Science Fiction Collector, v. 5, issue 6, whole no. 30, Winter 1941
Page 16
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Page Sixteen -- Science Fiction Collector -- a neat appearance, very good mimeographing, and a sincere do-or-die fella for an editor. It has already scooped the fan field on different occasions, and bids fair to make this a habit. . .The next six or seven issues should tell the story (thus far, six issues have appeared at the time this column was written) -- whether it will be a flop or a howling success. With just a little support from the fan field, we feel sure that [[underline]]Nebula[[end underline]] will be [[underline]] the [[end underline]] weekly on everyone's list. . . . As it stands now, it is a mighty good publication, boasting 4,6, and even 8 paged issues. It sells for only five cents a copy, or six issues for twenty-five cents. Address, 333 E. Belgrade St., Phila., Pa. .. Editor - Rust E. Barron. [[underline]] FANTASY HERALD [[end underline]] -- Summer, 1940 issue; Volume I, Number 5. . . . .A very slim issue, consisting of but four small-sized pages. . . Contents consist of an editorial titled "Notes to You . . . " , a full page drawing, a limerick entitled "Dunkin' Duncan" by Tx Singleton, and a cover by JVBaltadonis. . . . The hectographing is only fair - and barely legible in spots. . . The issue was supposed to have been in one of the FAPA mailings; however, due to JVB's slothfulness in mailing the issue to its Official Editor, it never got there, and since then JVB had been dropped from the roll call because of, to quote, "Dues-Inactivity." . . . At present, the fate of this magazine is very debatable. It may be dropped, or it may carry on with a very indefinite publishing rate. Subscribe to FANTASCIENCE DIGEST! Only 15¢/copy.
Page Sixteen -- Science Fiction Collector -- a neat appearance, very good mimeographing, and a sincere do-or-die fella for an editor. It has already scooped the fan field on different occasions, and bids fair to make this a habit. . .The next six or seven issues should tell the story (thus far, six issues have appeared at the time this column was written) -- whether it will be a flop or a howling success. With just a little support from the fan field, we feel sure that [[underline]]Nebula[[end underline]] will be [[underline]] the [[end underline]] weekly on everyone's list. . . . As it stands now, it is a mighty good publication, boasting 4,6, and even 8 paged issues. It sells for only five cents a copy, or six issues for twenty-five cents. Address, 333 E. Belgrade St., Phila., Pa. .. Editor - Rust E. Barron. [[underline]] FANTASY HERALD [[end underline]] -- Summer, 1940 issue; Volume I, Number 5. . . . .A very slim issue, consisting of but four small-sized pages. . . Contents consist of an editorial titled "Notes to You . . . " , a full page drawing, a limerick entitled "Dunkin' Duncan" by Tx Singleton, and a cover by JVBaltadonis. . . . The hectographing is only fair - and barely legible in spots. . . The issue was supposed to have been in one of the FAPA mailings; however, due to JVB's slothfulness in mailing the issue to its Official Editor, it never got there, and since then JVB had been dropped from the roll call because of, to quote, "Dues-Inactivity." . . . At present, the fate of this magazine is very debatable. It may be dropped, or it may carry on with a very indefinite publishing rate. Subscribe to FANTASCIENCE DIGEST! Only 15¢/copy.
Hevelin Fanzines