Science Fiction Collector, v. 5, issue 6, whole no. 30, Winter 1941
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SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR [[underline]]Editor:[[end underline]] John V. Baltadonis Vol 5, No 6 -- Winter, 1941 -- Whole Number-30 -- CONTENTS -- Et Cetera 2 On the Difficulties of Conversion 4 Joe Gilbert The Golden Age 8 Mark Reinsberg Fantaglimmerings 12 Robert A. Madle Fan Mag Review 15 Cover Illustration by John V. Baltadonis The SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR is published as often as possible by John V. Baltadonis, now affiliated with [[underline]]Stellar Press[[end underline]]. Address all communications to [[underline]]SFCollector, Stellar Press, [[end underline]] 333 East Belgrade Street, Philadelphia, Penna. Subscriptions are: 10¢ per copy; 30¢for three issues; 50¢ for five issues; and $1.00 for twelve issues. -MEMBER- STELLAR PRESS
SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR [[underline]]Editor:[[end underline]] John V. Baltadonis Vol 5, No 6 -- Winter, 1941 -- Whole Number-30 -- CONTENTS -- Et Cetera 2 On the Difficulties of Conversion 4 Joe Gilbert The Golden Age 8 Mark Reinsberg Fantaglimmerings 12 Robert A. Madle Fan Mag Review 15 Cover Illustration by John V. Baltadonis The SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR is published as often as possible by John V. Baltadonis, now affiliated with [[underline]]Stellar Press[[end underline]]. Address all communications to [[underline]]SFCollector, Stellar Press, [[end underline]] 333 East Belgrade Street, Philadelphia, Penna. Subscriptions are: 10¢ per copy; 30¢for three issues; 50¢ for five issues; and $1.00 for twelve issues. -MEMBER- STELLAR PRESS
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