Fantasticonglomeration, issue 1, March 1944
Page 6
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SNOITCELFER [mirrored text] By David R Evans (Stolen, in defiance of Inter-natl'l Copyrite Laws, from Australian pro-pub Pertinent) [Illustration: Deco style tragedy and comedy masks] THE DANCING SHADOWS in the laboratory caused Dr Karlston to appear like and incomplete spirit materialization, as he bent over and studied the prostrate figure of the man who lay on the chromium framed operating table.The humming sound of the machiner, and the loud crackling sound of the electrons, as they did their blasphemous work on the prostrate man, caused the scientist's exclamation to be inaudible. A few moments elapsed before he fingered a switch, and the crackling sound suddenly ceased, and the humming faded into silence. The bright even light which now remained, broke the weird illustion of the scene. Dr Karlston's academit features were now clearly visible as he bentover and applied himself like a masseur to the unconscious man. He workd thus for several moments, then, straightening himself, he surveyed the object of his attention. Evidently satisfied, he gave a short grunt. He then produced a silver case from under his smock coat, selected a cigaret, and sad down near the operating table. He lit the cigaret, and settled himself to a little thot. His mind went back to two hours previously. He remembered being engrossed in a trifling experiment--the laboratory door being suddenly opened and shut--how he had quickly looked up to see a man of short stature walking towards him, and how he had exclaimed, "Mein Fuehrer!" "yes, it is I." the little man had said. "What brings your Excellency to my humble room of experiments?" he had asked as he came to his feet. "I have learned that you have perfected a new process for plastic surgery," the dictator had replied, and added, "I wish to have it explained to me." [Illustration: Miss-shapppen head] "By all means, Mein Fuehrer. Please be seated." The little man had waved aside the invitation, and said, "Be brief." "As you wish, Excellency. I can explain the method very briefly. It is this way. As your Excellency already knows, all plastic surgery to date has been done by working on the skin and the flesh of the patient while the bone remains in its original contour. I, your Excellency, have perfected a radiation which enables me to remould the bone also." "How can you alter the shape of a bone--what does this radiation do?" "It changes the calcium constituents of the bone into a gelatinous substance, this enabling me to shape it. The once solid bone becomes as putty in my hands. A few minutes away from the radiation, and it re-sets as hard as before. That is all, your Excellency." "It sounds simple enough." the Fuehrer had commented. "It is simple, Excellency--as simple as striking a match which bursts into flame when the correct chemicals are in the head of the match-stick." "I wish to have my face entirely remodelled;--the end is in sigh. Soon I shall lose all. Therefore it is my wish to be entirely beyond recognition, and I, the Fuehrer, must be forgotten. How long will the operation take?"
SNOITCELFER [mirrored text] By David R Evans (Stolen, in defiance of Inter-natl'l Copyrite Laws, from Australian pro-pub Pertinent) [Illustration: Deco style tragedy and comedy masks] THE DANCING SHADOWS in the laboratory caused Dr Karlston to appear like and incomplete spirit materialization, as he bent over and studied the prostrate figure of the man who lay on the chromium framed operating table.The humming sound of the machiner, and the loud crackling sound of the electrons, as they did their blasphemous work on the prostrate man, caused the scientist's exclamation to be inaudible. A few moments elapsed before he fingered a switch, and the crackling sound suddenly ceased, and the humming faded into silence. The bright even light which now remained, broke the weird illustion of the scene. Dr Karlston's academit features were now clearly visible as he bentover and applied himself like a masseur to the unconscious man. He workd thus for several moments, then, straightening himself, he surveyed the object of his attention. Evidently satisfied, he gave a short grunt. He then produced a silver case from under his smock coat, selected a cigaret, and sad down near the operating table. He lit the cigaret, and settled himself to a little thot. His mind went back to two hours previously. He remembered being engrossed in a trifling experiment--the laboratory door being suddenly opened and shut--how he had quickly looked up to see a man of short stature walking towards him, and how he had exclaimed, "Mein Fuehrer!" "yes, it is I." the little man had said. "What brings your Excellency to my humble room of experiments?" he had asked as he came to his feet. "I have learned that you have perfected a new process for plastic surgery," the dictator had replied, and added, "I wish to have it explained to me." [Illustration: Miss-shapppen head] "By all means, Mein Fuehrer. Please be seated." The little man had waved aside the invitation, and said, "Be brief." "As you wish, Excellency. I can explain the method very briefly. It is this way. As your Excellency already knows, all plastic surgery to date has been done by working on the skin and the flesh of the patient while the bone remains in its original contour. I, your Excellency, have perfected a radiation which enables me to remould the bone also." "How can you alter the shape of a bone--what does this radiation do?" "It changes the calcium constituents of the bone into a gelatinous substance, this enabling me to shape it. The once solid bone becomes as putty in my hands. A few minutes away from the radiation, and it re-sets as hard as before. That is all, your Excellency." "It sounds simple enough." the Fuehrer had commented. "It is simple, Excellency--as simple as striking a match which bursts into flame when the correct chemicals are in the head of the match-stick." "I wish to have my face entirely remodelled;--the end is in sigh. Soon I shall lose all. Therefore it is my wish to be entirely beyond recognition, and I, the Fuehrer, must be forgotten. How long will the operation take?"
Hevelin Fanzines