Queens SFL Bulletin, v. 1, issue 3, whole no. 4, June 4, 1941
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QUEENS SFL BULLETIN unofficial organ of the QUEENS SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE. VOLUME 1 NUMBER 3 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1941 WHOLE NUMBER 4 DRACULA AT JUNE MEETING! ELECTION OF OFFICERS STF ART EXHIBIT FREE DOOR PRIZE AS USUAL STF PRO & FAN MAGS FOR RAFFLE PRIZES QUEENS SFL REFORMS President Roosevelt, and all the other American Presidents before him, made it a custom to deliver messages to Congress for the purpose of defining policies and outlining work to be done. In like manner, the main part of this mont month's BULLETIN will take the form of a message to our QUEENS SFL members. We have just successfully weathered the severest storm in the history of our Chapter, a storm which threatened to destroy our club completely. Only by dint of hard work and excellent cooperation of loyal members were we able to get back on our feet, poised once more to forge ahead toward our goal of a large and enjoyable association for science fiction readers. Before we advance further, however, we should consolidate the position we have won. Already two steps have been taken toward this end. The first is our provision for the disposition of unwelcome visitors, and the secodn is the investigation we are conducting into the previous condition of our treasury. But there are several other progressive steps we might take, and perhaps an outline of them here might encourage discussion of them at our meeting. (next column) Probably the most urgent need at present is to replenish our treasury. Our investigating committee is, of course, trying to recover some of the money that should have come to us from our former Treasurer. But if this proves to be an expensive proposition, it will have to be dropped for the time being. The Chapter's only regular source of income is from dues. Practically all of our members pay their dues promptly; but a few of us seem to delight in plaguing our new Treasurer and making the records complicated by dues delinquincies. Now it is true that a few of us were not notified of some past meetings, but this is only because our former Secretary reneged on his promises. Please let's not quibble about technicalities. Ten cents is hardly worth arguing about, and our dues are so low that even after a year they add up to only a dollar bill. So how about it you members who are behind? Why not pay up your dues now and help our Chapter get back on its feet financially? Then too, there is the Raffle. For June we have a great many really worthwhile pieces to give away as prizes. We have nearly two dozen rare fan mags, many original illustrations, and several stf mags including issues of SCIENCE & INVENTION containing some science fiction. The donation for the Raffle is so low, only five cents for each ticket, 6 for 25₵, and the prizes are so many that no member can afford to miss buying at least one ticket. A complete list of prizes to be raffled off at (P. 2)
QUEENS SFL BULLETIN unofficial organ of the QUEENS SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE. VOLUME 1 NUMBER 3 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1941 WHOLE NUMBER 4 DRACULA AT JUNE MEETING! ELECTION OF OFFICERS STF ART EXHIBIT FREE DOOR PRIZE AS USUAL STF PRO & FAN MAGS FOR RAFFLE PRIZES QUEENS SFL REFORMS President Roosevelt, and all the other American Presidents before him, made it a custom to deliver messages to Congress for the purpose of defining policies and outlining work to be done. In like manner, the main part of this mont month's BULLETIN will take the form of a message to our QUEENS SFL members. We have just successfully weathered the severest storm in the history of our Chapter, a storm which threatened to destroy our club completely. Only by dint of hard work and excellent cooperation of loyal members were we able to get back on our feet, poised once more to forge ahead toward our goal of a large and enjoyable association for science fiction readers. Before we advance further, however, we should consolidate the position we have won. Already two steps have been taken toward this end. The first is our provision for the disposition of unwelcome visitors, and the secodn is the investigation we are conducting into the previous condition of our treasury. But there are several other progressive steps we might take, and perhaps an outline of them here might encourage discussion of them at our meeting. (next column) Probably the most urgent need at present is to replenish our treasury. Our investigating committee is, of course, trying to recover some of the money that should have come to us from our former Treasurer. But if this proves to be an expensive proposition, it will have to be dropped for the time being. The Chapter's only regular source of income is from dues. Practically all of our members pay their dues promptly; but a few of us seem to delight in plaguing our new Treasurer and making the records complicated by dues delinquincies. Now it is true that a few of us were not notified of some past meetings, but this is only because our former Secretary reneged on his promises. Please let's not quibble about technicalities. Ten cents is hardly worth arguing about, and our dues are so low that even after a year they add up to only a dollar bill. So how about it you members who are behind? Why not pay up your dues now and help our Chapter get back on its feet financially? Then too, there is the Raffle. For June we have a great many really worthwhile pieces to give away as prizes. We have nearly two dozen rare fan mags, many original illustrations, and several stf mags including issues of SCIENCE & INVENTION containing some science fiction. The donation for the Raffle is so low, only five cents for each ticket, 6 for 25₵, and the prizes are so many that no member can afford to miss buying at least one ticket. A complete list of prizes to be raffled off at (P. 2)
Hevelin Fanzines