Sun Spots, v. 3, issue 4, whole no. 12, November 1940
Page 13
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November L940 SUN SPOTS Page 13 MYSTERY LAKE ON TITAN Written and illustrated by Roderick Gaetz WANTED $2500.00 REWARD Edgar Cotten Age 33 in 1950 Height 5'7" Weight 145 lbs. Edgar Cotten Wears thick horn rimmed glasses. Has rough and pitted complextion. Has sparce grey hair. Eyes are blue. Has thin worried features and unusually large ears. Has gold caps on upper front and right eye teeth. Scars from double hernia operation. A slight scar on top of head. Walks with clenched fists. Dresses neatly. That's what the notice on the post office board said. After reading it for three times nervous, self-conscious Edgar Cotten saunters out onto the worn, heat blistered veranda of the post office in a very small western town, making very sure that his hands were buried in his pockets. "George had better hurry up with that ship, if he don't get them repairs done pretty soon the cops might catch up with me. Its the year 1950. Men made their way to Luna, Mars and Saturn. Everybody on earth is riding around in rocket cars and trips to the other planets were becoming more frequent, but up around Saturn, nothing but tough miners and space derelicts inhabitated the country. To get back to Ed Cotten; he was hurriedly walking over the dessert making a desperate attempt to walk with his hand outstreched but finally had to give it up. "Hi George", called Ed. "Got the ship ready yet?" "Yea almost," answered George Hempstead, Ed's side-kick and petty larcony convict. "Did you order the grub and fuel?" "Yup the store manager is sending his kid up in a [hack?] with them. I told him to leave them about a half mile down the road an'we'll have to haul them the rest of the way in our wagon. He said the boy would be up in half an hour." "Good", returned George. "We can get going by sundown." The scene now changes to the office of the chief of the F.B.I., the chief is talking to Manley Johnson, chief bloodhound of the force, who in turn is followed by Rodney Gleeson, who has been spending the better of his 19 years folloing the none too famous Detective Johnson, first of all because of the fact that Manny was his hero and secondly because of Manley's 16 year old sister, Mable. the chief was just saying: "Manley my boy", Manley always wanted to answer back, yes pop!!! Manley my boy I have another job for you. You have heard Continued on next page.
November L940 SUN SPOTS Page 13 MYSTERY LAKE ON TITAN Written and illustrated by Roderick Gaetz WANTED $2500.00 REWARD Edgar Cotten Age 33 in 1950 Height 5'7" Weight 145 lbs. Edgar Cotten Wears thick horn rimmed glasses. Has rough and pitted complextion. Has sparce grey hair. Eyes are blue. Has thin worried features and unusually large ears. Has gold caps on upper front and right eye teeth. Scars from double hernia operation. A slight scar on top of head. Walks with clenched fists. Dresses neatly. That's what the notice on the post office board said. After reading it for three times nervous, self-conscious Edgar Cotten saunters out onto the worn, heat blistered veranda of the post office in a very small western town, making very sure that his hands were buried in his pockets. "George had better hurry up with that ship, if he don't get them repairs done pretty soon the cops might catch up with me. Its the year 1950. Men made their way to Luna, Mars and Saturn. Everybody on earth is riding around in rocket cars and trips to the other planets were becoming more frequent, but up around Saturn, nothing but tough miners and space derelicts inhabitated the country. To get back to Ed Cotten; he was hurriedly walking over the dessert making a desperate attempt to walk with his hand outstreched but finally had to give it up. "Hi George", called Ed. "Got the ship ready yet?" "Yea almost," answered George Hempstead, Ed's side-kick and petty larcony convict. "Did you order the grub and fuel?" "Yup the store manager is sending his kid up in a [hack?] with them. I told him to leave them about a half mile down the road an'we'll have to haul them the rest of the way in our wagon. He said the boy would be up in half an hour." "Good", returned George. "We can get going by sundown." The scene now changes to the office of the chief of the F.B.I., the chief is talking to Manley Johnson, chief bloodhound of the force, who in turn is followed by Rodney Gleeson, who has been spending the better of his 19 years folloing the none too famous Detective Johnson, first of all because of the fact that Manny was his hero and secondly because of Manley's 16 year old sister, Mable. the chief was just saying: "Manley my boy", Manley always wanted to answer back, yes pop!!! Manley my boy I have another job for you. You have heard Continued on next page.
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