Imagination, v. 2, issue 1, October 1938
Page 6
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6 MAGS, being a concentrated digest of all mags received in each month. Best received article yet read was DEAD RECKONING by A GHOUL. Please pass congrats to author. (Sorry, Ghoul has moved to another graveyard--& left no forwarding adres.) ~~And, in request to MADGE's plea for material for Anniversary ish, am enclosing personal contribution. maybe just a trifle hard on the fans (I certainly don't really mean it), but, you asked for new treatments, and I thought this way quite novel change. ~~ Please thank Russ for LA SFA cons received here via Ken Chapman. Receipts already en route via NOVAE TERRAE. ~~ Hot news for next MADGE. Harry Turnor of Manchester, who did interiors for last TOW (pics were spoiled in the reproductions), submitted a batch (including a cover painting) to Editor Sprigg of FANTASY. Sprigg wrote back full of enthusiasm, stating work far better than any in first ish, and promised should there be a second number, Turner will be contacted pronto. ~~ Will pass full news re FANTASY directly they have Directors Meeting early Sept. ~~ Blytholy," JACK CHAPMAN MISKE, 5000 Train Av; Cleveland/O: "Dear Madge, Perhaps you'll remember that I swore, by gawd!, to ontor your anniversary contest. Well, I sat down like a man inspired about two hours ago, and the enclosed piece is yho result. Frankly, I don't think you'd use it even in an ordinary issue, but then, as I say, I want to know - you'll find what - and that's why I'mw writing it and sending it in. ~~ After much mental labor, I have counted the words, marking the hundreds, for your convenience, and they come to, I think, 769, precisely. That should just about fill one page nicely. ~~ If you should want to use it, I have just one restriction. No changes at all in spelling or punctuation. If you should not want to use it, send it back, and I'll include the postage with my order for the following Madge. No sir, I wouldn't trust you with the stamp. (Miske's manuscript was returned--unread.) ~~ That's about all there is to say,except that I may be nuts, but it's a darned swell way to be." We pause at this point to acknowledge receipt of a letter from JACK (G-Man) SPEER, which unfortunately has been lost, strayd or was stolen. Last we saw of it was at the first Leag meeting of the month when it just had arrived & was being passt about. Top Texas Fan, from Bx 1361/Highlands: "Enclosed find the entires Dale Nart of Percy T. Wilkinson and I. The contest closing Sept 1st, y'know. ~~ Will subscribe--resubscribe, rather--to Madge soon. Don't worry, for I won't miss a copy. I'm just short at this time. (U need a new ribbon, too, Dale. We almost thot that was blank paper stead a letter: Ink on latter had grayd away to such slate state. Might I suggest your next purchase b a beegee? -- Morojo) ~~ Was gratified to note that my material is scheduled to appear. ~~ I'm not sure whether Percy is qualified. He reads my copies, though. He plans to subscribe to a lot of mags at an early date, including I: Anyway, he entered the contest. --- PTW is now an active fan. He belongs to FooFoo, SFL, and the FAPA. You have noticed Percy's two appearances in fan mags undoubtedlessly. More by him is on hand. (Percy seems to have a pressagent. Or else Dale deliberately is elevating an alterego. O, well; every fan to his own pseudonym.) ~~ I do hope that you like my entry, and hope that it will appear in Madge, even if it doesn't win the prize. ~~ The stfal situation is shaping up pretty nicely down yere in this neck of the woods. ~~ Also enclosed is a newspaper clipping that partly substantiates my article. Repeat: Article no hoax. ~~ Luck----" [Elms Perdue?] of 1218 S Cedar St, Casper/Wyo, waxes whimsical: "You'll find enclosed with this missive a bit of a sonnet. ~~ And I suppose I'd better do a bit of apologising to you for the pessimistic tone which it has taken. ~~But then, I'd written the thing on a Sunday morning, the Sunday morning, you remember, after we'd been thrown out of Sloppy Joe's dive for dancing on the table? Ah, me, Madge, I enjoyed that date with you more than any of the others we've had. ~~ And the morning after that date, Madge, I wrote this sonnet. The beer was alright, of course; and so were the whiskey sours and the gin fizzes; but we never should have
