Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 1, whole no. 13, December 1940
Page 20
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December, 1940. SUN SPOTS Page 20. the authors--consider risking their name and reputation for the sake of his mag. Then he goes about securing his art work. This is an easier task, as the artists need work far more than the authors, but still there are exceedingly few good Stf artists. We'll take it for granted that the ed. has got all his material, at a nominal cost, and is ready to compile his magazine. He has to do this, have it printed and out on the news stands all in set schedule, and then the letters from irate readers begin to pour in. Thus you have it. New magazines represent many weeks of patient hard work on the part of the editor and his staff. And so it is with despair that he reads the inevitable brick-bats that come pouring in asking why in h-- the ed. didn't jump into lake michigan. So there you have it..... .Thanks..R.P... * * * * * * * * IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF [[underline]]SUN SPOTS[[end underline]]: "Bradford B.Baxter--Author?", Pt II. the hilarious finish of Plotkin and de la Ree's mess-terpiece. "These Neward Fans", an interesting article on Neward fandom, by Alex Osheroff, popular Neward lad. "Ramblings in fandom", interesting article on stuff by Dick Crain, Weehawken fan. Another Adventure of Big Mike and Shorty, by Von Meeks Mitchell, the hit of the last issue of SSp. and many other interesting stories, articles, etc. on popular subjects by fans and such. * * * * * * * * [[underline]]DON'T BE A SUCKER, FILL OUT THIS BLANK AND JOIN THE SOLAROIDS!![[end underline]] Name...........Address.............. City.............State........Hobby............. Age........Member of SFL?.....Science Fictioneers?........... How long have you been reading Science Fiction?................... Favorite pro-mag?.............Fan mag............ The membership of the Solaroids is now nearing 60. This goal is going to be reached by the end of December, we hope. This can only be accomplished by the cooperation of all the readers of Sun Spots, and that is what we want. We want every reader of this magazine to join. In a few months this club could become one of the largest fan organizations in the world. the price is only 10[[cent symbol]]. That is very little considering the large cost of having the membership cards printed. All our members have comented favorably on these cards, and we think you will too. Come on send that 10[[cent symbol]] to: The Solaroid Club, 9 Bogert Place, Westwood,N.J. Read THE ALCHEMIST, 10[[cent symbol]] from Lew martin, 1258 Race St., Denver,Colo. A real good buy. Over 60 small sized, well mimeoed pages of the best material. Recommended by the editors of this mag. as a must!
December, 1940. SUN SPOTS Page 20. the authors--consider risking their name and reputation for the sake of his mag. Then he goes about securing his art work. This is an easier task, as the artists need work far more than the authors, but still there are exceedingly few good Stf artists. We'll take it for granted that the ed. has got all his material, at a nominal cost, and is ready to compile his magazine. He has to do this, have it printed and out on the news stands all in set schedule, and then the letters from irate readers begin to pour in. Thus you have it. New magazines represent many weeks of patient hard work on the part of the editor and his staff. And so it is with despair that he reads the inevitable brick-bats that come pouring in asking why in h-- the ed. didn't jump into lake michigan. So there you have it..... .Thanks..R.P... * * * * * * * * IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF [[underline]]SUN SPOTS[[end underline]]: "Bradford B.Baxter--Author?", Pt II. the hilarious finish of Plotkin and de la Ree's mess-terpiece. "These Neward Fans", an interesting article on Neward fandom, by Alex Osheroff, popular Neward lad. "Ramblings in fandom", interesting article on stuff by Dick Crain, Weehawken fan. Another Adventure of Big Mike and Shorty, by Von Meeks Mitchell, the hit of the last issue of SSp. and many other interesting stories, articles, etc. on popular subjects by fans and such. * * * * * * * * [[underline]]DON'T BE A SUCKER, FILL OUT THIS BLANK AND JOIN THE SOLAROIDS!![[end underline]] Name...........Address.............. City.............State........Hobby............. Age........Member of SFL?.....Science Fictioneers?........... How long have you been reading Science Fiction?................... Favorite pro-mag?.............Fan mag............ The membership of the Solaroids is now nearing 60. This goal is going to be reached by the end of December, we hope. This can only be accomplished by the cooperation of all the readers of Sun Spots, and that is what we want. We want every reader of this magazine to join. In a few months this club could become one of the largest fan organizations in the world. the price is only 10[[cent symbol]]. That is very little considering the large cost of having the membership cards printed. All our members have comented favorably on these cards, and we think you will too. Come on send that 10[[cent symbol]] to: The Solaroid Club, 9 Bogert Place, Westwood,N.J. Read THE ALCHEMIST, 10[[cent symbol]] from Lew martin, 1258 Race St., Denver,Colo. A real good buy. Over 60 small sized, well mimeoed pages of the best material. Recommended by the editors of this mag. as a must!
Hevelin Fanzines