Sun Spots, v. 3, issue 3, whole no. 11, October 5, 1940
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October 5, 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 2. CONTEST RESULTS Last months cover-story contest ends with the following results: 1st prize-Won by D.B. Thompson, Q. Street, Lincoln, Nebr. This find story will be found on page 4. 2nd prize-Won by Charles Beling, Le Roche Avenue, Harrington Park, N.J. Mr. Belings story can be found on page 18. 3rd prize-No Winner....... As you readers can see the returns to the contest were indeed small, thus we will not have another for quite some time. CONTENTS OF SUN SPOTS FICTION: "First Flight" D.B. Thompson Page 4. "And Now---What?" Gene F. Autry Page 9. "DREAMS" Jerry Keeley Page 14 2nd prize story Charles Beling Page 18. ARTICLES: "Fantasy May Come, and Fantasy may Go!" Sam Moskowitz Page 11 "Visit to Shangri-LA" J.J. Fortier Page 15. DEPARTMENTS: Cover heading Rod Gaetz Page 1. Illustrations Gerry de la Ree, Jr. Editorial #1. Gerry de la Ree, Jr. Page 3. Editorial #2. Roderick Gaetz Page 5. Editorial #3. Roy Plotkin Page 6. "The Trash Basket" N.E.Body Page 7. "Meet the Editors.." - Page 10. "Our Spies Tell Us:" - Page 16. "Advertisements" - Page 19 "Fan Mag Review" Editors Page 20. SUN SPOTS "Sun Spots" is published monthly by the Solar Press, at 31 Bogert Place, Westwood [NJ]. The official organ of hte Solaroid Club. VOLUME III, NUMBER 3; WHOLE NUMBER 11: Price 5¢ a copy, 6 for 25¢. Ad rates are: Full page $1.00, half page.60; and Quarter page-$.35. Smaller ads on request. The deitors [sic] of Sun Spots will be glad to consider for publication any article, news story, or short story, dealing with Science Fiction. All critisism is welcomed, and letters will be answered promptly. The three Editors of SUN SPOTS are: Roy Plotkin Roderick Ruskin Gaetz Gerry de la Ree, Jr. JOIN THE SOLAROIDS, EVENTUALLY, WHY NOT NOW??
October 5, 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 2. CONTEST RESULTS Last months cover-story contest ends with the following results: 1st prize-Won by D.B. Thompson, Q. Street, Lincoln, Nebr. This find story will be found on page 4. 2nd prize-Won by Charles Beling, Le Roche Avenue, Harrington Park, N.J. Mr. Belings story can be found on page 18. 3rd prize-No Winner....... As you readers can see the returns to the contest were indeed small, thus we will not have another for quite some time. CONTENTS OF SUN SPOTS FICTION: "First Flight" D.B. Thompson Page 4. "And Now---What?" Gene F. Autry Page 9. "DREAMS" Jerry Keeley Page 14 2nd prize story Charles Beling Page 18. ARTICLES: "Fantasy May Come, and Fantasy may Go!" Sam Moskowitz Page 11 "Visit to Shangri-LA" J.J. Fortier Page 15. DEPARTMENTS: Cover heading Rod Gaetz Page 1. Illustrations Gerry de la Ree, Jr. Editorial #1. Gerry de la Ree, Jr. Page 3. Editorial #2. Roderick Gaetz Page 5. Editorial #3. Roy Plotkin Page 6. "The Trash Basket" N.E.Body Page 7. "Meet the Editors.." - Page 10. "Our Spies Tell Us:" - Page 16. "Advertisements" - Page 19 "Fan Mag Review" Editors Page 20. SUN SPOTS "Sun Spots" is published monthly by the Solar Press, at 31 Bogert Place, Westwood [NJ]. The official organ of hte Solaroid Club. VOLUME III, NUMBER 3; WHOLE NUMBER 11: Price 5¢ a copy, 6 for 25¢. Ad rates are: Full page $1.00, half page.60; and Quarter page-$.35. Smaller ads on request. The deitors [sic] of Sun Spots will be glad to consider for publication any article, news story, or short story, dealing with Science Fiction. All critisism is welcomed, and letters will be answered promptly. The three Editors of SUN SPOTS are: Roy Plotkin Roderick Ruskin Gaetz Gerry de la Ree, Jr. JOIN THE SOLAROIDS, EVENTUALLY, WHY NOT NOW??
Hevelin Fanzines