Fantasy News, v. 3, issue 4, whole 56, July 16, 1939
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR FANTASY NEWS SCLENTIFILMS by Mario Racic jr George O'Neill, has been added to the cast of "THE MAN WHO LOST HIM SELF", (return fron the dead) Leslie Howard-RKO film, to be made in England. "CLOUDS OVER EUROPE", Columbia release of ray-gun action thriller with Ralph "Thing:s to Come" Richardson, Valerie "Werewolf of London" Hobson, and Laurence "Wuthering Heights" Olivier. (London, Forrie.) Museum of Modern Art, NY is showing on July16th, "DR. CALIGARI (1919) and "THE GOLEM", (1920). While, on 21st of July, they will show Rene Clair's "THE CRAZY RAY". (PARIS QUI DORT). (1923). LIFE, for July 17th, contains three scenes from the fantasy "WIZARD OF OZ", and scenes from "FROM VIENNA", the stage play now in N.Y. Concerns with three 20th Century persons, who travel in time, back to Galileo's time. The World's Fair research library, from which ideas for the "World Of Tomorrow" were taken contains among its many books, Bellamy's LOOKING BACKWARD. A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK FANTASY ORGANIZATION TO BE STARTED BY NEW YORK - NEW JERSEY FANS (the beginning of NEW FANDOM, fandom's greatest organization), BOB TUCKER TO PUBLISH D' JOURNAL SECOND MARVEL. SCIENCE STORIES TO .BE OUT IN TWO WEEKS. NO FAN MAGAZINES ARRIVED THIS WEEK THE FAN MAGAZINES ISSUED FOR THE WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION WILL BE REVIEWED IN A FEW WEEKS. -o- JOIN NEW FANDOM -o- ADVERTISEMENTS $1.00 per full price, 50¢ per half page and 25¢ per quarter page. Payable in money order or coins F̲O̲R̲ ̲S̲A̲L̲E̲ The Macmillan ($1.35) edition of HGWells MAN WHO COULD WORK MIRACLES. The book contains over 100 pages, is in- script form, with a beautiful jacket. Send me 50¢ cash, and you'll receive book postpaid, by return mail. MARIO RACIC jr 22-32 33rd Street ASTORIA, New York WHAT HAVE YOU? I want back issues of Science Fiction magazines. WONDER issues before August, 1936; ASTOUNDING, before 1937; and AMAZING copies prior to August 1938. Must be in perfect condition, clean not torn or damaged in any way, cover intact, etc. Sent list and lowest price. M F BUSTIN 23 E Commonwealth Rd Cochituate, Massachusetts. ITEMS OF INTEREST by John Giunta AMAZING MYSTERY FUNNIES features a new strip SPEED CENTAUR, also, have secured the DON DIXON stf cartoon, Watch for more news on this magazine of interest to all stf fans. New mag hits stands called SMASH COMICS which is scientifictionaly inclined. MYSTERY MEN COMICS has one cartoon worth mentioning REX DEXTER 0F MARS. The others are pure adventure strips. JUMBO COMICS has turned into a fantasy magazine. Their best strip has been changed from the Diary Of Dr. Hayward into a weird title. The cartoon is scientific, -o- READ COSMIC PUBLICATIONS -o-
PAGE FOUR FANTASY NEWS SCLENTIFILMS by Mario Racic jr George O'Neill, has been added to the cast of "THE MAN WHO LOST HIM SELF", (return fron the dead) Leslie Howard-RKO film, to be made in England. "CLOUDS OVER EUROPE", Columbia release of ray-gun action thriller with Ralph "Thing:s to Come" Richardson, Valerie "Werewolf of London" Hobson, and Laurence "Wuthering Heights" Olivier. (London, Forrie.) Museum of Modern Art, NY is showing on July16th, "DR. CALIGARI (1919) and "THE GOLEM", (1920). While, on 21st of July, they will show Rene Clair's "THE CRAZY RAY". (PARIS QUI DORT). (1923). LIFE, for July 17th, contains three scenes from the fantasy "WIZARD OF OZ", and scenes from "FROM VIENNA", the stage play now in N.Y. Concerns with three 20th Century persons, who travel in time, back to Galileo's time. The World's Fair research library, from which ideas for the "World Of Tomorrow" were taken contains among its many books, Bellamy's LOOKING BACKWARD. A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK FANTASY ORGANIZATION TO BE STARTED BY NEW YORK - NEW JERSEY FANS (the beginning of NEW FANDOM, fandom's greatest organization), BOB TUCKER TO PUBLISH D' JOURNAL SECOND MARVEL. SCIENCE STORIES TO .BE OUT IN TWO WEEKS. NO FAN MAGAZINES ARRIVED THIS WEEK THE FAN MAGAZINES ISSUED FOR THE WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION WILL BE REVIEWED IN A FEW WEEKS. -o- JOIN NEW FANDOM -o- ADVERTISEMENTS $1.00 per full price, 50¢ per half page and 25¢ per quarter page. Payable in money order or coins F̲O̲R̲ ̲S̲A̲L̲E̲ The Macmillan ($1.35) edition of HGWells MAN WHO COULD WORK MIRACLES. The book contains over 100 pages, is in- script form, with a beautiful jacket. Send me 50¢ cash, and you'll receive book postpaid, by return mail. MARIO RACIC jr 22-32 33rd Street ASTORIA, New York WHAT HAVE YOU? I want back issues of Science Fiction magazines. WONDER issues before August, 1936; ASTOUNDING, before 1937; and AMAZING copies prior to August 1938. Must be in perfect condition, clean not torn or damaged in any way, cover intact, etc. Sent list and lowest price. M F BUSTIN 23 E Commonwealth Rd Cochituate, Massachusetts. ITEMS OF INTEREST by John Giunta AMAZING MYSTERY FUNNIES features a new strip SPEED CENTAUR, also, have secured the DON DIXON stf cartoon, Watch for more news on this magazine of interest to all stf fans. New mag hits stands called SMASH COMICS which is scientifictionaly inclined. MYSTERY MEN COMICS has one cartoon worth mentioning REX DEXTER 0F MARS. The others are pure adventure strips. JUMBO COMICS has turned into a fantasy magazine. Their best strip has been changed from the Diary Of Dr. Hayward into a weird title. The cartoon is scientific, -o- READ COSMIC PUBLICATIONS -o-
Hevelin Fanzines