Science Fiction Collector, v. 5, issue 6, whole no. 30, Winter 1941
Page 14
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Page Fourteen -- Science Fiction Collector What is there about Trudy Kuslan that makes all the fans fall for her - - - Southerners from South Carolina are particularly effected. Perhaps Trudy can start a new "Joe Fann" society. (Dear Bob - Yeah. But just think what would happen if Hedy Lamarr became an active fan . . .Ye Ed.) . . .. I wonder if there is any rumor to the "truth" that Art Widner is married -- the wolf! That is all SJHL, HUE SOJM AUEJ HD [[underline]]AKESKT[[end underline]] SKFGE !!! Well, if you want to, you can, 'cause we're not going to try to stop you. Why should we? After all, what have we to gain or to lose, if you do or if you don't. Far be it from us to interfere with any fan's fun. Maybe you're puzzled. Well, we couldn't blame you a bit. After all, we're not all geniuses - or, aren't we! But for those who have prove to be bright little lads, there is no mystery to any of this stuf f[[?]]. They know what it's all about. Why, it's, uh - sjhl - hmm, that, quh, means, uh, dope?, drip?, no-o, why of course, it means, fans -- well, what's the difference, anyway? From there on in, the path becomes increasingly clear, it is quite obvious what the others mean...heh-heh, of course, [[underline]]you[[end underline]] had it all the time, didn't [[underline]]you[[end underline]] ... well, then, no use in our eluci --- but anyway, for the benefit of those few of you who might have had a little difficulty it reads - Fans, that wa sn't hard at all.... oh yes, the address - 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadephia, Penna...5¢ per copy.
Page Fourteen -- Science Fiction Collector What is there about Trudy Kuslan that makes all the fans fall for her - - - Southerners from South Carolina are particularly effected. Perhaps Trudy can start a new "Joe Fann" society. (Dear Bob - Yeah. But just think what would happen if Hedy Lamarr became an active fan . . .Ye Ed.) . . .. I wonder if there is any rumor to the "truth" that Art Widner is married -- the wolf! That is all SJHL, HUE SOJM AUEJ HD [[underline]]AKESKT[[end underline]] SKFGE !!! Well, if you want to, you can, 'cause we're not going to try to stop you. Why should we? After all, what have we to gain or to lose, if you do or if you don't. Far be it from us to interfere with any fan's fun. Maybe you're puzzled. Well, we couldn't blame you a bit. After all, we're not all geniuses - or, aren't we! But for those who have prove to be bright little lads, there is no mystery to any of this stuf f[[?]]. They know what it's all about. Why, it's, uh - sjhl - hmm, that, quh, means, uh, dope?, drip?, no-o, why of course, it means, fans -- well, what's the difference, anyway? From there on in, the path becomes increasingly clear, it is quite obvious what the others mean...heh-heh, of course, [[underline]]you[[end underline]] had it all the time, didn't [[underline]]you[[end underline]] ... well, then, no use in our eluci --- but anyway, for the benefit of those few of you who might have had a little difficulty it reads - Fans, that wa sn't hard at all.... oh yes, the address - 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadephia, Penna...5¢ per copy.
Hevelin Fanzines