood Pk/Calif, [signed] Allis Kerlay asks a few questions, in complimenting us on our first ish, which we here answer: Rite, "IMAGO!' on Vodoso's "raketo" was Esp. Meant "IMAGINATION!". Incidently, your abbrev. "Madge!" delites us & we are adopting her! ~~ The "scarlet signature" was of L. RON HUBBARD, redheaded air & adventure author "amiko" (we can alliterate in Esperanto, too!)--i.e., "friend"--of "Forijay"'s & "Arturo" Burks. Acquainting with Ack, Shep, &CLMoore has enthused him to write his first stf story, a bk of 25,000 yrs hence tentatively titled "The Lost Millenniums", aimd at Arg. ~~ Your radio review is all x! Acceptd! The Synopsis'll be stencild soon & U'll be seeing it in "Madge!". Come again, [underlined] kamaradino!
Hevelin Fanzines