Sun Spots, v. 5, issue 1, whole no. 17, April 1941
Page 24
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April, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 22. which they do not need, but seem to enjoy. *** Plotkins' story may, or may not turn out pretty good, depending on how it ends, but in one respect it is lacking. His tyle is too stiff, and he is somewhat over-wordy. Some of those long, complicated sentences should be broken up, to give greater variety. I might think they were forced, if I didn't have the same trouble, myself. *** "Death On Jupiter" is much better than any of Rod's previous attempts at art. I think it is quite up to the average for all the good fanmags. That, as you well realize, could scarcely be said about any of his previous efforts. *** The very wide disagreement, as shown by the letters, on the matter of fan fiction is worthy of comment. The point that Lew mentions--that the pro mags furnish better fiction, and that the fanmags furnish better and more interesting fan articles, etc., is a good one. But I still think a considerable amount of fan fiction is desirable. Not half an issue, however, as is the general thing. Art Widner, Box 122, Bryantville, mass. Dear Gerry: ((This letter must be cut greatly, as space is limited.--eds)) Well, well. Even I, your most demanding critic, must admit that you are improving, But dont get sore at me. You must admit that a bee in your bonnet often proves most stimulating. I have a brilliant idea. Why don't you dummy SUN SPOTS? It's just like panning for gold or sifting wheat. You leave all of the chaff, all the no good mud, all the mistakes in spelling and grammar in the sifting pan. Sure, most of us editors make mistakes like you do, but we leave them in the dummy. SUN SPOTS can be made one of the best. But right now, IT'S STILL SLOPPY. Now don't say you're not getting constructive criticism *** Now for number 16. For the first time, one of your covers bear a slight resemblance to a drawing, rather than a hopeless conglomeration of hen-tracks. *** The yellow paper is definately OK. It is a well known(?) scientific fact that black on yellow is the most legible combination of colors to be found. it reduses eyestrain 10% from ordinary black on white. *** Your fiction stinks. Lay off, please untill you learn how to write. *** Why did you resign from the Solaroids? ((Cause I felt like it--dela Ree)) *** Ah, the large amount of SUN SQUAWKS makes me very happy. Best letter was by neighbor, Jack Bell. I hope you get enough letters every time to keep the dept. at its present size, then you won't have room for thta stinking fiction of yours! *** Ah has a much better poet than yours; name of Davis. Watch for #7 FANFARE. In fact watch for #6, which will be out in a couple of weeks. *** In the annish,"Citation for Valor" was fairly good, and "Weapon Needed" started out well, but rapidly degenerated, until I came to the "continued next month". I was afraid he was going to drool on forever about slimy snakes and mossters. (In fact I wish they had eaten the explorers and ended the story quickly) but the whole caverns full of them get darned monotonous. ((Think of the explorers, not yourself! How would you feel surrounded with snakes?--eds)) I'm getting near the end of the page, and have to do some more FANFARE dummy, so I won't bother with the rest of the stinks, except to say Chauvenet's piece was the best in the issue. THE END
April, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 22. which they do not need, but seem to enjoy. *** Plotkins' story may, or may not turn out pretty good, depending on how it ends, but in one respect it is lacking. His tyle is too stiff, and he is somewhat over-wordy. Some of those long, complicated sentences should be broken up, to give greater variety. I might think they were forced, if I didn't have the same trouble, myself. *** "Death On Jupiter" is much better than any of Rod's previous attempts at art. I think it is quite up to the average for all the good fanmags. That, as you well realize, could scarcely be said about any of his previous efforts. *** The very wide disagreement, as shown by the letters, on the matter of fan fiction is worthy of comment. The point that Lew mentions--that the pro mags furnish better fiction, and that the fanmags furnish better and more interesting fan articles, etc., is a good one. But I still think a considerable amount of fan fiction is desirable. Not half an issue, however, as is the general thing. Art Widner, Box 122, Bryantville, mass. Dear Gerry: ((This letter must be cut greatly, as space is limited.--eds)) Well, well. Even I, your most demanding critic, must admit that you are improving, But dont get sore at me. You must admit that a bee in your bonnet often proves most stimulating. I have a brilliant idea. Why don't you dummy SUN SPOTS? It's just like panning for gold or sifting wheat. You leave all of the chaff, all the no good mud, all the mistakes in spelling and grammar in the sifting pan. Sure, most of us editors make mistakes like you do, but we leave them in the dummy. SUN SPOTS can be made one of the best. But right now, IT'S STILL SLOPPY. Now don't say you're not getting constructive criticism *** Now for number 16. For the first time, one of your covers bear a slight resemblance to a drawing, rather than a hopeless conglomeration of hen-tracks. *** The yellow paper is definately OK. It is a well known(?) scientific fact that black on yellow is the most legible combination of colors to be found. it reduses eyestrain 10% from ordinary black on white. *** Your fiction stinks. Lay off, please untill you learn how to write. *** Why did you resign from the Solaroids? ((Cause I felt like it--dela Ree)) *** Ah, the large amount of SUN SQUAWKS makes me very happy. Best letter was by neighbor, Jack Bell. I hope you get enough letters every time to keep the dept. at its present size, then you won't have room for thta stinking fiction of yours! *** Ah has a much better poet than yours; name of Davis. Watch for #7 FANFARE. In fact watch for #6, which will be out in a couple of weeks. *** In the annish,"Citation for Valor" was fairly good, and "Weapon Needed" started out well, but rapidly degenerated, until I came to the "continued next month". I was afraid he was going to drool on forever about slimy snakes and mossters. (In fact I wish they had eaten the explorers and ended the story quickly) but the whole caverns full of them get darned monotonous. ((Think of the explorers, not yourself! How would you feel surrounded with snakes?--eds)) I'm getting near the end of the page, and have to do some more FANFARE dummy, so I won't bother with the rest of the stinks, except to say Chauvenet's piece was the best in the issue. THE END
Hevelin Fanzines