Horizons, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5, October 1940
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HORIZONS THE HOLLOW GLOBE ( concluded from page 7) his wily uncle willed him to see. How could he know? He sat with his head in his hands, trying to figure it out. On the other hand, if the vision was true, he would be there--in the new era and in the flesh some time. He would survive--hide in a cave, live through! Let the scientists go into the earth; he would stay out, become a barbarian. No big ears or long nose for Sam Smith! He arose and said: "My friends, I saw a great many things you would not believe if I told you. But, if my vision was true, you will survive, in a shock-proof shelter inside the earth. You will stay there ten years. When you emerge, you will, eventually, solve the problems of space travel." His speech was received with applause. THE END ........ Horizons: vol. 2, no. 1, whole number 5. October, 1940. Price henceforth: ten cents per issue: see below. Advertising rates on request. Horizons is a quarterly publication, but the next issue will appear one month early, about Dec. 10. ....... CONTENTS The Hollow Globe Jayne Ellis 3 Evolution--Maybe Ronald Holmes 8 Winged Warriors Basil Wells 10 The Dry Planet Sam [N?]oskowitz 12 Vox Fan Letter Section 14 Cover Walter Earl Marconette 1 Editorial Notes Editorial 2 ....... EDITOR: Harry Warner, Jr., 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md. ART EDITOR: Walter Earl Marconette 2709 E. Second Street, Dayton, Ohio ASSOCIATE EDITOR: James S. Avery, 55 Middle Street, Skowhegan, Maine ....... EDITORIAL NOTES This, friends, is the last issue of Horizons under the present set-up. From this issue forth--er rather, beginning with the next issue--Horizons will mutate into an FAPA magazine, no longer devoted to fiction but instead patterned after such trail-blazers as Sustaining Program, [Malty's?] Mag, and various others. There are several reasons for this change. First of all, we have recently been elected Vice-President of the FAPA, and feel it to be fitting that we issue a good-sized publication through that organization. We can't take on the extra work of one in addition to Spaceways and Horizons. We want to issue it: Spaceways mustn't suffer, and so Horizons is the logical weak link. Then too, we're not satisfied with the quality of material we've been printing. Further, there is now another all-fiction fan magazine out, and still another forthcoming, and Horizons' burden of carrying the torch of fan fiction is relieved. Natrually [sic], we'll no longer need fiction: please don't submit it. As mentioned above, beginning next issue H will be FAPA. A few copies will be available to non-members at 10 c. per; absolutely no trades or free ones of any kind. We're going to have an effort to get the first issue out by Dec. 1, or in time for the Dec. FAPA mailing. Subscription copies will go out Dec. 10. If there is an X pencilled in the space to the left [there is], it means you still have one or more copies of Horizons coming to you--in other words, your subscription has not expired. If you're not a member of the FAPA and we don't hear from you, you'll continue to receive H until your sub runs out. If you're a member you'll naturally get it that way. Drop us a card and let us know whether you want the remaining credit filled out in copies of Spaceways or returned in cash. And please inform soon, so we can close our books. So until December or thereabouts, so long.
HORIZONS THE HOLLOW GLOBE ( concluded from page 7) his wily uncle willed him to see. How could he know? He sat with his head in his hands, trying to figure it out. On the other hand, if the vision was true, he would be there--in the new era and in the flesh some time. He would survive--hide in a cave, live through! Let the scientists go into the earth; he would stay out, become a barbarian. No big ears or long nose for Sam Smith! He arose and said: "My friends, I saw a great many things you would not believe if I told you. But, if my vision was true, you will survive, in a shock-proof shelter inside the earth. You will stay there ten years. When you emerge, you will, eventually, solve the problems of space travel." His speech was received with applause. THE END ........ Horizons: vol. 2, no. 1, whole number 5. October, 1940. Price henceforth: ten cents per issue: see below. Advertising rates on request. Horizons is a quarterly publication, but the next issue will appear one month early, about Dec. 10. ....... CONTENTS The Hollow Globe Jayne Ellis 3 Evolution--Maybe Ronald Holmes 8 Winged Warriors Basil Wells 10 The Dry Planet Sam [N?]oskowitz 12 Vox Fan Letter Section 14 Cover Walter Earl Marconette 1 Editorial Notes Editorial 2 ....... EDITOR: Harry Warner, Jr., 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md. ART EDITOR: Walter Earl Marconette 2709 E. Second Street, Dayton, Ohio ASSOCIATE EDITOR: James S. Avery, 55 Middle Street, Skowhegan, Maine ....... EDITORIAL NOTES This, friends, is the last issue of Horizons under the present set-up. From this issue forth--er rather, beginning with the next issue--Horizons will mutate into an FAPA magazine, no longer devoted to fiction but instead patterned after such trail-blazers as Sustaining Program, [Malty's?] Mag, and various others. There are several reasons for this change. First of all, we have recently been elected Vice-President of the FAPA, and feel it to be fitting that we issue a good-sized publication through that organization. We can't take on the extra work of one in addition to Spaceways and Horizons. We want to issue it: Spaceways mustn't suffer, and so Horizons is the logical weak link. Then too, we're not satisfied with the quality of material we've been printing. Further, there is now another all-fiction fan magazine out, and still another forthcoming, and Horizons' burden of carrying the torch of fan fiction is relieved. Natrually [sic], we'll no longer need fiction: please don't submit it. As mentioned above, beginning next issue H will be FAPA. A few copies will be available to non-members at 10 c. per; absolutely no trades or free ones of any kind. We're going to have an effort to get the first issue out by Dec. 1, or in time for the Dec. FAPA mailing. Subscription copies will go out Dec. 10. If there is an X pencilled in the space to the left [there is], it means you still have one or more copies of Horizons coming to you--in other words, your subscription has not expired. If you're not a member of the FAPA and we don't hear from you, you'll continue to receive H until your sub runs out. If you're a member you'll naturally get it that way. Drop us a card and let us know whether you want the remaining credit filled out in copies of Spaceways or returned in cash. And please inform soon, so we can close our books. So until December or thereabouts, so long.
Hevelin Fanzines