Science Fiction Collector, v. 5, issue 6, whole no. 30, Winter 1941
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ETC... No doubt, there are some of you who are wondering "Well, what's this ... the Collector again? I thought that had died out long ago. Hmmnnn ... probably in its last throes." I can't blame you for being surprised, but I had rather hoped, though, that this war had immunized you to startling developments. However, be that as it may, we assure you that the Collector never has been dead, contrary to popular belief. True, much water has passed under that legendary bridge since the last issue appeared, but, we repeat, the Collector never has been defunct, and never (within the next thirty or forty years, at least) must be considered as such in the future. There will be times, perhaps, when months, perhaps years, will pass between issues, but, we assure you, the Collector will go on. We tried to warn you, by stating on the contents' pages of the last five or six issues that the "Collector will be issued irregularly...", and, we repeat again, that will be our publication policy. Stuck away in our filing cabinets somewhere is material for forthcoming issues. However, much of that material is outdated, and we are lo[a]th to publish stories with the fabulous speed of the old Amazing Stories, so (continued on Page 17)
ETC... No doubt, there are some of you who are wondering "Well, what's this ... the Collector again? I thought that had died out long ago. Hmmnnn ... probably in its last throes." I can't blame you for being surprised, but I had rather hoped, though, that this war had immunized you to startling developments. However, be that as it may, we assure you that the Collector never has been dead, contrary to popular belief. True, much water has passed under that legendary bridge since the last issue appeared, but, we repeat, the Collector never has been defunct, and never (within the next thirty or forty years, at least) must be considered as such in the future. There will be times, perhaps, when months, perhaps years, will pass between issues, but, we assure you, the Collector will go on. We tried to warn you, by stating on the contents' pages of the last five or six issues that the "Collector will be issued irregularly...", and, we repeat again, that will be our publication policy. Stuck away in our filing cabinets somewhere is material for forthcoming issues. However, much of that material is outdated, and we are lo[a]th to publish stories with the fabulous speed of the old Amazing Stories, so (continued on Page 17)
Hevelin Fanzines