Sun Spots, v. 3, issue 4, whole no. 12, November 1940
Page 5
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November, 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 5 Why Make an Issue of It? by Roderick Gaetz I don't know why you should make an issue of it but that's what we are trying to do. It has been left up to me to place the blame where it justly belongs. Since the evacuating of Plotkin all the typing has been left up to de la Ree and myself (mostly de la Ree). I never did do much of the typing as I am so slow and my spelling stinks, and so far as spelling goes de la Ree's is awfull too. All the mistakes on this pag e and the two of my story that have even edges on both sides should be put down on my side, and all the rest belong to Gerry. If you think Job, the guy with the boils, had a lot of trouble well you should have been around when I was working. After d oing two pages with even edges I wonder how some editors do a whole mag. that way. My story startes on page 13 and everything went wrong after that. If I remove the whole line ans start over again. After the typing was finished, my troubles were not over. When I tore the backing off the stencil I found that I had started too far up, and had to cut some of the backing paper off so that the ink would come through. When I did that I loosened the adheasive on the stencil and in due time the stencil came off the backing intirly and started flapping aroud the drum. so I went out into the next room to get some adheasive tape to hold it on and in doing so I lost track of count so I just ran them off until I thought that there was enough. When I got finished I was so sore that I took the poor mutelated stencil and threw it into the wast basket. Later Gerry counted them and found that we were ten short so I very carefully got it out of the waste basket tried my best to get it on streight and put new adheasive tape on it. Well I guess thats enough of my troubles. Last issue being a radical departure from our usual size we were afraid that we would have to dissapoint you and have it smaller this time, but much to our glee yous pals sent in loads of stuff and it (it meaning SSP) is even bigger this time. We have a true article on where wolves by M.W.Wellman, a silly story about politicks, a mafnificent masterpeice written around the cover by Me. as well as the usual departments, althoe the spies column is slightly short for want of news. At the time that I am writing this we have received only one letter a piece from Plotkin so I am not quite sure just what is going on the page that we alloted him. Say if that story of mine stinks it is because it is the first time that I have ever tired to write a story all by myself. The only reason I did write the story was because Beling who was supposed to write the thing about the cover(which was done a long time ago) said he was much too busy to write it. Oh well after reading hi thing in last month's issue I guess that it coundn't be much worse. If you like to get your money's worth just keep on sending in stuff and SUN SPOTS will remain the biggest bargin on the market. And while your writing stories, articles an' stuff drop us a line of critism, we are always glad to here from you; even if we dont ever do exactly what yousay, we always try to please the majority. There would have been a readers letters section but we received an ample supply of material to fill er up. Well looks as if dass all frens. R.G.
November, 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 5 Why Make an Issue of It? by Roderick Gaetz I don't know why you should make an issue of it but that's what we are trying to do. It has been left up to me to place the blame where it justly belongs. Since the evacuating of Plotkin all the typing has been left up to de la Ree and myself (mostly de la Ree). I never did do much of the typing as I am so slow and my spelling stinks, and so far as spelling goes de la Ree's is awfull too. All the mistakes on this pag e and the two of my story that have even edges on both sides should be put down on my side, and all the rest belong to Gerry. If you think Job, the guy with the boils, had a lot of trouble well you should have been around when I was working. After d oing two pages with even edges I wonder how some editors do a whole mag. that way. My story startes on page 13 and everything went wrong after that. If I remove the whole line ans start over again. After the typing was finished, my troubles were not over. When I tore the backing off the stencil I found that I had started too far up, and had to cut some of the backing paper off so that the ink would come through. When I did that I loosened the adheasive on the stencil and in due time the stencil came off the backing intirly and started flapping aroud the drum. so I went out into the next room to get some adheasive tape to hold it on and in doing so I lost track of count so I just ran them off until I thought that there was enough. When I got finished I was so sore that I took the poor mutelated stencil and threw it into the wast basket. Later Gerry counted them and found that we were ten short so I very carefully got it out of the waste basket tried my best to get it on streight and put new adheasive tape on it. Well I guess thats enough of my troubles. Last issue being a radical departure from our usual size we were afraid that we would have to dissapoint you and have it smaller this time, but much to our glee yous pals sent in loads of stuff and it (it meaning SSP) is even bigger this time. We have a true article on where wolves by M.W.Wellman, a silly story about politicks, a mafnificent masterpeice written around the cover by Me. as well as the usual departments, althoe the spies column is slightly short for want of news. At the time that I am writing this we have received only one letter a piece from Plotkin so I am not quite sure just what is going on the page that we alloted him. Say if that story of mine stinks it is because it is the first time that I have ever tired to write a story all by myself. The only reason I did write the story was because Beling who was supposed to write the thing about the cover(which was done a long time ago) said he was much too busy to write it. Oh well after reading hi thing in last month's issue I guess that it coundn't be much worse. If you like to get your money's worth just keep on sending in stuff and SUN SPOTS will remain the biggest bargin on the market. And while your writing stories, articles an' stuff drop us a line of critism, we are always glad to here from you; even if we dont ever do exactly what yousay, we always try to please the majority. There would have been a readers letters section but we received an ample supply of material to fill er up. Well looks as if dass all frens. R.G.
Hevelin Fanzines