Sun Spots, v. 3, issue 3, whole no. 11, October 5, 1940
Page 7
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Oct. 5, 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 7. THE TRASH BASKET By N.E. Body. FLASH!-Believe it or not Plotkin and de la Ree have finished another story, which makes their previous works look sick. Yep it's really a great improvement. This story is a 1,500 word short-short entitled "The Irony of it All". Manly Wade Wollman told the two authors that it is a large improvment over "The Coming of Thal". The story, after several revisions was sent to Fred Pohl of Super Science, who is expected to give some constructive critismsm, even though he is unlikely to accept this first draft. Once morelets all wish the young authors good lunch. Incidently the story was written under the pseudonym of James V. Barton. They feel this is simpler than there two names spelt out... From Joseph Lewandowski, Kr. head of the Ohio Fantasy Association comes the following request for material for their official organ 'TheOhio Fan": he requests short stories, Stf. weird, fantasy, etc. Length 1000-1,700 words in length; Articles, The usual and unusual, same length; Depts, anything of interest, 500 words;Artwork-5x7 inches(H'th-7-W.-5". So come on you fans who want to see your name in fan-mags all the time, send your stuff to J. Lewandowski, Jr., 17 Riverview Rd., Brecksville, Ohio....A few days ago the editors of Sun Spots received a letter from Edgar Rice Burroughs' secretary, in answer to a request for material for Sun Spots, we had sent several weeks before. Just after asking for an article, we found that Mr. Burroughs was in Hawaii, and this was just what his secretary said. He also said that if Mr. Burroughs was at home it would be most probibly that he would give us some material. We are therefore awaiting Mr. Burroughs return to America, when at that time we shall again request an article. Keep up your hopes... Did you notice in the last appearance of the Widner Poll results that de la Roo and Gaetz actually showed up, way down in the twentys, but what counts is that they were in there at all. I still can't. see why Plotkin didn't appear too, as he is just as much a fan as the other two. Now:we are wondering where Sun Spots will show? We hope it will be up near, if not in the first 10. You lads really ought to vote for your 10 favorite fan mags. Send them to Art Widner, Bx 122, Bryantville, Mass. Let Art hear from you....... On page 16, we hope we have some news. Not having seen Fantasy News for nearly two months yours truly ( ) does not know whether or not we have a scoop, or just some stale news. At least our intentions are good......... Have you seen any magazine(Pro) in the past 6 months that didn't have a letter by D.B. Thompson in it? He must just sit around and write all the time. Besides just writing, his letters are usually well-founded............. Plotkin is going to Florida for the Winter, and that leaves Gaetz & de la Roo, two BAD spellers to put out Sun Spots.-Wanted-One co-editor who can spell type and go broke. Get ni touch with either de la Roo or Gaetz......... For about 6 months the dditors of Sun Spots have been pleading with the readers to send in there contributions, and this still holds true. If Spaceways rejects your manuscript, because of too much material, we'll take it since we have a lack of stuff....... Oh yes, the other old request-JERN THE SOLAROIDS, or else............
Oct. 5, 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 7. THE TRASH BASKET By N.E. Body. FLASH!-Believe it or not Plotkin and de la Ree have finished another story, which makes their previous works look sick. Yep it's really a great improvement. This story is a 1,500 word short-short entitled "The Irony of it All". Manly Wade Wollman told the two authors that it is a large improvment over "The Coming of Thal". The story, after several revisions was sent to Fred Pohl of Super Science, who is expected to give some constructive critismsm, even though he is unlikely to accept this first draft. Once morelets all wish the young authors good lunch. Incidently the story was written under the pseudonym of James V. Barton. They feel this is simpler than there two names spelt out... From Joseph Lewandowski, Kr. head of the Ohio Fantasy Association comes the following request for material for their official organ 'TheOhio Fan": he requests short stories, Stf. weird, fantasy, etc. Length 1000-1,700 words in length; Articles, The usual and unusual, same length; Depts, anything of interest, 500 words;Artwork-5x7 inches(H'th-7-W.-5". So come on you fans who want to see your name in fan-mags all the time, send your stuff to J. Lewandowski, Jr., 17 Riverview Rd., Brecksville, Ohio....A few days ago the editors of Sun Spots received a letter from Edgar Rice Burroughs' secretary, in answer to a request for material for Sun Spots, we had sent several weeks before. Just after asking for an article, we found that Mr. Burroughs was in Hawaii, and this was just what his secretary said. He also said that if Mr. Burroughs was at home it would be most probibly that he would give us some material. We are therefore awaiting Mr. Burroughs return to America, when at that time we shall again request an article. Keep up your hopes... Did you notice in the last appearance of the Widner Poll results that de la Roo and Gaetz actually showed up, way down in the twentys, but what counts is that they were in there at all. I still can't. see why Plotkin didn't appear too, as he is just as much a fan as the other two. Now:we are wondering where Sun Spots will show? We hope it will be up near, if not in the first 10. You lads really ought to vote for your 10 favorite fan mags. Send them to Art Widner, Bx 122, Bryantville, Mass. Let Art hear from you....... On page 16, we hope we have some news. Not having seen Fantasy News for nearly two months yours truly ( ) does not know whether or not we have a scoop, or just some stale news. At least our intentions are good......... Have you seen any magazine(Pro) in the past 6 months that didn't have a letter by D.B. Thompson in it? He must just sit around and write all the time. Besides just writing, his letters are usually well-founded............. Plotkin is going to Florida for the Winter, and that leaves Gaetz & de la Roo, two BAD spellers to put out Sun Spots.-Wanted-One co-editor who can spell type and go broke. Get ni touch with either de la Roo or Gaetz......... For about 6 months the dditors of Sun Spots have been pleading with the readers to send in there contributions, and this still holds true. If Spaceways rejects your manuscript, because of too much material, we'll take it since we have a lack of stuff....... Oh yes, the other old request-JERN THE SOLAROIDS, or else............
Hevelin Fanzines