6 MAGS, being a concentrated digest of all mags received in each month. Best received article yet read was DEAD RECKONING by A GHOUL. Please pass congrats to author. (Sorry, Ghoul has moved to another graveyard--& left no forwarding adres.) ~~And, in request to MADGE's plea for material for Anniversary ish, am enclosing personal contribution. maybe just a trifle hard on the fans (I certainly don't really mean it), but, you asked for new treatments, and I thought this way quite novel change. ~~ Please thank Russ for LA SFA cons received here via Ken Chapman. Receipts already en route via NOVAE TERRAE. ~~ Hot news for next MADGE. Harry Turnor of Manchester, who did interiors for last TOW (pics were spoiled in the reproductions), submitted a batch (including a cover painting) to Editor Sprigg of FANTASY. Sprigg wrote back full of enthusiasm, stating work far better than any in first ish, and promised should there be a second number, Turner will be contacted pronto. ~~ Will pass full news re FANTASY directly they have Directors Meeting early Sept. ~~ Blytholy," JACK CHAPMAN MISKE, 5000 Train Av; Cleveland/O: "Dear Madge, Perhaps you'll remember that I swore, by gawd!, to ontor your anniversary contest. Well, I sat down like a man inspired about two hours ago, and the enclosed piece is yho result. Frankly, I don't think you'd use it even in an ordinary issue, but then, as I say, I want to know - you'll find what - and that's why I'mw writing it and sending it in. ~~ After much mental labor, I have counted the words, marking the hundreds, for your convenience, and they come to, I think, 769, precisely. That should just about fill one page nicely. ~~ If you should want to use it, I have just one restriction. No changes at all in spelling or punctuation. If you should not want to use it, send it back, and I'll include the postage with my order for the following Madge. No sir, I wouldn't trust you with the stamp. (Miske's manuscript was returned--unread.) ~~ That's about all there is to say,except that I may be nuts, but it's a darned swell way to be." We pause at this point to acknowledge receipt of a letter from JACK (G-Man) SPEER, which unfortunately has been lost, strayd or was stolen. Last we saw of it was at the first Leag meeting of the month when it just had arrived & was being passt about. Top Texas Fan, from Bx 1361/Highlands: "Enclosed find the entires Dale Nart of Percy T. Wilkinson and I. The contest closing Sept 1st, y'know. ~~ Will subscribe--resubscribe, rather--to Madge soon. Don't worry, for I won't miss a copy. I'm just short at this time. (U need a new ribbon, too, Dale. We almost thot that was blank paper stead a letter: Ink on latter had grayd away to such slate state. Might I suggest your next purchase b a beegee? -- Morojo) ~~ Was gratified to note that my material is scheduled to appear. ~~ I'm not sure whether Percy is qualified. He reads my copies, though. He plans to subscribe to a lot of mags at an early date, including I: Anyway, he entered the contest. --- PTW is now an active fan. He belongs to FooFoo, SFL, and the FAPA. You have noticed Percy's two appearances in fan mags undoubtedlessly. More by him is on hand. (Percy seems to have a pressagent. Or else Dale deliberately is elevating an alterego. O, well; every fan to his own pseudonym.) ~~ I do hope that you like my entry, and hope that it will appear in Madge, even if it doesn't win the prize. ~~ The stfal situation is shaping up pretty nicely down yere in this neck of the woods. ~~ Also enclosed is a newspaper clipping that partly substantiates my article. Repeat: Article no hoax. ~~ Luck----" [Elms Perdue?] of 1218 S Cedar St, Casper/Wyo, waxes whimsical: "You'll find enclosed with this missive a bit of a sonnet. ~~ And I suppose I'd better do a bit of apologising to you for the pessimistic tone which it has taken. ~~But then, I'd written the thing on a Sunday morning, the Sunday morning, you remember, after we'd been thrown out of Sloppy Joe's dive for dancing on the table? Ah, me, Madge, I enjoyed that date with you more than any of the others we've had. ~~ And the morning after that date, Madge, I wrote this sonnet. The beer was alright, of course; and so were the whiskey sours and the gin fizzes; but we never should have
Hevelin Fanzines