Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 1, whole no. 13, December 1940
Page 21
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December 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 21 DEATH on other planets. by Roderick Gaetz This month we start a new feature.This is it,and for the first one we take up the method of illimation on Mars. At a veryearly time the Martians got up to a very high point of perfection.Their scientists had everything under remote control. As a matter of fact all the war macheens were so efficent that in no time at all the people were killed off and the only thing s left of this once very intellectual race are a few of the robot control rocket ships still blasting one another to bits. [[underline]]WHATS GOOD TO READ IN FAN MAGS[[end underline]]? [[underline]]THE COMET[[end underline]] Latest issue has a cover by Bronson, and good material by Warner, Hamling, Sullivan, JJ Fortier, autobiography of Lew martin,etc.Editor Tom Wright. 10[[cent symbol]] from 1140 Bush St.,Martinez, Calif. [[underline]]FANFARE[[end underline]] Volume 1,No.4 has cover by Widner, and 28 pages of good stuff.The mag is very well hectoed, and has even edges. Material by Miske,Moskowitz, Gilbert, knight, Widner, etc. Organ of Strangers Club. Address:Box 122; Bryatville,Mass. [[underline]]FANTASY NEWS[[end underline]] One remaining weekly mag., and looks like it won't last much longer. It has returned to mimeo, and is now from 2 to 4 pages, with same price. The material has slipped considerably. 3 for 10[[cent symbol]] from Will Sykora, P.O.Box 84 Elmont,N.Y.---NEWS WHILE IT'S STILL [[underline]]WARM![[end underline]] (RG) [[underline]]FANTASCIENCE DIGESS[[end underline]]- Whole no. 13, no. 2 for 1940. 30 mimeod pages of interesting material, edited by Bob Madle. Good material by Unger, Fisher, Campbell,Jr., Warner, Tucker, etc. 15[[cent symbol]] from 333 E.Belgrade St.,Philadelphia,Pa. [[underline]]THE FUTURIAN[[end underline]] Last English mag. has perked up somewhat, and is now about six pages. From 4 Grange[[?]] Terrace, Chapletown Leeds 7, England. [[underline]]SPACEWAYS[[end underline]] Latest issue is one of the best in it's long string of top-flighters. Take a sub to this mag., and all you'll be missing the best fandom can offer. Good luck to Harry Warner,Jr. On his anniversary issue which will appear soon. 10[[cent symbol]] from 303 Bryan Place,Md. [[underline]]HORIZONS[[end underline]] Poor cover by Marconette, and fair material by Basil Wells, Sam Moskowitz, Ronald Holmes, etc. All stories and fan fiction. 10[[cent symbol]] from 303 Bryan Place, Haggerstown,Md. Fair hectoing. [[underline]]DETOURS[[end underline]] A novel type magazine, being completely hand written. Must be quite a job to do it. The mag has fair mayterial hectoed in several colors. Get it from Tall Wood Plantation, Esmont, Va. Price 5[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]ALSO TRY[[end underline]] [[underline]]ALCHEMIST[[end underline]]-1258 Race St. Denver, Colo.-10[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]FANTASSEER[[end underline]]-18 Maryland Ave, ,Hempstead,NY-5[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]MERCURY[[end underline]]-1836- 38 Ave., Oakland,Calif.-5[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]POLARIS[[end underline]]-Bx. 234 Payette,Idaho-10[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]SCIENTI-COMICS[[end underline]]-224 W. 6th.St.,Hastings,Minn.-10[[cent symbol]] SNIDE*803 Columbia,Hood River,Ore. Etc,Etc,Etc.
December 1940 SUN SPOTS Page 21 DEATH on other planets. by Roderick Gaetz This month we start a new feature.This is it,and for the first one we take up the method of illimation on Mars. At a veryearly time the Martians got up to a very high point of perfection.Their scientists had everything under remote control. As a matter of fact all the war macheens were so efficent that in no time at all the people were killed off and the only thing s left of this once very intellectual race are a few of the robot control rocket ships still blasting one another to bits. [[underline]]WHATS GOOD TO READ IN FAN MAGS[[end underline]]? [[underline]]THE COMET[[end underline]] Latest issue has a cover by Bronson, and good material by Warner, Hamling, Sullivan, JJ Fortier, autobiography of Lew martin,etc.Editor Tom Wright. 10[[cent symbol]] from 1140 Bush St.,Martinez, Calif. [[underline]]FANFARE[[end underline]] Volume 1,No.4 has cover by Widner, and 28 pages of good stuff.The mag is very well hectoed, and has even edges. Material by Miske,Moskowitz, Gilbert, knight, Widner, etc. Organ of Strangers Club. Address:Box 122; Bryatville,Mass. [[underline]]FANTASY NEWS[[end underline]] One remaining weekly mag., and looks like it won't last much longer. It has returned to mimeo, and is now from 2 to 4 pages, with same price. The material has slipped considerably. 3 for 10[[cent symbol]] from Will Sykora, P.O.Box 84 Elmont,N.Y.---NEWS WHILE IT'S STILL [[underline]]WARM![[end underline]] (RG) [[underline]]FANTASCIENCE DIGESS[[end underline]]- Whole no. 13, no. 2 for 1940. 30 mimeod pages of interesting material, edited by Bob Madle. Good material by Unger, Fisher, Campbell,Jr., Warner, Tucker, etc. 15[[cent symbol]] from 333 E.Belgrade St.,Philadelphia,Pa. [[underline]]THE FUTURIAN[[end underline]] Last English mag. has perked up somewhat, and is now about six pages. From 4 Grange[[?]] Terrace, Chapletown Leeds 7, England. [[underline]]SPACEWAYS[[end underline]] Latest issue is one of the best in it's long string of top-flighters. Take a sub to this mag., and all you'll be missing the best fandom can offer. Good luck to Harry Warner,Jr. On his anniversary issue which will appear soon. 10[[cent symbol]] from 303 Bryan Place,Md. [[underline]]HORIZONS[[end underline]] Poor cover by Marconette, and fair material by Basil Wells, Sam Moskowitz, Ronald Holmes, etc. All stories and fan fiction. 10[[cent symbol]] from 303 Bryan Place, Haggerstown,Md. Fair hectoing. [[underline]]DETOURS[[end underline]] A novel type magazine, being completely hand written. Must be quite a job to do it. The mag has fair mayterial hectoed in several colors. Get it from Tall Wood Plantation, Esmont, Va. Price 5[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]ALSO TRY[[end underline]] [[underline]]ALCHEMIST[[end underline]]-1258 Race St. Denver, Colo.-10[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]FANTASSEER[[end underline]]-18 Maryland Ave, ,Hempstead,NY-5[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]MERCURY[[end underline]]-1836- 38 Ave., Oakland,Calif.-5[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]POLARIS[[end underline]]-Bx. 234 Payette,Idaho-10[[cent symbol]] [[underline]]SCIENTI-COMICS[[end underline]]-224 W. 6th.St.,Hastings,Minn.-10[[cent symbol]] SNIDE*803 Columbia,Hood River,Ore. Etc,Etc,Etc.
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