Sun Spots, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 17, April 1941
Page 19
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April, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 19. ANSWERS TO QUIZ ON PAGE 13. A. SCRAMBLED AUTHORS 1. George Allan England 2. Garrett P. Serviss 3. Abraham Merritt 4. J.U.Giesy 5. Ralph Milne Farley 6. Philip Fisher 7. Austin Hall 8. Ray Cummings 9. Charles B. Stilson 10. Edward Elmer Smith B. A LESSON IN CLASSICS 1. g 2. j 3. a 4. h 5. i 6. b 7. d 8. e 9. f 10. c C. TAKE A LETTER 1. Frank R. Paul 2. Virgil Finlay 3. Alex Schomburg 4. Mark Marchioi 5. H.W.Wesso 6. Leo Morey 7. Howard V. Brown 8. Jack Binder 9. A. Sigmond 10. Schneeman D. CHARACTER STUDY 1. "Airlords of Han", by Phil Nowlan. 2. "Skylark of Valeron", etc. by E.E.ESmith 3. "The Cometeers", etc. By Jack Williamson 4. "The Radio Planet" "Radio Beasts", etc. by. R.M.Farley 5. Any of the Adam Links stories by Eando Binder 6. Any of the Penton and Blake stories, by John W. Campbell 7. Any of the John Carter stories by E .R. Burroughs 8. "The Moon Pool", by A. Merritt 9. "AMartian Adossey", "Vally of Dreams", by S.G.Weinbaum 10. "The Blind Spot", by H.E.Flint and A. Hall. E. FAN LETTERS 1. James V. Taurasi 2. Will S. Sykora 3. Donald A. Wollheim 4. Jack Darrow 5. Bob Tucker 6. Robert W. Lowndes 7. Forrest J. Ackerman 8. Sam Moskowitz 9. Milton A. Rothman 10. Milton Kaletsky YOUR RATINGS GOOD? Take the number right and multiply it by two to get your percentage. Then compare it with the following ratings and see where you stand. 100-90 A veteran Science-Fictionist 90-80 A real fan 80-70 You should read all the Stf mags. 70-60 A newcomer. Welcome! Below 60 You don't know what you've missed in Science Fiction. THE_END R_E_M_E_M_B_E_R T_H_E D_E_N_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_; J_U_L_Y 3RD & 4TH!
April, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 19. ANSWERS TO QUIZ ON PAGE 13. A. SCRAMBLED AUTHORS 1. George Allan England 2. Garrett P. Serviss 3. Abraham Merritt 4. J.U.Giesy 5. Ralph Milne Farley 6. Philip Fisher 7. Austin Hall 8. Ray Cummings 9. Charles B. Stilson 10. Edward Elmer Smith B. A LESSON IN CLASSICS 1. g 2. j 3. a 4. h 5. i 6. b 7. d 8. e 9. f 10. c C. TAKE A LETTER 1. Frank R. Paul 2. Virgil Finlay 3. Alex Schomburg 4. Mark Marchioi 5. H.W.Wesso 6. Leo Morey 7. Howard V. Brown 8. Jack Binder 9. A. Sigmond 10. Schneeman D. CHARACTER STUDY 1. "Airlords of Han", by Phil Nowlan. 2. "Skylark of Valeron", etc. by E.E.ESmith 3. "The Cometeers", etc. By Jack Williamson 4. "The Radio Planet" "Radio Beasts", etc. by. R.M.Farley 5. Any of the Adam Links stories by Eando Binder 6. Any of the Penton and Blake stories, by John W. Campbell 7. Any of the John Carter stories by E .R. Burroughs 8. "The Moon Pool", by A. Merritt 9. "AMartian Adossey", "Vally of Dreams", by S.G.Weinbaum 10. "The Blind Spot", by H.E.Flint and A. Hall. E. FAN LETTERS 1. James V. Taurasi 2. Will S. Sykora 3. Donald A. Wollheim 4. Jack Darrow 5. Bob Tucker 6. Robert W. Lowndes 7. Forrest J. Ackerman 8. Sam Moskowitz 9. Milton A. Rothman 10. Milton Kaletsky YOUR RATINGS GOOD? Take the number right and multiply it by two to get your percentage. Then compare it with the following ratings and see where you stand. 100-90 A veteran Science-Fictionist 90-80 A real fan 80-70 You should read all the Stf mags. 70-60 A newcomer. Welcome! Below 60 You don't know what you've missed in Science Fiction. THE_END R_E_M_E_M_B_E_R T_H_E D_E_N_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_; J_U_L_Y 3RD & 4TH!
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